Chapter 7

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Standing outside the large gates of the Goodwin School with the rest of the team, hiding beneath the darkness of the night, searching carefully for a way to get in.

Jisoo anxiously twists the ring on her finger. It slides over her skin far too easily. She realizes, with slight embarrassment, that her palms are beginning to sweat. She is the only one in the group who isn't moving around. Everyone else can't seem to keep still - they move at a rapid pace, checking every inch of the gate for some kind of secret entrance - but Jisoo stays rooted to the same place that she's been standing since they all got out of the van.

She doesn't need to look for a way in. She already knows one. It's just a matter of whether or not she wants to mention it to her team or not.

Honestly, the team seems a bit crazed. The sight of the school's enormous lawn and its tall, towering gate seems to have brought on a bout of jealousy. Beaufort High is nothing like this. It pales in comparison in every way there is to do so.

Hanbin, in particular, seems angered the most. He hits his fist against the gate uselessly, hiding his wince.

"You'll break your hand that way." Jisoo points out, only because she can't have him running around the field with broken bones. If he wasn't on her team, she would let the idiot hurt himself as much as he wishes.

"Well, there has to be some way in." Hanbin flexes his fingers, eyeing the locked gate. "Maybe I can punch through it-"

Jisoo grabs him, pulling him roughly back. "No, you dumbass. You'll get yourself hurt."

"I don't." She snaps, annoyed.

Hanbin storms off, not going very far, subtly clutching his bruised knuckles against his chest. He tries to climb over the gate, but it's a useless attempt. It's much too tall to climb.

Jisoo watches them all for another moment.

She's decided that they'll have to go home. This is a good compromise for everyone. Jisoo never wanted to come here in the first place, but now that she's successfully shown her support as the captain, she can deem this a failed pursuit and they can leave. It's a stupid plan, anyways.

Jisoo sighs. "Oh, well. Looks like we can't-"

"Hey, Jisoo?" Seulgi interjects. Jisoo sighs at the interruption. She's cold and she wants to go home. "Didn't you use to come here every night to see Kai?"

The shift in conversation catches some people's attention. Multiple eyes turn to look at her. Jisoo bounces on her heels, feeling a sudden prickle of anxiety. She wishes Seulgi would shut up.

Trying to deflect, Jisoo says, "I don't really know why you're asking, Seul, but if you're hoping for a detailed retelling of what I did with my ex every night, then-"

"No, no." Seulgi waves her hand through the air. "I just mean, you must have snuck in, right?"

Now everyone is looking at her.

This is exactly what Jisoo wanted to avoid. She's caught between wanting to run away or straight up lie to everyone here, but neither of those are true options. She can't just leave. How would she ever be able to live it down?

"Right." Jisoo nods, reluctantly. "I... forgot. Sorry. There's another entrance right behind that bush over there."

Hanbin rushes over to where Jisoo is pointing. Some part of her wishes that Hanbin will be too stupid to find it, but-

And there it is. On a smaller section of the gate, there is a tiny entrance that's only there in case of emergency. Apparently, Kai discovered it after a bear somehow got onto the property and everyone in the school had to use a different exit. Jisoo broke the lock on it a while ago, just so she could come visit him after football practice, but now that seems like a poor decision on her part.

"You're a lifesaver, Jis. I could kiss you." Hanbin beams and pats her on the back a bit too hard, sending her stumbling forward an inch.

Hanbin picks up a bag and slings it across his back, the spray cans inside rattling as they knock into each other. He pries the lock off of the door and holds it open for her.

"Ladies first." He gestures to Jisoo. She walks in past him, silently thinking that this is the absolute worst time for him to become a gentleman.

It's so late that the school appears to be deserted, only one light showing in a window on the second floor. It's deadly silent. She can't see more than three feet in front of her or hear anything besides Hanbin's loud breathing.

"Alright, huddle up." Jisoo beckons them into a circle instead of clapping like she normally would on the field, because she doesn't want to make too much noise. They listen to her, all waiting for instruction. "We're going for the field and only the field. Nowhere else. It's too risky to try and go inside, and if you end up getting caught we're leaving your ass here."

A few of them chuckle uneasily.

"Okay, Captain Hard-ass. Why don't you lead the way?" Seulgi says.

"Fine." Jisoo grumbles, glancing up at the lighted window. Would Rosie be awake right now? No. It isn't the right time to think about her.

