Chapter 11

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The man behind the counter hands out their food one by one, three plastic containers with burgers and fries inside. The fourth container has some sort of questionable veggie burger that Rosie got and a steaming side of fried pickles. Finally, the man gives them their utensils and a few napkins.

They search for a couple minutes until they find an empty table that isn't covered in an unknown, sticky substance, and then they sit down. Jisoo and Rosie take one side of the table, while Krystal and Kai take the other.

Jisoo enthusiastically unwraps her burger and bites into it, enjoying the flavors that spill out onto her tongue. It's not the best food in the world, but it brings along fond memories of coming here as a child. She goes for a second bite, but pauses, eyeing Rosie's pleased expression.

Rosie looks too caught up in her food to notice. Her eyes are barely open, cheeks full and puffed up with food. It's cute, distractingly so.

"Do you want one?" Rosie offers, pointing at the pickles with her free hand.

"Sure." That wasn't why she was staring, but oh well.

Jisoo plucks one out of the bunch and tentatively places it in her mouth, chewing slowly. Honestly, she sort of expected it to suck, but it's actually good. Really good. She quietly goes to sneak another one and Rosie shoots her a warning look, but doesn't do anything. Jisoo happily eats her second one.

"So, how'd you two meet?" Kai asks, while squeezing a disgusting amount of ketchup onto his fries. Just the sight of it gives Jisoo bad date flashbacks.

Since Jisoo is busy with her third pickle, Rosie answers the question.

"We met at a football game." It's technically the truth, just altered. "It was really romantic, actually. I got injured so Jisoo carried me to the nurse. I thought she was really cute and I just had to ask her out."

"Yep. Couldn't resist my charm." Jisoo grins and rests a hand on top of Rosie's.

Krystal practically coos at them. "Aww, that's so sweet. It's like you two are in a romance movie."

Jisoo nods, subtly going for her sixth pickle. Not so subtle, apparently, because Rosie notices and kicks her in the ankle.

Jisoo resists the urge to glare at her, forcing herself to keep the loving expression on her face even as she tries to deliver a kick back.

Rosie smiles softly. "Yep, it's been-"

"-so sweet." Rosie finishes. Underneath the table, she grabs Jisoo's knee and squeezes it until it stills. "How'd you two meet?"

Krystal perks up at the question. "Well, it's a long story, but I'll tell it anyways. So, Kai and I were both at the movie theater going to see A Shark Tale. In different groups, of course. We didn't know each other at the time, but I could already feel a deep connection as we both went for popcorn..."

Jisoo blocks the sound of her voice out.

The first hour passes smoothly, with all of them eating their weight in greasy fair food. It's not as awkward as Jisoo thought it would be. They talk about school, movies, and football, and go back and forth telling jokes.

Sometime during the meal, Jisoo starts to forget her nerves about pretending to date Rosie. They fall into an unspoken rhythm of affection, trading off touches like a game of tag. When Rosie grins, Jisoo reaches over to grip her hand. When Jisoo laughs, Rosie's fingers wander to the small of her back. The only point that Jisoo becomes aware of their actions is when they split a milkshake and she has to put effort into stopping herself from accidentally knocking their heads together.

Rosie finishes the last of the milkshake and gets up, brushing off her skirt. "I'm going to use the bathroom. I'll be back."

"I'll go, too!" Krystal volunteers.

Jisoo stifles a laugh at the expression on Rosie's face. She's pretty sure that Rosie finds Krystal just as annoying as Jisoo does, but is too polite to say anything. Rosie nods and smiles weakly as Krystal hooks their arms together and drags her off.

"She's energetic." Jisoo comments. She hadn't expected to end up at the table alone with Kai. She busies herself by fiddling with her straw.

"Yeah, Krystal's great." Kai's smile falls limp halfway through and he picks at a fry that must be cold by now. "Rosie seems nice."

Jisoo drums her fingers against the table just to give herself something to do. She stops abruptly when she realizes that she's drumming out the beat of the same Taylor Swift song from the car.

Once the girls return from the bathroom, Jisoo and Kai shoot to their feet, desperate for a change of scenery.

"Why don't we go do some of the games first? It seems like a bad idea to hit the rollercoasters after eating." Kai suggests and they all nod in agreement, Krystal with a grimace and a hand on her stomach.

Jisoo wraps her arm around Rosie's waist while they walk. They trail far enough behind Kai and Krystal that they can speak freely.

"Are you having fun?" Jisoo whispers in her ear.

