Yes To The Dress

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I forgot to add Naveen..-_-

Week later

Elena's pov
"What is that?"Naveen asks,pointing to the croissant chicken sandwich I made her."It's a sandwich."

"No no no."She says,between her and Amina,she's by far the pickiest. Amina has her moments but Naveen nags about each thing on her plate. With Esme and Trisha,she eats everything on her plate and doesn't complain.They might be doing something I'm not.

"No mummy.The bread!It looks weird."

"You haven't even tried it Boo.It's really good."I explain.I went to the bakery to get some fresh bread and croissants.Probably shouldn't be eating it if I'm trying to find a wedding dress soon but hey.I'll make it work.

"I don't want eat it.Can I have crackers?" She asks,moving her hair out of her face.Zayn walks in the kitchen with Anaíya.Some how her taking a nap,leads to him taking one as well.

"What the hell is that?"Zayn asks, looking at the croissant on Naveen's plate.It's adding up.Naveen gets her food choices from her dad.

"Croissants."I take a piece off,holding it next to his mouth."No."He steps back.Naveen finds this funny.

"You're making this worse."I say,Zayn just shrugs placing Anaíya in her rocker."Will you try it,of daddy does?"
I ask Naveen.Thinking about it,she looks at her dad,the croissant then me."Yeah."This is how Amina and Naveen's mind work.If Zayn doesn't like a particular food,they don't.If he does like it,they do.

He walks over,picking Naveen up to sit him on his lap."Smells good."He says,the sandwich if already cut in half.He hands Navi one and keeps the other half."You have to take a big bite Boo.Nothing tiny."

"Okay."They seemed pleased after taking the first bite."It's good mummy!"Naveen says,taking another bite but small this time."It's very good."

I roll my eyes,placing Anaíya pacifier in her mouth."You two make things difficult."I say to Zayn.

"I said it's good."He points to Naveen."She's eating."

"She gets gets her pickiness from you."I say,"Right Boo?"

"No."She simply says.One time I need her to agree with me she doesn't.My little brat.

"We aren't picky, we just stick to what we know."Zayn explains,I'm not sure if he's being a smart ass or not.

"Okay Zayn Malik."Naveen giggles."Mummy Mora."I can count on Naveen to say that.

"Elena Mora baby."Zayn corrects her.

"You're correct.What's your full name?"I ask,walking over to make myself a sandwich.These closed minded people I have in my house.I would like to think Amina would try it but that's a slim chance.

"Naveen Muna Malik."She says,
looking at me then her dad.

"Good job."Zayn says.Once Naveen was finished eating her sandwich she took her bag of crisp and juice to the lounge.

"Amina doesn't want to come back today?"Zayn asks.Sianna picked her up last night.She and her best friend missed each other dearly.

"No,Wednesday afternoon."I say.
They no school,so I'm sure most of her summer she will be every where.Along with Naveen.They have a better social life then Zayn and I combined."Are you busy?"

Zayn shakes his head,"Nope.Why Elena Lynn?"I smile,taking a bite of my food."Because I want you to come with to pick out the girls dresses?Your mum and Esme will meet us there."

"Yeah.I can do that."I glare at him, turning off the music from Anaíya's rocker."Daddy isn't being nice."He gets up to come over to us,wrapping his arms around my waist.Little shit steals an half of my sandwich.

"Told you,you'll like it."I kiss his stubbly chin."I'm going to the studio later on.I'll take Naveen with me."

"You sure?You won't get anything done."

He shrugs,"It's only a few things I have to do.She can kill lots on energy before bed."I can leave it up to Jawaad to chase my baby around the studio.

"Boo?"Zayn call for her,she turns around."Yes?"She looks so innocent but she's so fucking sneaky.

"You want to come to the studio with me?"

"Yeah.Will Jawaad and my Shahid be here?"She asks.In that beautiful,
imaginary mind of hers.She owns him. He goes along with it.Bless him!

He nods,"Yeah.But we aren't leaving until later."



While Anaíya slept I answered some emails.Looks like I'll be working with Dani the week after I start back at work.It's become a regular thing for us.I've been doing her make up for years now.When it came to get blogs she wanted more natural looks.Here and there she would want to change it up for her dressy looks.
I had to call Esme to make sure she sent Ash ,her card.Asking if she would be one of my braids maids. Trisha said they were going to be sending out the soon or they already have.But I needed one sent to Ash too.

I got a surprise from Malena, mid way of some-what doing my job.

"How was the wedding?"Mal asks,I gave her look of horror."That bad?"

"No."I say,giggling."The wedding was fab.Absolutely gorgeous from beginning to end.Just the weekend spent in that house was kinda annoying.We were all there for Keeva, yet she and I didn't talk."

"Esme told me about that.She still hasn't told you what the problem is?"
I smile at her taking pictures of Anaíya.

"No.The girls kept us apart for most of the trip.I'm happy she couldn't go with Esme.I got to disappear every two hours."I explain,Malena laughs.

"Don't worry about whatever she's on about.You have bigger things to worry about."Malena says,then kissing Anaíya's cheek."Like planning your own wedding.When are we shopping four dress?"

"When I lose at least fifteen pounds."I glance at her while I pop a chocolate covered grape in my mouth.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you."I wouldn't expect anything less from Mal."You look damn good with baby weight.Plus with you breast feeding that's one of the healthiest ways to lose it babe."

"I know."

"Put Keeva and this theory on losing weight in the same box and ship them away.Don't think about it anymore."Malena says.

"You don't like her,do you?"I've never questioned her in this because Malena and Keeva rarely interacted.
Holidays were never spent together.
Since Esme and my dad married she's never wanted to spend holidays with her family.At the time my dad never questioned it and I've never ask.The most they've ever been around each other is at the girls birthday parties, little get together a at Esme's.Even then they didn't talk much.

"I wouldn't say that ,I don't know her well enough to not like her.She just has this 'I'm better then you' attitude and that irks the hell out of me."It's all about the attitude.Thats how she comes across to some.

I cover my mouth laughing,"You sound like Sianna and Aja."

"I knew I wasn't the only one who felt that way.Her vibe is off and I for one don't care for it."Mal says.

"Anyways..You should be receiving a card in the mail soon."

"For what?"She looks over at me after placing Anaíya's pacifier in her mouth.

"You'll see when it arrives."

"Don't question anything.Just know you will be receiving something soon."

She kisses Anaíya's cheek,"I really don't like your mummy."

"I don't like those."Zayn says,this is the third dress he says he doesn't like.Roles are reversed here.

Hopefully the dress Naveen has on will be our winner."Do you like it Navi?"Trisha asks,we've been in this store for two hours.I know we are all ready to go.

"Yeah."She spins around."I'm a princess!Can I have flowers too?"
Zayn gets up to go kiss her cheek."Yes you do boo."I start taking pictures of them as they walk down the walk way.

"Yes to the dress?"I ask her,I watch one too many bridal shows."Yes!"

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