Sweet Talk

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Elena's pov

Another busy week has come to an end.I wish I could just go home and cuddle under the covers with Zayn and watch the girls wreck the living room with their toys but that can't happen.

Zayn and the boys are heading to the states for the weekend.Since I had a client this afternoon,he took Naveen to her doctors appointment.Like Esme,Trisha and myself all predicted it was a little stomach flu.In a few days with the medicine she should be all cleared up.

Just finished cleaning up the kitchen after making a homemade lasagne.I was craving it and I won't have to cook dinner for the week.

"Mummy,why are daddies suitcases by the door?"I heard Amina's voice coming from the hall."Because he's going to the states for the weekend."

Dragging herself into the kitchen with a putt on her face."He's always leaving.Why?"

"Work babe.Its only for the weekend,

he will be home Sunday night."I said,

it gets harder and harder when he has to leave.

"Will he be leaving again after that?"

"Some shows here and there,I think during the summer that's when he will be on the road more."

"Will we be with him?"Amina asked,I sighed seeing this was really bothering her."Yes we will Nena."

"Okay."She stood there thinking of something else to ask me."What are we doing while he's gone?"

"Well tomorrow,we are going to see Maisie and on Sunday Im going to a wedding."

Im still kind of pissed off that I'm attending Aofie's wedding alone.But hey what can I do when work calls he must go.Dash and Savannah will be there as well so I will know someone there.

"I don't want to go."She made that loud and clear a few days ago."I know baby,Mai will watch you two while I'm gone.Ill be back before dinner."


After Zayn and Naveen came back,we all sat to the kitchen table to eat dinner.Navi appetite isn't all the way back yet therefor she ate a little bit of chicken soup with crackers.

Zayn was is cutting it short by not leaving on time.His flight leaves at 08:30 and it's now fifteen minutes after eight.

"Promise you will be back?"Naveen cried against Zayns chest."Don't I always come back?"He said,trying to comfort her.Its breaking his heart seeing her this distort.


"No crying boo,I'll be back in less the two days.We can all cuddle on the couch and watch a film."

"Can you rub my tummy?"We both laughed."Yes I can babe."

Amina walked over to them,standing right beside her little sister."I'll rub your tummy while daddy is gone."

A heart of gold my little girl has,hates seeing Naveen like this.Navi nods her head."I have to go.Give me a kiss."

Hearing 'muahs' from them."I'll sleep with you tonight."Amina said,climbing in next to Nav.

"I love you both."Zayn said,"We love you too daddy."

"Love you daddy."Naveen said."No more tears."He said,while over to me."Okay."

"I'll be back to say good night and to get my kisses."Hearing them giggle as we walked away.

Coming down stairs,to the foyer.Zayn grabbed the keys to his car."Call me when you land."Placing his hands on both sides of my stomach,leaning in for a kiss."I will,I love you."

"I love you too.You better go before they leave."

"Jet lag here I come,bye baby."Zayn said,I playfully pouted."Bye babe."

*next morning*

There really isn't any nice way to describe morning sickness.I feel like shit after throwing up for two hours straight.Feeling empty well done what empty since I still have a human inside of me.Food wise,everything I've eaten in the pass two days has definitely been thrown up.Its horrid!I reckon this is a make up for me not having to throw up three days ago.

Luckily it's the weekend and the girls are slept in.Naveens medicine helped a lot.She's one out of the two of us who's managed to keep her food down.

Now that I'm feeling like an actual person again,we are finally on our way Maisie and Harry's place.

"Mummy your hair is very curly today."Naveen said,taking a quick peep at her through the mirror."Its curly like ours."Amina said.

"Yup,I love your guys hair.Very bouncy and long.Little beauts."Making my girls blushing is a great accomplishment.

"Mai-Mai!"Amina and Naveen yelled as the kept knocking on the door."Im coming babies."We heard her yell,

from the looks of it she's painting.

"Hello,come on get out of the cold."Following her in,as we walked further in it became warmer."Mai your flower pants are pretty."Amina said,I didn't even realize she had flowers on her pants.

"Thank you love.You're a pretty little girl in general.The both of you are."Placing her hand on my stomach,what a nice way to greet me.Sharing a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you."Amina and Naveen said at once."Can we paint?"Naveen asked,without a doubt they will leave here covered in paint."Of course,let's go down stairs."

Walking passed a few of many plaques Harry owns and family pictures.

