Sisterly Help

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Someone asked for pictures of the girls.This is how I pictured them.
Amina and Naveen above.They get their curly hair from Elena.
The color of Naveens eyes come from Zayn's side.

Elena's pov
It's one of those days when I hate being pregnant.Every inch body feels big and jiggly.I've grown stretch marks on my ass.Which I didn't know you could do.At this point I want Anaíya get out.I need to remember what my actual body looks like before I was pregnant.Since it takes two to procreate,I'm happily placing the blame on Zayn.

Setting aside my insecurities for the day.My Amina is having her first art show at her school.This is something she's been working on by herself and is very proud of herself.As she should be because we are.I know I'm one of those embarrassing mums when my kids do things like this.But Naveen has passed me.She's been cheering her sister on.Making sure people stopped and looked at Amina's display.If they weren't so young I would think she was taking a piss out of her sister.Though she isn't.

"No one of buying my pictures mummy."Amina whispered to me.On the verge of tears."Hey Shh.You haven't been standing here for long.
Give it some time.Okay?"I asked then kissed her cheek."Okay."

"Hey you Mrs.Lady.Look at my sisters pictures."Naveen actually yelled to Amina's assistant principal."Well you must be Amina's little sister."Kneeling down to her height.She's a corky lady.
Likes to joke around with all of the students and has a zero tolerance for disrespect.One of the reasons Zayn and I love her school.

"Yes I am."Naveen answered.Amina and I both laughed."When will you be attending school with her?"

"I don't know.I'm only four.Ask my mummy or daddy.But not right now.
Look at my sisters pictures and buy one please."

She held in his laughter.Okay."Getting up to see what she had."The one of the beach is beautiful Amina."

"Thank you."

"I'll take that one."Handing her €3.50.

"Thank you Mrs.George."Amina's smile is finally back."You're welcome sweetheart.Keep up the good work."

"I will."Mrs.George looked to crazy Naveen."I expect to see you soon."

"I will be back.Promise promise."Navi said.Promise Promise in her books is a pinky promise.

"Okay.See you girls.Chat soon Miss Mora."


After her principle walked away my girls stated hugging and jumping around."Thank you boo."

"You're welcome."Proud mummy moment.

Over the next twenty minutes Amina had three more sales.Five minutes before she took down the rest of her things Zayn walked in.Amina and Naveen weren't pay attention.He has a smile on his face.I know exactly what he's going to do.Because I planned to do the same thing.

"Excuse.How much are these going for?"Zayn asked.Amina turned around realizing it was her dad speaking."You know how much they are daddy."

"No I don't.How much are they?"

"3.50 each."Amina said.Zayn got out his wallet.Handing her €7 and some change.

"Here you go."She and Naveen got all giggly."Thank you daddy."

"You're welcome."

"Daddy you can't buy anyone else's things.Only Mina's,she's ours."

The fact that she said ours made me laugh harder then I should've."I'm aware Naveen."

"Alright.Lets get out of here."


"Send them to Mema and Nana."
Amina said to her dad."Can't forget about papa."Naveen huffed.

"Papa too."

"We can keep Meme's here since we will be seeing her this Friday.I'll send nana and papas."I sat back leaning against Zayn."Can we go outside to ride our cars?"Amina asked.

"Clean up your mess first then you can."I said.I'm the bossy parent.Zayn surely would've allowed them to leave all of these papers on the floor.
Stuffing her trunk full.No orderly matter."Done."

"Go ahead.Keep the door open."We can see them from out of the window.
I just need to hear their voices as well.

"Either I'm too strict or you let them do whatever they want."I said.

"Your strict."I quickly looked to him.

"No I'm not."I argued."You just spoil them."

"I highly disagree babe.Trade off good reports from school and I'll get you whatever you want.Amina hasn't fell short in her end of the deal.
Neither has Nav."

"I hate when your right."He laughed giving me a little peck on the lips."I know."

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