She leads them across the grass and behind the school, where the football field is. They spread out, taking cans of spray paint and crowbars with them. Jisoo stands off to the side with a can, not putting in much effort as she paints a pair of boobs in bright red, feeling about as mature as a middle schooler. She notices Hanbin drawing a big 'H' and elbows him in side, stopping him before he can finish writing his name.

"No spray painting your name." Jisoo hisses. Hanbin rolls his eyes and turns the letter into a gigantic penis.

What is he trying to do? Get them caught?

The blame will probably be on them tomorrow no matter what they do. They're already the Seahawks known rivals and the paints are red and black, but still. Jisoo would rather not leave firm evidence that this was them, that way there is less of a chance of any harsh punishment.

Thankfully, they're done soon. As they walk back, Jisoo is hit by curiosity. She lifts herself up onto her tippy toes, peering into the single well-lit window, and stops dead at what she sees.

The light is just enough that Jisoo can see Rosie standing in front of her window, staring out at the glass. For a second, Jisoo wonders if the dark is enough to hide them - but no. No. She knows that Rosie can see her. She feels the weight of her gaze all over her body, crushing her, holding her paralyzed in place. The distance between them does absolutely nothing to make it feel any less daunting. They share a long, silent look that seems to freeze every bone in Jisoo's body.

Oh god. Rosie saw them. Fuck. No. Fuck, fuck-

"Shit. Shit." Jisoo swears loudly, causing four of them to jump, startled. She grabs Seulgi's arm because it's the closest thing to her. "We have to go. Now."

"What's gotten into you?" Seulgi blinks much too slowly for Jisoo's liking.

"Alright fine." Seulgi yanks her arm back and looks at Jisoo like she's crazy. "We'll go. Where's Hanbin?"

Jisoo throws up her hands in exasperation. He's nowhere to be seen. "Fuck him! He's lost it. Let's go."

Seulgi replies in a smaller voice. "He... uh, has the car keys."

Fucking hell. Jisoo could strangle him.

Jisoo twirls in a circle, looking everywhere for him, becoming frantic as more time goes on and she can't find him. Panic twists its way into her heart. She feels awful. They're all going to end up expelled, not to mention the look on Rosie's face when they saw each other.

But maybe she didn't see? Maybe it was too dark out? Maybe Hanbin is peacefully waiting for them in the van and he just neglected to tell anyone?

She spots movement a couple of yards away, a moving figure by the greenhouse's entrance. Hanbin.

They scramble after him, but it's too late.

Hanbin - not thinking, never thinking - has already done way too much damage. Potted plants lay in shards on the ground, dirt strewn everywhere, the entirety of the floor covered in soil and bits and pieces of leaves.

"What the hell?" Jisoo whisper-yells, not able to raise her voice as much as she wants to. This is worse than she thought.

"What? I'm having fun." He shrugs. "Get the stick out of your ass."

Jisoo more or less drags him to the car, yanking him by the ear so hard that she almost rips it off. She shoves him into the driver's seat while the rest of them hurriedly pile into the backseat. Hanbin floors it, sending them speeding down the street and away from the school in the blink of an eye.

They sit in silence for a minute, the only sound in the car being the engine and their shared, heavy breaths.

"That was unnecessary." Hanbin says, finally, and rubs his ear, glaring at Jisoo.

She drops her head into her hands and groans.

It's only then that Jisoo realizes that she lost her ring.

Long fingers tease across Jisoo's skin, trailing up her thighs slowly, so slowly, that it's maddening, never quite touching where she needs them. Lips draw a heated path along her neck, teeth scrape against her throat, and a low moan floods out of Jisoo like water.

A sweet voice whispers her name, over and over again. "Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo..."

Jisoo chases after the voice, tempted by its velvet quality and breathy tone, but she finds that she can't answer. She doesn't care. Her hips rock up on their own accord and are immediately forced down by the weight on top of her.

A quiet chuckle fills the space between them. It's teasing. Always teasing, never giving Jisoo what she wants.

"So pretty..." That goddamn voice practically purrs, just as intoxicating as before, and so, so familiar, but Jisoo can't place it. It's on the very tip of her tongue.

Brown hair and full lips flash before her vision, and suddenly she knows exactly who it is.

