tunnel of love

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Elena's pov
I think Keev is taking our close relationship to the extreme today.She invited me and El,who I can say is glowing,she's five months along!We can't wait to meet little Grayson.
Back to what I was saying about Keeva,she's dragged El and I to the salon not for a mani & pedi.She wants us to hold her hand while she gets a wax;not her eye brows,not her legs;we are here to get her tunnel of love waxed.

"What do you usually get?"I asked,we are sitting in the waiting area.I need new friends.

"Laser."El and I both looked at Keev like she was losing her mind."Why?"I would never in my life get a laser hair removal.Not sure what can go wrong & I don't need anything to go wrong.

"It's easier."

"Why are we here?"El asked,this is the question of the day."Because this is my first time getting a wax and I need support."She said like this is normal."That's what Niall is for-"

"Keeva?"I'm going to be honest Keev looks like she's about to shit herself.There might be some entertainment in this.

"Is this like child birth pain?"El & I stood beside her,holding her hand like she is a adolescent."No where near.C section & natural birth,that doesn't compare at all."I think Ive just scared El.

"On the count of three I'm going to go."I'm ready to burst into tears laughing."One,two,three."

I don't think we've ever laughed so hard in our life's.Karma for dragging us here.Last thing either of us would want to be doing is holding her hand to get her tunnel of love waxed..Bitch.

No better way then to make up to me then good food and drinks."I swear you don't look five months pregnant."Keev pointed out.I wish I looked like El when I was five months along.Small frame definitely benefited her during this pregnancy.

"I know which is a good thing.She and Dani bellies were very out there."
"Don't remind me."

"You don't want more?"El asked,I sipped my Cosmo,granted I'll have two more.

"Not right now,Im enjoying just raising Mina and Nav also dating."

No one except Sianna knew about my date with Travis which was four days ago and we've chatted every night.

"Come again?"I swear if Keev gives me the same shit Sianna did,I will gut her with this glass.

"I'm seeing someone well we went on one date and we've been talking since."They are both processing the news I gave them.Deep down inside I think them and the rest of everyone else still wishes Zayn and I fought for our relationship.It is what it is.Im positively sure Zayn has move on.We are both where we want to be.

"What's his name?"Keev asked,I'm surprised she didn't over react."Travis & he's 24."

"Any kids?"El asked,out of all the girls El is one person who I know won't nag me about Zayn and I appreciate it.

"None at all."I answered."When can we meet him?"I had a feeling that would be the follow up question."I'm not sure we just started seeing each other.I don't want you girls to scare him away"

Mainly Aja,Sianna and Keev.All blunt and straight forward.Luck is never on my side when it comes to the boys,
Danny,Khalid possibly Louis.They will all ask embarrassing question and can be complete dicks to him.
"Lies we will welcome him with open arms."Lies she tells.

Zayns pov
A long week of being on the road,Mina and Nav begged me to visit my mum.I realized my car is silent looking in my mirror to see my boo and Jaani sleeping.Their bond is beautiful.

I pulled into the drive way getting Mina first then Nav.Man they're heavy but I won't wake them.Ringing the bell no way could I knock."My babies."I love seeing my mums smile."Hi mum."

"Hi love,lets get them to the couch."following her in,she took Nav placing her on the smallest couch."You wore them out before they got here?"

"They've been staying up past be time.Finally catching up."Covering them both with their favorite blankets."Hungry?"


I sat at the table waiting for her question about Elena and I."Where's everyone?"

"Waliyah out with friends,Safaa went with dad to the store and Doniya should be by later."

"They will definitely be happy to see them."Nothing has changed Nav and Mina adore their aunts."It will be a surprise for Saf she didn't think you all were coming."

"I didn't think we would make it either but I couldn't say no to those three."nothing like a home made curry from mum."Thank you."

"You're welcome sweetheart.So how are things with you and Lena?"

"Still the same."Mum gave me a blank look."Same as five years ago or same as two months ago?"

"Two months ago.This is not how I pictured my life with the mum of my girls."I said taking another bite of my chicken."Do you guys talk?"

"Yeah.One moment I feel like we are getting some where and the next I feel like we are stuck."I explained."And those stuck days feel like they last forever.."