Rosie frowns. "Krystal talked to me through the stall the whole time about her hair extensions. So, no."

Jisoo chuckles and Rosie jabs her in the side, not looking amused.

"And, you ate all of my pickles." Rosie continues in a huffy tone, her bottom lip beginning to jut out nicely.

"One. I offered one. Not all of them."

Jisoo raises her eyebrows. "They're pickles. Are you really mad about this?

"Well... no." Rosie admits sheepishly, the pout falling away. Jisoo watches, silently amused, a small smirk playing on her lips.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you like arguing with me."

"I don't know." Jisoo lifts her shoulders in a shrug and allows the sly smirk to grow. "I try not to think about your kinks, but maybe if anger is a turn-on for you, then-"

She goes stumbling off in the other direction, her body shaking with laughter at Rosie's scandalized expression and wide eyes. Jisoo accidentally hits a family of four and mumbles out an apology, not fully recovered from the amusement she got from her own joke. Both the family and Rosie glare at her, but Jisoo only notices the brunette. Rosie crosses her arms over her chest, an impatient frown lingering on her mouth as she waits for Jisoo to calm down and be quiet. Jisoo finds herself wanting to kiss the expression right off of her face.

Instead, Jisoo reaches out and grabs Rosie by her waist. She's pleased when Rosie doesn't protest and feels even better when Rosie leans into the touch readily.

Rosie tries to appear angry, but it doesn't work. She looks more amused than anything. "Next time, you deal with Krystal."

"Nope." Jisoo shakes her head. "I'm going to stay right here next to you."

Rosie gives her a strange look. It lasts too long. Jisoo shifts uncomfortably under her gaze, wishing that she had the power to pry into Rosie's brain and read her thoughts.

Before she can think too hard about it, they catch up to Kai and Krystal, who are trying to figure out where to go next, pointing at things as they walk.

"Hey, look! The Ferris wheel." Kai looks over his shoulder at Jisoo. "Remember when we went up to the top and got stuck there?"

"Mhmm." Jisoo hums noncommittally. She's not in the mood to go down memory lane with him.

"Ooo!" Krystal squeals. Loudly. Jisoo cringes at the high-pitched sound. "It's the Lover's Boat. Come on, we have to go."

She points at a slow-moving ride near them. A tiny, white boat sits on a narrow stream of water that leads into a large, dark tunnel. The entrance is decorated with red, pink, and purple hearts, and a giant baby Cupid that has a disturbingly wide grin. It looks kind of scary, in Jisoo's opinion, although she knows it's supposed to be romantic. She glances up at Cupid's big diaper, frowning.

"Sure, if that's what you want, babe?" Jisoo tries to convey through her eyes that she doesn't want to go, but Rosie either doesn't pick up on that or she simply enjoys torturing Jisoo.

(It's probably that second one.)

"Okay. Let's go." Rosie agrees. They get into the short line, behind two other couples.

Each boat can only hold two people, so Kai and Krystal take one while Jisoo and Rosie go in the second one that comes.

Once the darkness of the tunnel swallows them, Jisoo changes her opinion. It isn't so bad in here. She's free from the bright, flashing lights all over the fair and can finally rest her eyes. The music isn't too bad either - a quiet tune that sounds as if it would play over the credits of a romance movie. It's sort of peaceful, once she figures out how to block out the wet sound of other couples kissing in the surrounding boats.

"I don't get how this is romantic." Rosie breaks the silence between them. Jisoo can feel her shifting restlessly beside her, but she can barely see her. "This is the least sexy thing I've ever experienced."

"Think about how many people have hooked up in here. I'm not even sure if I should be sitting on this seat."

Jisoo smirks in the dark and pats what she thinks is Rosie's knee. "Calm down, princess. I'm sure it's fine."

"I told you not to call me that." Judging by Rosie's tone, she's glaring. Or pouting. Or both.

"Then stop acting like one."

Rosie huffs. "Just because I'm not okay with getting an STD or something because of a lame carnival ride, doesn't mean I'm a- wait, Jisoo."

Without warning, Jisoo grabs Rosie by the hips and pulls the other girl into her lap, effectively cutting off the small rant Rosie had been going on. Rosie gasps in surprise, but quickly grows silent, which is exactly what Jisoo wanted.

"There." She says, satisfied. "Now you don't have to sit on the seat."

"Oh. Thank you." Rosie's voice is small.

