Calum's letter

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To Luke and Florence,

I'd like to just say that I understand what you did, but I am extremely sad about it. 

I don't like thinking about what the world will be like from now on without the both of you in it. You two made everything better, but you're both gone.

I guess you're together now, though. I genuinely hope you're both at peace.

Accepting this is really hard. Unbelievably hard. I don't want to do it, but I have to though. It does suck...

I miss you both, Luke and Florence. I'll miss you forever and I promise you, you'll always be in my heart. I'll carry on our stupid traditions that we all used to do. I'll keep you both alive... even if it's only your souls. I promise I'll keep your spirits alive. I promise. 

I hate admitting that I've cried, but fuck, the tears won't stop.

I love you both, you were... are the best friends I could ever ask for.

Rest easy guys,
Cal x

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