"It won't sweetheart.You two just need to get back where you were before.."We heard pitter patters cone our way.

"Nana!"Nav ran to my mum."My sweetheart,how was you nap?"She asked sitting Nav on her lap.

"Good.I was very tired."My three year old is a little dramatic."Well I'm happy you're rested.Hungry?"

"Can I have what daddy is eating?"
"Yes you can."Nav came to sit on my lap."Can we call mummy later?"

"Of course before we go to bed."It shouldn't be like this but it is what is."Want to wake Mina?"My dad walked in with Mina and Safaa.

"Safi,Papa!"they switched Mina went to my mum and Nav went to them.I have an amazing family.

Long day of running behind Mina,Saf and Navi is tiring.Hearing them explain to Lena what they did today is quite depressing because I would love to talk to her and end our conversation with 'I love you'

"And Safi did our make up mummy!"Nav added."She did,I bet Saf did a perfect job."

"She always does mummy.Dad loved it."Mina said."Dad loves anything that has to do with his girls.What are you doing before bed time?"

"Cuddling with daddy and watching tinker bell."Mina answered.Manly right?

"How lovely.I miss & love you so much,see you two tomorrow."

"We love you so much too!"Nav answered making all of us laugh."I love you to mummy."I glanced at her blond now straight hair.Its rare for her to straighten her hair.

"Bye babies."Amina ended the iChat call once they were done.

"Naveen come here please!"Mum shouted for her.She has a gift for Nav."Coming!"

"Do you love mummy?"

"Of course,why do you ask?"Mina & I faced each other.So many emotions are written in her face."If you love her why aren't you guys together?"

"We have to work some things out before that can happen."She's like me,a closed book.Which isn't good because she tends to close us out.

"It's not fair.We want you guys together."Tears streamed down her face.I bought her into my arms hearing her sniffle more."I knows it's not fair babe but this is what's right for now.I can promise you,I'll do everything in my power to make you happy."
"I love you Jaan."

"I love you too daddy."


Amina and Nav hated leaving my parents but are overjoyed to see their mum."When will we see you again?"Amina asked,as I strapped her in.

"You will see me every night over iChat & Wednesday I'll come pick you two up."

I smiled,I never would've thought I could love anyone as much as I love these two little girls."Can we use the cotton candy machine?"Nav asked."Yes boo."

Pulling up to Elena's place,she was outside unpacking her car."Hunk the horn daddy!"Amina said I did it lightly to not scare her.She turned around waving to the girls.Once I parked Elena came to Amina side to open the door."My babies,I missed you."

"We missed you more mummy!"I happy we aren't awkward around each other nor is there tension."I want to talk to you about something."

"Alright,girls give me a kiss."I kneeled down to them nothing can compare to a hug & a kiss from my favorite girls."I love you & I'll talk to you in the morning."

Nav rubbed her nose against mine."I love you more daddy."Her new thing.
"I love you too."They ran into their play room I think it is.Leaving us alone."So.."

"Um I've been seeing someone."Wow wasn't expecting that,this is a shocker.I know we've both moved on but it's actually happening.

"Hasn't been long at all,I just wanted you to hear it from my mouth no one else's."A bit of a kick in my ass since she found out about Kinsley over the internet.I didn't intend for that to happen.

"Do you plan on introducing him to Amina and Nav?"

She shook her head no."Early stages of our relationship,say we are together months from now I'll do it."

It's wrong of me to hate that she's with someone.We haven't been together for a few months now and I shouldn't be feeling like this.Im happy she's with someone whom she's seems to like.

"When will I meet him?"She sighed,I sense an attitude coming."When I think it's time."

"Alright.Im happy for you."I know she doesn't need an ok from me to date anyone.She's an adult and knows how to carry herself.

Sharing a hug before I called for the girls."Nine sharp!"Amina said."Nina sharp Jaani.I love you both."

"I love you too."

I'm a jealous person with the history of Elena & I,mum of my daughters I will always have a sense of protectiveness over her.Where jealously falls in is that I'm use to her being with mine;
introducing her as my girl friend or fiancée.Reality check for me.

I did an edit on how I pictured Amina,Naveen & Elena.I'll post it on my Instagram some time today when my page isn't acting stupid.


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