"I aired this room out last night so you can come in here."Maisie said."I feel honored thank you so much."Taking a in the large love seat by the window,gorgeous view of the garden.

"You should,I don't do that for many people."Maisie said,while getting the paint and t shirts to cover them."Whats our one rule?"Mai asked.

"Don't throw the paint."Amina said,"Yup,have fun,"Mai turned around walking towards me with the biggest,sneakiest grin on her face.I learned to never trust that grin when it comes to her.

"What?"I asked,sitting down beside me."A art gallery in L.a. saw a couple of my pieces of during the show case.I had know idea he was there.I got a phone call from his company saying they want to meet up with me."I hugged her as tight as I could,gosh I'm so proud of this girl.

Amina asked."Whats wrong?"Mai and I both shook our heads."Nothing baby,keep painting."I said,smiling turning my attention back to Maisie.

"Congratulations babe.When are you going?What did Harry say?"I asked,

"Im suppose to go next week,for two days.If all goes well I'll be shipping a lot of pieces to L.a.He's happy,it's just..Im pregnant."She held her stomach,I squealed,screeched and proudly felt a tear come down my screech.

"What happened mumma?"Naveen asked,she and Amina quickly came to us."Auntie Mai is having a baby."I said,pointing to her stomach.

"Unlce Harry gave you special cuddles?"Amina asked,I nearly choked.Mai laughed herself into tears."Um yeah,this only stays between us okay?"

"Okay."They said,giggling walking back to their little painting station.

"'Special cuddles'?"

"We aren't talking about that.You're pregnant babe!"I rubbed her belly."Is that why he doesn't want you to go?"

I asked.

"Yeah,I'm already between New York and London a lot.He thinks that will put too much pressure on me with working in so many locations."

Typical worried first time dad,couldn't blame him.Once Maisie opened her shop in New York,Harry stopped going to l.a as he use to.If it wasn't for meetings or business,Harry wasn't there.

"Do you know what you want to do?"Of course she will consider his feelings and input,but the decision is untimely up to Maisie.

"I would lie to but I rather him on edge about it.New York,London and Bristol is enough on my plate for now."

"Im happy for you two Mai,you two deserve this little bundle of joy."

"Thank you,I would be lying if I said I wasn't nerves.Like when I start showing and it becomes obvious.I saw a few paparazzi get aggressive with you guys."

"I understand your worry,it's nerve wrecking.But Harry will protect you and the baby with his life when it comes to any trying to hurt you."

"That's true,I told him I rather wait until I start showing or farther along before we say anything."

"I agree with you."I pointed to my six month stomach.

Maisie said,"It still shocks me that no one knows."

"It's more enjoyable,peaceful.Once everyone finds out,they will be noisy and annoy.Wait six months if you have to."

"I want to.I do want to enjoy being pregnant without any bothering me."

"The only person who will be bothering you is Harry,"

Staying at Mai's house longer then we planned,she ended up feeding us dinner which was perfect.Fish and chips with a ice cold sprite.We are happy pregnant woman.

When we came home,the girls are still stuffed from dinner and look like they just want to go to sleep.But they can't,bath first then bed.Their arms are covered in paint.Whining as I took their clothes off."Mummy Im tired."Amina said.

"I know nena.But you two need a quick bath then we can go to bed."I explained.

Just like I said,it was a quick bath.I didn't want to hear the whining so I had to make sure it was quick.They don't have that paint smell to them anymore,now they smell like cinnamon and apples.After I got them to bed which they are sleeping on Zayns side tonight.I took a hot shower myself.Much needed,my bones feel achy.

Just wearing one of Zayns long tank tops,Anaíya needs room in there to move around.

I placed my lap top in front of me,turning down the volume before clicking on Zayns names.

"Hello beautiful."Doesn't take much effort for this man to look good."Hi,

how are you?"I asked,quietly."I'm good,just got up about an hour ago.

How are you?Where are the girls?"

Turning the screen to our sleeping daughters."Well aren't they worn out."I nodded."Fun day with Maisie for them."

"Did she tell you?"Zayn asked."Yeah,

Im excited for them.A lot of things ahead of us,babies and wedding."I answered."Indeed."Zayn look like he zoned out for a minute.Staring at God knows what."Babe,what's wrong?"

Quickly shaking his head."Nothing,

just missing you and tired."

I don't believe him,I'll let it be."You will be home soon baby.Anaíya misses your voice,she's kicking."

"I miss you too Littles,daddy will be home soon."

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