The Letter

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Elena's pov
I know I would end up feeding these damn turtles.Amina's excuse is that she's wakes up early and forgets,and Naveen's excuse is that she has a little persons(kid) brain.My kids drive me crazy!I honestly don't mind feeding them.One thing I can't do is change their water.There's a strange smell that comes from their tank and I any handle it so Zayn does it.

Amina ended naming her turtles Loggy and Spice.I don't understand and I don't want to understand.

Zayn's mangers and record label have sent various gifts since they've been told about my pregnancy.From baskets of fruit and cup cakes which have already been eaten, to flowers.I'm not sure who they know but someone also sent flashy posh carriage pram.I'm very grateful for it but it's not our style.
We are sticking with our orbit pram.
Nice and simple.It will cover Anaíya when we are in public.

This morning there has been four deliveries since Zayn left to take the girls to school.Those five boxes are in the formal living room where everything else is.

I heard the door open and the sound of jingling keys."What are you doing?"Zayn asked,seeing two bags in his hand and a case holding to drinks.

"Two packages came so I put them over there.Them realizing we have a lot of shit."I pointed to everything in the room.

Walking towards the love seat I'm sitting in."Mm."He hands me a chocolate chip frappoccino and a banana muffin from the cafe I always go to."I love you."He chuckled,
leaning in to kiss me on the lips."I love you too."

I watched him open a box that says Polo.Zayn hates polo with a passion.
"Is a boy in your stomach?"Zayn held up a few boy shirts.I flipped him off.
"Ha ha."

"Is this too small for Grayson?I don't want to waste good baby clothes."

I shook my head yes,"Nearly five months."I said.I would give it to Doniya but that's not her style either. "Um we can donate them.To be honest I think a lot of this stuff can be donated.We have all the stuff."

"True.There are loads of baby blankets in that bag."I wasn't even paying attention to what was in the bags or boxes.I laugh seeing him almost fall over a box."Please don't break your neck over there.I need to hold your hand while pushing your daughter out."

His face scrunched up,"I don't need that image in my head right now."

"Spare me Malik."He laughed,going through the rest of the boxes one by one."What kind of wedding do you want?"He asked.

I fit in that category of not being a normal little girl,who's thinks about my further wedding.I was obsessed with doing my friends make up and hair.To be honest I never thought about marriage until I met Zayn and then had Amina.

"I don't know.Something small for sure."

"We are on the same page."He showed me more boys clothes.I just shrugged my shoulders.Not like we are keeping this stuff."No more the 100 people."

"Two years from now?"

His face was my answer."That's too far away.Next summer."

"I have a little over a year to lose some pounds."I probably shouldn't be eating banana muffin if I plan on losing baby weight.Anaíya will be a chunky baby and I'll still look like I'm pregnant after I give birth.65 pounds gained during this pregnancy.With Amina,I gained 30 and Naveen I gained 50.

"I thought we had this conversation."I know he's referring to our doctors visit conversation."I remember but my arms are thick and I don't want to wear a dress with sleeves."

"Year from now let's see how you feel about your body.I personally don't want you on some extreme dieting schedule."He made his way back over to me.Holding his hand out.

"Deal?"Puckering my lips out.He stood up,trapping me in on the chair.
What I thought was going to be a simple peck turn into a cheeky kiss.
He's always the first to add tongue.


Drove 15 minutes away from my side of town to come get Malena to food shop with me.Her annoyance level was through the roof when I got there.Some of Michaels family was there and she really doesn't get on with his sister.Bit of an prude to be honest.To some up their issues,Hazel thinks Mal trapped her brother.Hazel never approved of their relationship.
Mal could give two rats ass until she put Yassy in the middle of things.

"I find it weird that it's his sister who has a problem with you and not his parents.Normally it's the other way around."I explained,looking for ground turkey.Too much free time in my hands and I look up recipes.
Tonight is stuffed cabbage rolls.

"I like his Mum but she's a bitch as well.I would have to divorce him to get a break."

"Don't say that."I said."Does he say anything to her?"Finding the right meat.We made our way to the produce section.

"Yeah.All the time..She will shut up for a few hours then she eyes everything I do.Whether it's cooking or disciplining Yas."Mal explained.
Malena never bite her tongue for a damn person.When it comes to Hazel I know she's becoming a ticking time bomb.When Mal blows up,Mal fucks everything up.

"She also had the fucking nerve to say,it's not right that her brother works so hard and doesn't come home to a hot meal."I stopped once she said that."Seriously?"

"I wish I was joking.We both work long hours.50/50."

"This isn't the 1920's.He's a grown man.Michael can make dinner for the three of you."I'm thankful for my relationship with Zayn's sisters.

"Has Jolena said anything?"I asked,
Jo is a mini Malena.Except she doesn't have anything to lose if she hands Hazel her ass on a sliver platter.

"Yes.She made a smart comment about us leaving Yassy with you guys."Mak said,We are her god parents.I don't see the problem."Jo went mad.Some things were broken but I had no problem buying new plates."That's Jolena for ya."It is normal for people to take pictures of you?"Mal pointed,we were standing by a glass window.Where four paps were outside snapping pictures.

"No.Surprisingly.Do you have everything you need?"I asked.

"Yup.Let's go."

Getting out of waitrose was a lot easier then I thought.Annoying to have people making stupid comment but we are ok.

"This is what you deal with on the regular?"Mal asked,I was tempted to run someone over.Too pretty for prison.

"This is lite weight to when I'm with Zayn.They will shout and be twice as ignorant."

"Minus the ignorance.I rather deal with them then Hazel."I'm not too sure about that one.Though I see her point of view.

I checked the mail before went in the house.Parking next to Zayns car,next to the door entrance.I sat in my car looking through the mail.Bills,
advertisement,recipes from Trisha.
She knows about my obsessive use of finding new things to cook.

Coming to one letter.That's written to me.I sat everything else in the passenger seat,opening the letter.

To Elena,
I knew this is really out of the blue and quite odd.I didn't know how to approach this situation the proper way without scaring you.To be fair my hands are shaking while writing you this letter.I was wondering if we could sit down and have a chat about things.Public chat so you don't think I'm some crazy weirdo.Alright,have a good one.

Your big brother Emmanuel Javi Mora xxx

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