It's no longer a peaceful ride. The weight of Rosie in her lap is incredibly distracting. Jisoo can feel every time that Rosie so much as takes a breath, each inhale she pushes out jostling Jisoo slightly. In contrast, Jisoo is not breathing at all, her chest tight with the restraint it takes not to brush her fingers over Rosie's bare legs.

She only exhales once they're out of the tunnel.

This is the last thing Jisoo wants to do.

The Dragon's Arch. It's the tallest ride that they have here, seemingly stretching all the way up into the skies just so the riders can drop far, far down at the end of it. A gigantic dragon head is stuck on each coaster, blowing flame-colored letters that spell out DANGER: BEWARE. The dragon's beady eyes and monstrous features unsettle Jisoo's stomach, her insides knotting together and squirming like vile snakes.

It's not that Jisoo is afraid - she isn't - it's just that she's not in the mood to end up accidentally flying off the ride and plummeting to her death at a town fair. How embarrassing would that be?

Still, it's more humiliating to admit her worries out loud. She spots a few thirteen-year-olds happily getting on the ride, only a few feet ahead of them in line, and it only makes her feel worse. Crap.

Jisoo tries to school her expression into one of calm indifference, smoothing out all emotion from her face and dropping her lips into a flat line, but one questioning look from the brunette beside her tells her that her attempt isn't working. Fuck, can Rosie see how nervous she is? Are her fears really that obvious?

Is she, Kim Jisoo going to have to explain that she's afraid of something as ridiculous as a fucking rollercoaster?

Rosie grabs her hand suddenly and Jisoo nearly jumps out of her skin in surprise. It's a mistake. They've been holding hands on and off for the better part of an hour and Jisoo hasn't reacted strangely the whole time. Now Rosie will know something is wrong.

Jisoo just prays that her palms aren't sweaty.

"Hey." Rosie leans down slightly to whisper in Jisoo's ear, her lips just-barely brushing against skin and shooting shivers down Jisoo's spine. "Are you okay? You seem tense."

Rosie gives her a look of pure disbelief.

Kai overhears some of their conversation and spins around, eagerly revealing, "Jisoo is afraid of rollercoasters. You've got to drag her on them."

"I'm not." Jisoo snaps, but there's no real steel to her voice. It comes out entirely unconvincingly.

He chuckles as his gaze slides past Jisoo and falls on Rosie. "I had to bribe Jisoo with gummy worms last time. You should take notes."

Rosie barely smiles back.

"Thanks, but I can handle my own girlfriend." Her tone is short, clipped, a clear dismissal.

Luckily, Kai is smart enough to take the hint and spins back around not a moment later, his attention quickly returning to Krystal.

Rosie stares at his back for a second longer.

The action is a bit possessive and territorial, but Jisoo doesn't mind it in the slightest. She's only ever heard Rosie's voice that low during games, biting arguments on the field that would usually churn Jisoo's stomach. Here, when it's directed at someone else, it spurs something hot and thick inside of her. Familiar heat simmers just below the surface of her skin.

I can handle my own girlfriend.

Filthy images spring into her mind, unbidden, her brain filling in the blanks of what Rosie handling her might look like. She wonders if Rosie can feel her blood pounding in the heart of her palm.

"We can get off if you want." Rosie says. What? Jisoo's mind boggles at the sentence until she realizes that Rosie is talking about the ride and means something totally innocent.

"No, no." Jisoo blinks hard to clear her head. "It's fine. I'm alright."

Rosie seems unconvinced. "I'll hold your hand the whole time, if you want."

When Jisoo looks at Rosie, she half-expects to be met with a mocking expression or another joke, but Rosie's eyes are wide and earnest.

Jisoo swallows thickly, nodding. "I'd like that."

An hour later, they're still holding hands.

The four of them wander through the thinning crowd together. The game booths are running out of prizes, stuffed animals and plastic toys being tucked away by tired employees. Most of the food stands are gone now, taking the savory and sweet scents of grilled meats, grease, and cotton candy away from the premise. Parents pass by them in droves, most of them carrying exhausted children on their shoulders or in their arms.

Unfortunately, a few kids are still awake and are doing their best to cry-scream everyone to death because the fair is ending. One child pounds his fists against his mother's back angrily, a snot bubble popping in his nostril as he yells. Jisoo's nose wrinkles in disgust.

Cold air sweeps over them unpleasantly and she shivers, unconsciously pulling Rosie closer. Jisoo has the passing thought that she would love to be sleeping under a nice, comfortable blanket with Rosie right now, both of them enjoying the warmth.

