Us time

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Elena's pov
Last minute tattoo was on Doniyas list of for us.We all got two tattoos each, as a little reminder of this hen do we chose red hearts on our wrist. It's all our favorite colors and it's simple. I couldn't go over the top it's not something I wanted for us and we had a first timer miss Waliyha. Saf and Jolena didn't get one, they aren't legal and Malena and I are trying to get killed by Marci and Trisha.

Over the passed three days we've done so much stuff that I've never thought I'll do. Kissing a whale which was odd, Little Bay to snorkel ,few hours on a yacht for masaages and dutty wine lesson. I've never felt my ass jiggle so much until I did that.Many pictures we taken for the scarp book Doniya is putting together.

It is our last night here and we couldn't leave here with one last dinner by our lovely chef, whom I still want to take home with me.
She made a little of everything, jerk salmon with mango slaw,mini jerk sliders with chips, shrimp roti. I've been wanting fried tostones since I woke up this morning and the chef made them. Mango colada for those who are old enough to drink.

"When can I get my phone back?"I ask them.This morning they came in my room and took my lap top and phone didn't tell me the reason ,they just took it. I haven't been on my phone the whole time we've been here, only use it to take pictures and talk to my babies.

Waliyha looks at Malena,"Tonight when we board our flight."Mal says. I look at them suspiciously.They know something and I hope it isn't bad. If it had something to do with my kids I know they would tell me so I don't have to worry about that. But I am curious to what's going. I drop that subject because they won't answer any of my questions.

Some of us just found out Saf is seeing someone.Oddly enough Aja was the first to know two days ago.Well they are sharing a room ,topics are bond to be brought up.
"How long have you been together?"Sianna asks. "Three months."Saf answers.

"Why haven't we met him? Is that the guy you went out with on Christmas Eve?"Waliyha asks. She is a fucking detective!By any means necessary she will find out anything. Waliyha is the friend every girl needs when you think I your man is a creeper.

Saf rolls her eyes at her sister,"Yes and when I feel like it's time to introduce you guys ,I will."
I can see why she wants to wait to introduce him to everyone but at the same time I'm in that equation, I want to know if he's treating her well also watch Yaser and Zayn scare the boy. If he's anything like Adam ,he will be good in Zayns books.

"What's his name?"Sianna asks,"Aamir and he's twenty."Saf says. To us that isn't this is t a big age difference. I'm guessing he will be twenty one this year and she will be nineteen.I believe that's the age gap between Raj and Doniya, though that doesn't matter since she's the oldest. To her parents ,they may look at her twice. She's their baby girl ,last of their bunch being ridiculously protective is bond to happen.

We asked many questions and rightfully so we need to know about this guy.Waliyha told her she should bring him to my wedding as her plus one but don't introduce him as her boy friend, just a friend to see how it plays out.Saf wasn't feeling it. I think Jolena is happy she's not in Saf position. Malena alone is terrifying and God only knows how she will threaten any guy who dates Jolena. Malena and Zayns crazy level is in the same level.

Though I am wearing two very expensive dresses in a little under two weeks,I'm not watching what I'm eating at this dinner. Between dinner and now desert, I'm not back away from the table.I'll be putting in overtime at the gym when I get home. Desert is just as good as dinner. Chef Val made mini hand pies all different flavors: Apple,raspberry,cheery(I didn't care for that one),banana and chocolate. Different but good.

Mal looks at me with a little smile on her face,"Did you have a good time?"She asks.I've pictured my hen do in my head,where it would take place wise. But I knew without a shadow of a doubt it would be with this group of girls as well as Doniya. They've made this absolutely amazing and I love them for it. These tattoos will be a perfect reminder of this

Before I could even get a word out I start crying,"Yeah I did and I can't thank you all enough this,it's everything and more then I expected.. Not only this hen do but in general you all are truly amazing.Always being by my side whether I'm right on wrong.You girls really do hold the standard high for cousins, best friends and soon to-be sister in laws. I'm very grateful for you guys."I say, Mal and Waliyha were the first to come and hug me, followed by the rest of the girls."We love you too babe."I heard Sianna say.

Going from nice weather where it's not too hot and no sun burn to snow is a bitch.Through this whole process of planning our wedding ,I was never stressed but now I'm quite scared since it's snowing. It's less then a week away and I want to take nice pictures outside, but if it's snowing or raining, we are fucked.
On the bright side of being back in London, I get to see my babies. I tried my best to get out of the airport and dodge traffic to see Amina and Naveen before they went to school. Didn't happen because I was stuck in traffic for two hours. They were upset but I promised them, I'll take them to the cupcake shop after school. They're game when sweets are involved.

I stopped by my favorite cafe to get breakfast for Zayn and I. Coffee and muffin for Zayn and I,for myself granola,raspberries and yogurt. Back in my diet, I will be fitting I to that dress. I'll put on three spanks if I have to.

Opening the door, leaving my suitcases by the table. I don't hear Anaíya screaming which is odd because she's alway screaming. Just as I start to make my way up the stairs ,I hear my baby's giggle. I've never been away from any of our kids at this age for four days. It was extremely hard to leave though it was needed, she's still a baby.

Talk about bed crazy hair,"There's my pretty girl."I say, she immediately looks at me and starts bouncing herself on her dads stomach and smiles.. I place our food in my night stand to grab Anaíya."I missed you baby girl."Her opened mouth kisses are weird but I've missed them. Anaíya babbling as if I asked her what's she's been up to. Four days and it feels like I've missed so much.

"Daddy gets no love?"Zayn ask. I see he already got a hold of his coffee."Yes daddy does get some love."We lean in for a well needed kiss little bit of tongue. I'm sexually frustrates so I know Zayn is as well."Did you have fun?"He asks.