Rosie leans closer, mischief swimming in the depths of her eyes. She smirks. "I thought you didn't like my voice."

Jisoo wakes up with a jolt, panting hard.

She hovers on the verge of consciousness for a while, her center still throbbing with the heat of desire, until she fully falls back into reality. Her cheeks burn red in embarrassment as her mind forces a single name into her head: Rosie.

This is bad. It's so bad. Jisoo tries to fight off the memory of it, even as her heart continues to beat restlessly, each thud reminding her of the dream.

Jisoo walks to the bathroom and lowers her head into the sink, frantically splashing water onto her face, trying to cool the fire beneath her skin. She lifts her head to stare at her own reflection and blushes further at the sight of herself. Her pupils are blown wide with lust and she is unnaturally flushed for this time of day, shining bright pink. It unnerves her. She runs a shaky hand through sweat-slick hair, finding it incredibly hard to calm down.

She wants Rosie. At least, physically. Jisoo can admit that. It's not even a full-blown crush.

Jisoo splashes herself once more before going back out into her bedroom. She grabs her shoes and kneels to tie the laces. Running is the best thing for her right now.

A lot of teenagers have urges. It's perfectly fine. It's normal. It doesn't have to mean anything.

Besides, Rosie hates her. If she didn't before, then she definitely does now that she caught Jisoo vandalizing the school. And the garden... her heart twists with something like guilt. She needs to get it together. Everything is fine.

Once Jisoo finishes with her shoes, she leaves the house and jogs down the street. She picks up the pace, running so fast and for so long that her lungs scorch and her heartbeat blares like an alarm in her ears.

When she returns to her house she has forgotten about Rosie almost completely.

"Hey, Jisoo." Her mother is in the kitchen, sorting through the items in the fridge. She throws Jisoo a cold bottle of water. "How about we all go to dinner together tonight? We can celebrate early, since your rematch is tomorrow."

Jisoo takes a sip and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "Alright. I'll go shower."

Dinner is a lot more stressful than Jisoo planned.

Someone cheers happy birthday and Jisoo looks behind her for the hundredth time, glancing at a table in the back of the restaurant where a very familiar face sits: Lisa. What are the odds that Rosie's cousin would be here? What are the odds that Rosie herself will show up soon to come sit with her family? Jisoo guesses that the odds are pretty high, considering the chair across from Lisa is currently empty.

"Jisoo?" Her mom calls. Jisoo gets the sense that she has been trying to catch her attention for a while.

"Yeah? Sorry." She turns back around.

"It's fine. I was just going to ask if you knew that girl. You keep looking at her."

Jisoo shakes her head quickly. "Her? No. Not at all. I'm actually feeling kind of weird tonight, can we go to a different restaurant?"

"Nonsense." Her dad chimes in. "This is your favorite restaurant. Order something, it's on me."

She forces a polite smile onto her face and nods at her parents before looking down at her menu. The words swim on the page, barely legible. She blinks to clear her vision and even then none of the food looks appetizing to her. She flinches as a brunette waitress walks by her, only calming down when she notices that the waitress is much paler than Rosie.

Where is Rosie? She has to show up, doesn't she? Maybe Jisoo can eat quickly enough that they'll leave before she arrives...

A waiter stops in front of their table. "Hello, I'm Dave. I'll be your server today. Do you guys know what you'd like to order or do you need a bit more time?"

"Need a bit more time." Her mom responds, before Jisoo even has a chance to open her mouth.

"I'll come back in a few minutes." The waiter says and nods politely, stepping away. As soon as he moves, Jisoo's view of the entrance opens up.

Rosie sorts through her purse, not looking up yet, and Jisoo shrinks in her seat, praying that Rosie won't notice her. She lowers herself enough that her legs bump into her parents' knees, but she doesn't care. She wants to stay hidden. Seconds tick by and it becomes increasingly apparent that Rosie probably has seen her, but Jisoo can't be sure.

Jisoo pulls herself back up to her full height in an instant. She schools her expression into one of blank indifference, though her shaky fingers slip over her fork. Rosie stops directly in front of her.

"Hi." Jisoo says innocently.

"Hi?" Rosie repeats. Apparently the greeting was the wrong choice. "I know what you did."

"Oh. Is she a friend of yours?" Her mom asks. This draws Jisoo's attention to the fact that her family is watching this whole interaction. She withers at the idea of them continuing to watch the rest of it.