"Maybe we should turn in. I've got to be home for curfew in an hour." Rosie suggests, reading Jisoo's mind.

Kai nods, yawning. "Yeah, this was fun-"

"Wait. Let's go to the photo booth first." Suddenly, Krystal turns to look at Kai and makes a face that briefly worries Jisoo - she thinks the other girl is choking - but then she realizes that that is Krystal's idea of a cute face. How unfortunate. "I want to get pictures. Please, Kai-bunny?"

Jisoo and Rosie immediately share a look.

"Sure." Kai coughs, seeming embarrassed by the nickname. Jisoo stifles a laugh.

It's not so funny to her a second later.

"I'm going to start calling you Jisoo-bunny, now." Rosie tells her, as they rush to follow after Krystal. Christ. Krystal is literally skipping to the photo booth. It was a mistake to let her eat so much sugar.

Jisoo groans and shakes her head. "No, you're not. Find a better nickname."

Rosie takes this as a challenge.

"Never say those words again." Jisoo tries to hold her glare steady while Rosie laughs freely, head thrown back, unguarded and beautiful.

She doesn't get a chance to enjoy the sound of it properly, because Krystal starts yelling at them to hurry up. Jisoo has no idea what Kai sees in the girl. She would question his taste, but that would be an insult to her as well.

All four of them squeeze into the tiny booth that is clearly meant for two, piled on top of each other uncomfortably, flashing funny faces at the camera whenever it tells them to do so. Just as they're about to get out, Rosie grabs Jisoo by the wrist and prevents her from leaving.

"Wait." Rosie doesn't quite meet Jisoo's eyes, her cheeks dusted cotton candy pink. "I want some with just us."

Krystal fucking claps her hands like someone just proposed. Kai lingers by, looking at them with a pinched, unreadable expression for a second before stepping away to give them their privacy.

"Getting sentimental now?" Jisoo jokes as she sits back down beside Rosie.

"Maybe." Rosie avoids eye contact and puts her focus on setting the booth up for another stream of pictures, leaning forward to touch the controls. "Say cheese, Kins-Jisoo."

Kins-Jisoo does not say cheese.

Here's the first photo: Rosie grinning brightly, not a care in the world, while Jisoo sits beside her, wearing the expression of someone who's just smelled something foul.

"You're supposed to smile." Rosie says, in a rush, while the timer for the second photo ticks down.

"Don't call me Kins-Jisoo." Jisoo responds, like a stubborn child.

"So, you can call me princess, but I can't call you Kins-Jisoo?"

"Yes. It's off the table."

Rosie scoffs. "You're a hypocrite."

There goes the second photo: the two of them facing each other instead of the camera, their features and body parts blurry, as if in motion.

"Goddamn it." Rosie grumbles under her breath. She lets out a frustrated huff and smooths down her hair, intent on getting a nice photo. "We only have one more photo. Just smile for a second."

Why does Rosie care so much about a silly photo?

Jisoo forgets to smile. "It's really not that big of a deal, princess. We can just-"

"Fine, fine." Dropping her stubborn act, she leans closer to Rosie, wrapping an arm around her, and grinning happily at the camera.

At the last second, Jisoo changes her mind and presses her lips against Rosie's cheek.

So, here's the third picture: Jisoo and Rosie, both of them holding on tight to each other. Jisoo with her head tilted and her eyes shut and her mouth delicately connected to Rosie's skin. Rosie with her blindingly bright smile, effortlessly pretty, a slight gleam of surprise behind her eyes.

"Satisfied?" Jisoo asks sarcastically, beyond exasperated.

Rosie stays strangely silent, biting her bottom lip as if in deep thought. Jisoo's eyes flicker down, lightning quick, to track the motion and when she raises them she's immediately caught in Rosie's dark gaze.

"Not yet." Rosie whispers, breathless, something hungry and lustful lost in the depths of her eyes.

There's a faint pitter-patter sound outside of the booth, like maybe it's drizzling, but she can hear nothing but the loud echo of her own heartbeat.

Rosie reaches out slowly and traces Jisoo's jaw with her finger, drawing a trail up and down her heated skin. Funny, a minute ago Jisoo had felt cold enough to shiver, but now flames seem to lick at her insides. Her eyes flutter shut as Rosie lets her finger run higher, featherlight touch on Jisoo's lower lip. She suppresses an unhelpful groan that starts at the back of her throat and threatens to tumble off of her tongue.

"Rosie..." Jisoo gains enough restraint to stop her. They're technically in public, after all, only the booth's curtains separating them from the

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