I nod, lifting myself and Anaíya on my side of the bed."It was perfect. I need to get your sister a gift for how well she put that together."I say,"But I don't think I ever drank that much in my life.The second night there is still a little blurry."Zayn starts laughing.

I got his chest,"Shut up. I swear the next day I was seeing doubles. Saf had four eyes at one point."That made him laugh harder."I'm done with alcohol."

Zayn looks at me,"Should I sign you up for AA?"I flip him off."Don't be a dick."I realize he's fully dress.Normally Zayn would drop the girls off at school in his pajamas with no problem."Where are you off to?"I ask.

"I have a fitting in fifteen minutes then I'm off on another mission."Zayn all the years I've known Zayn, I've never heard him say mission. Whether he's being funny or not.
"What mission are you on?"I ask. Zayn laughs again while getting up from the bed to kiss Anaíya then me."You'll find out soon baby."He says then pokes Anaíyas nose."I love you both."
He grabs his muffin then walks out."Don't get arrested!"I shout.

"I'll try not to babe."

I thought Anaíya would want to cuddle for a bit but my active now eight month old wants to crawl every where. She followed me from room to room checking to see if there was any laundry and surprisingly there wasn't. Went to the kitchen to see if there was any dishes to be cleaned, kitchen spotless. I'm shocked that our house is this clean!Zayn isn't the neatest person nor is he the messiest. But I didn't expect everything to be done. Even the girls room is spotless ,nothing pushed under the bed. Zayn and the girls put in some work. I guess I shouldn't under estimate him again. I probably am, might've done this to prove a point.

I had a few hours to kill before going to get the from school so Anaíya and I came to the market. Pretty much low on everything ,this wasn't a little market run. Snacks for school, snacks for the house, Anaíyas food to make, plenty of water ,fresh veggies ,salmon and other healthy shit. Zayn doesn't know it but he will be dieting with me.

I know I'm not the only parent who opens things in the store to eat. I opened these yogurt snacks for Anaíya because she was getting fussy. It's not like I'm not going to pay for it ,I needed to get this done so we wouldn't be ordering out tonight or for the rest of the week. Zayn use to be embarrassed by it then he realize it's helpful and it shuts her up. She's happy and her tummy is even happier.
I should never go to the market without Zayn. Trying to mange Anaíya and get the bags in the car is difficult. He takes care of the bags while I handle her.

"Ready to get your sisters?"I look at Anaíya through the mirror that's facing her. Her smile is making my day. Bit of a happy baby today."Mina and Navi."

I texted Mal to ask her if she wanted me to get Yassy for her, this lady picked Yassy up this morning after we landed.Mal is a person of her word because she told me this on our flight back. She missed her baby.I missed mine too but I wasn't picking them up early.

The smiles on their faces were priceless! They were excited to see me and Anaíya was excited to see them."Do you two still want cupcakes?"I ask.

I hear Anaíya giggle,"Yes!"They shout. When will they ever say no to a damn cupcake.
"Okay. I missed you both."

I see Amina smile,"We missed you more."she says. "Yeah way more mummy."Navi says.

"Is daddy leaving for a few days?"Amina asks. It's been a few months since Zayn has left them. I really think they rather me leave for a few days then him. Because they are use to him leaving so much ,I'm always there and nagging them.

"Yeah but he will return to us very soon baby so don't be sad. Okay? He might bring you three back some presents."I say, I don't want them to be in a funky mood. I have some fun things planned for them when he leaves. Zayn did his daddy ,daughters time now it's time for mummy ,daughters time. He will not show me out.

Arriving to the cupcake shop, they were in heaven seeing their options. "My favorite girls are here!"Jess ,who owns this shop says. That says how much we comes here. I'm not sure if it's sad or funny.

Amina and Navi run to her, shouting"Hi Miss Jess!"she kneels down to hug them. I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Chatting for a bit before ordering our cupcakes."Are we getting the usuals?"Jess asks. They look at each other,"No something different please"Amina speaks for them. I'm being nice today, I let them get four cupcakes.God only knows how much sugar they had since I've been gone.

Amina choose two cotton candies, Oreo and confetti cupcake.Navi choose one voting candy,  two ice cream sundae and buttercream daisy cupcakes. Anaíya didn't get a cupcake, I order her cake pops. Easier and less messy.

"I will see you at your wedding!"She comes around the counter to hug me. Jess is doing the cupcakes bar for the kids. She's the best in my opinion and I want the best at my wedding."Thank you so much."

"No problem. I'm honored to do it."

•later that night•

Kids are fed ,had a long cuddle with the three of them, braided their hair for school ,picked out their outfits and all that lovely shit that I've  missed. Zayn and I were happy when they went to sleep. Just like I missed him, he definitely missed me and showed it in every single way possible.

I sit on top of him, wrapping the arrest around my upper body. Zayn gives me a strange look."Shut up." It's a habit and I feel better with it on.

"What mission were you on today?"I ask.  He moves my hair out of my face,"Nothing that concerns you."He gives me this know it all look."Liar. What is it?"

"I told you, nothing that concerns you."He starts rubbing my thigh."You will know soon so chill or you won't."

I punch his chest lightly,"Is that threat?" My little punch didn't hurt him. I should punch his ass."Yes it is." Zayn says and I pinch him."Ow shit."

"It's rude to threaten your soon-to-be wife."I say, then roll my eyes."I'm starting to second guess this."Zayn says,I look at him like he's crazy."You ass."I say while getting off of him. Zayn grabs my arm ,stoping me from getting off the bed."Stop. I'm playing and you know I am Elena."he starts to kiss my neck."Will you tell me?"I ask.

He chuckles,"I see that was a trap and no!"

I was determined to get this done before 12.I'm so sorry for the long peeps! It's not edited.
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