The Past

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Part 2

Elena's pov

Weeks have passed since the argument with my mum and many has happened since.I also found out that I'm pregnant.Not only am I afraid to tell Zayn,I'm afraid to tell his family and my parents(dad and Esme)

I disappointed myself by getting pregnant at 16.Im 9 weeks along little over two months.Its weird that a baby is in my stomach.I sound like a kid but it's odd.

Zayn called me over for what reason I don't know since I'm waiting in his room and I also want to tell him I'm pregnant."Finally your back."He gave me a weak smile."Sorry I was talking to my dad."

"You wanted to talk."I said,I got a text asking can I come over its important.

"You know that show the X factor?"Zayn said, I nodded."Well my mum sighed me up for it."

"That's brilliant babe."I hugged him,I adore his voice."I leave for London Monday and you know if I get passed through I'll be there for quite awhile."I don't get what he's hinting towards.


"I think it will be best that we end things,long distant relationships are hard enough-"I got up,this is too much for one day and I know where this is going..

"Don't explain yourself.Goodluck."I said,with tears forming in my eyes.

"Elena."He went for my hand,I pulled away."No,don't just don't.Go show them your talent."

I walked out,thankfully no one was down here to stop me.Im pregnant and my boy friend broke up with me do to a hypothetical theory.Its 50/50.

Last person I wanted to see is my mum.I told her the news and I didn't expect her to go as low as she did."Get out."She said with a straight face."Come again?"I asked.

"Get out.Pack your things and leave."

That's just what I did.I texted Aja asking for her to pick me up.I got all my clothes,important papers and waited outside."I knew I shouldn't have let you date that boy.Close your legs!"She slammed the door.

Minutes later Aja pulled up.

"Everything will be okay."Aja helped me with my bags.

I called Esme once we got to her place and she's on her way.I told Aja about the breakup and me expecting."Lena you have to tell him."

"No we are done and he's doing this X factor thing.I can do it.Just please don't say anything?"I pleaded."Okay.Im here for you and I'll be your baby daddy."Aja always had a way to make me laugh when I want to cry.I needed that laugh.

"We appreciate you."

4 months later

Bristol has been home for the last four months.Its not home like Bradford but the love I get from Esme and my dad can never compared.Esme's sister Jaslyn just moved from Ireland with her two daughters Keeva and Tav.Ive always been close with them but since we all live here now,we are extremely close.

Everyone's been supportive of my pregnancy including the Malik's.After the worlds longest conversation they agreed to not tell Zayn.Who has been in London for the past four months,he made it through but not as a solo singer.In a band with four other lads.

He's also in a relationship with someone who has two kids of her own.Makes me feel like shit!Trisha said she didn't have much to say about their relationship.

Translation,she doesn't approve!

Today I get to find out the sex of my baba!My dad and Yaser are positively sure it's a boy, and myself and pretty much everyone else thinks I'm having a girl.

"We can go to the baby shops after,okay?"My dad asked,I honestly couldn't picture him not being by my side.He's so excited to design the baby room.

"Perfect,you will be designing a room for a girl."I said,Esme laughed."No typical girl colors."Esme said,we've been planning the baby's room for awhile.

"If this baby is a girl,I hope she isn't bossy like her Mum and Meme."My dad said,we are kinda bossy.He will be ok...

I laid on the table with my shirt up to my bust.Feeling the cold gel being poured on my stomach."Do you want to know the sex?"Dr.Nelson asked.

"Yes!"Esme and I said in unison.Dr.Nelson laughed,shaking her head."Alright."Moving the stick around."Miss Mora,congratulations on your baby girl."

I'm carrying a little girl!I can't wait to kiss,cuddle,name,dress her up for no reason. I made with this little girl with someone I love dearly.And I know she will be loved endlessly!

"Can I have five copies of the sonogram,please?"Esme asked."Sure,"

My dad looked to her confused."Baby book,Lena wants her own,Trisha as well and I want my own as well.My grandbaby baby shut it."He surrender,I love these two together.Little cheeky banters.


Who would've know paint shopping took so long.We spent two hours looking for the paint my dad needed for her room.Disney themed room,

thankfully my dad is a painter(artist).

"Figured I can do Micky and Minnie,since those are your favorites."My dad suggest,Esme and I sat in the floor eating Chinese take out.

"I like the sound of that."I said,taking a bite of my egg roll."Does paint go with the color of the wood?"Esme's main concern.

"Yes Esmerelda Celia Mora!"When my dad leaned in to kiss her,I gaged."Your granddaughter doesn't appreciate this."I said.They think I'm funny.

My dad sat beside Esme,starting eating his food."Now that we know you're having a girl,names?"My dad asked.

"Im stuck between Amina,Aalia or Evangelina."All smiles,they seem to like the names.

"I love Amina."Esme said.

Amina Malik,nice ring to it.

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