Jisoo scrambles to sit up and storms out of the restaurant, pulling Rosie along by the wrist.

The wind brushes over them in a way that could be pleasant, but the fact that Rosie chose to pick a fight with her in front of her parents brings back her anger.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jisoo demands. "My family is here. Have your silly little temper tantrum elsewhere."

She glances anxiously at her parents through the restaurant's window.

"You're acting like a child." Jisoo adds, crossing her arms over her chest. She wants Rosie to go. Maybe if she acts like an asshole Rosie will just leave.

Rosie scoffs. "That's rich, coming from you. Your team can't take one freaking loss-"

"Without vandalizing our property, but I'm the one having a tantrum? I'm the child?"

Jisoo keeps her composure and nods. "Well, I only see one of us screaming their heads off in a public place. So, yes. You're the child."

Their gazes lock as Rosie steps forward, so close that their chests almost brush. Jisoo can see the deep brown of Rosie's eyes and nothing else. For a second, her carefully-placed mask slips off and she gives Rosie's body a quick once-over, the dream still fresh in her mind. Her fists tremble at her sides, grasping at air instead of smooth skin.

Rosie speaks in a low tone. "I know you did it."

"I didn't do shit." Jisoo's voice trembles. She hates herself for it. "You have no proof."

Rosie digs into her pocket and produces a small, glinting object. She shoves it roughly into Jisoo's chest and Jisoo nearly stumbles backwards from the force of it.

Jisoo watches Rosie walk away from her, never moving her eyes until she sees Rosie disappear into the restaurant. She looks down at the object and feels her breath catch.

Jisoo stands in the middle of the football field the next day, fiddling nervously with the sweaty collar of her jersey. There's about five minutes left until the game ends and it looks as if they're going to win, but for once, she's not in the mood for any of it. She glances at the scoreboard and sees that they're beating the Seahawks by one touchdown, yet her victory fails to give her the sense of joy that it usually would. Her traitorous eyes stray to the other side of the field, where the other team is huddled.

She spots Rosie standing between her cousin and some boy that Jisoo doesn't know the name of, talking to them both. Rosie says something rude or angry, judging by her body language (Jisoo is getting pretty good at telling when Rosie is pissed off), and Lisa storms off in the other direction. The boy sticks around, though. He holds up his hands in surrender before lowering them to grip Rosie's waist, pulling her much closer than what seems necessary.

Jisoo nearly stomps her foot on the ground like the petulant child that Rosie insists she is.

It seems so easy for other people to speak with Rosie. Throughout the last hour, Jisoo has seen several people get Rosie to smile or laugh or to do any other happy, beautiful thing, while all she gets from Rosie are glares. Jisoo can't help but think back on when they went bowling together and Rosie had giggled for a solid thirty seconds over Jisoo's lame jokes.

Those were a nice thirty seconds.

"We've got this in the bag." Seulgi smirks and pats Jisoo on the back. Jisoo barely feels it. She had almost forgotten Seulgi was there.

Jisoo doesn't have the energy for a proper smile, but she nods. "Let's go line up, yeah?"

They all line up - Jisoo staring sulkily at Rosie while Rosie purposefully avoids her eyes - and as soon as they snap the ball, Jisoo charges at the boy Rosie had been talking to. She plans to tackle him hard, but before she can reach him someone else slams into her side and drives her into the ground.

Jisoo lands with a loud huff, all the wind knocked out of her, a heavy pile of long limbs practically suffocating her. She squirms to get away, only to discover that her arms are pinned down at the wrists so that she can barely move an inch.

"Ow." Jisoo mutters and immediately regrets it as she sees who it is. Of course. "Rosie..."

She's not sure what she's going to say.

The words die on her lips, fading into a strangled groan as she comes to the realization that Rosie is laying directly on top of her. It's an incredibly embarrassing noise, but she can't contain it. She has never been this close to Rosie before, never been held down by her, never forced to just feel her like this, never, never, never-

A whistle blows. "That's game!"

It's over far too quickly. Rosie stands up without saying a single word to Jisoo, yet Jisoo feels as if she's been threatened somehow. She lays on the ground for an extra second in order to collect herself then gets up, walking in the opposite direction of Rosie.

Jennie more or less leaps into her arms. "Dude, we

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