No False Alarm

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How I imagined her singing voice.

Week 2
Elena's pov
"Babe!"Zayn yelled as if I couldn't hear him.I didn't even say anything because he's coming back to the room."What's all of this?"He walks in with note books. My note books.

"Songs."Nearly eleven years worth of anger, hurt, happiness written in these books. Starting from when I was about thirteen maybe fourteen until last year was the last time I've written a song.

"Why don't you record some of these?"Like he didn't know that answer."Not meant to be recorded.It is just there to look pretty on paper."

Dismissing my smart answer,he sat down on the love seat foot rest
,looking through the pages."Free Me."Zayn mumbled reading over the lyrics.I feel the most comfortable around Zayn then anyone else.But I've never felt so nerves in my life until now.He takes song writing seriously,I do it to realize anger and if I'm bored I'll dabble around.

"And I got you on the back foot
And you know I got you really good
'Cause there's something deep inside of me,I got to be,And if you find it hard to follow me,If I lose you in my gift stream,Than you only got to raise your eyes,And see me fly."Zayn said the words instead of singing them.

"This is fucking good babe."he said,I nod with a smile."Thank you."
Shaking his head,looking the next page."I've Fallen In Love With You."

He smiled,I wrote that after a long argument with my mum and he stayed on the phone with me until 6 a.m.Calming me down and it worked.Absolutely shattered the next day but he didn't hang up.I knew I was in love with him then.Excepted me and all the dysfunction that was going on in my life.

"I've fallen in love with you,Please tell me ,tell me what else was there to do,When feelin lips like yours and looking into eye like yours,Oh it might as well face it Cause it's,Yes I've fallen in love with you"He read rather proud.Ass!

"You should record this Lena."

The word no just doesn't register in that lovely mind if his."No."

"At least sing it for me."He stood up,coming to sit by me with one of the books in his hand.Randomly choosing a page."Put Your Hands On Me."I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I guess I'm picky with love,Well baby I give it up its you I choose,And don't keep me waiting This girl got things she needs to do,Oh if I was blind ,you'd help me see,If I lost me mind, you'd find it for me,Speak on it babe tell me what do you need,Because all I need is for you to love me baby,Put your hand on me baby."I now want to throw up everything I've eaten.

"You have a beautiful voice."Kissing my forehead."Thank you.Means a lot coming from you."

"If it means a lot,why do you get so nerves?"

"Because I value your opinion.If I write or sound like shit I would expect you to give me your honest opinion."I explained.

He stood up,neatly stacking the books on my nightstand,then sitting down on the chair, "And I would give you my honest opinion.But you don't sound like shit.Many artist wish they had the vocal range you have."

"Well thank you."

"You still aren't recording are you?"if he thought that little pep talk was convincing then he's crazy.

"Absolutely fucking not."I laid down trying to get comfortable.Zayn stood back up,hovering over me."I love you."

"I love you too."I popped his elastic on his sweat pants."I prefer your hair this way."He chuckled,for a few weeks he was growing the center out again.I wasn't sure what was the obsession with this hair style.He looks hot no matter what.

"Not calling it a 'fuck boy' hair cut anymore?"

Not one day passed when I didn't call Zayn,Shahid,Harris or Jawaad a fuck boy.They weren't alone,Teddy heard it from all of the girls on the shop.No one can change my mind on this 'fuck boy' hair style.

"I was trying to be nice."

"That 'fuck boy' style got me mind blowing sex."I laughed,as he kissed my neck.

"I hope with me."I jokingly said,he slowly made his way over to the over side of my neck.Taking a pit stop between my breast."No one can ride me the way you do."

"I keep you coming back."This time he kissed my lips."Yup."

"You're awful Malik."

Shaking his head,"Not at all.I'm entitled to say things like this after ten years and three kids."I scooted over for him to lay beside me.I've never laid on his side which is quite odd.I can't say the same for him.Zayn will fall asleep in any position if I'm not laying down wit him at that moment.

"Ten years."I whispered against his chest."You ask me to be your girl friend,then I became the Mum of your children now your fiancé."

"Still the biggest pain in my ass."I pinched him,ass!

He just held me,I love having him home for reasons like this.Girls are in school and we get to chat and say inappropriate thing to each other.My favorite is cuddling with no interruptions.

"I'm hungry."I said,then looked up to him."Well I have to get the girls.Do you want me to pick up something?"

"More like cook.I want a Mediterranean grilled cheese sandwich."this is what bedrest gets me.I search different recipes online and I also watch The Taste.Ludo was fussing at his contestant for not making it properly.

"The most beautiful sandwich in the world and it will make your very hormonal fiancé happy."

"You're killing me Elena."He placed his arm over his eye.I wiggled me way up to kiss his hairy face."Please.
I'm two days away from my due date.This is the last time you will have to go on a man hunt around the store."

He huffed."If you ever plan on having sex with me ever again,you will do it."
Zayn laugh."Playing that card?"

"Perks of being a woman."


"Daddy I have boy friend."Naveen said,Amina started laughing and I nearly choke on the cookie I was eating.


"I have a boy friend.His name is Flynn.We sit next to each other at snack time."Naveen explains.This is what happens when they come to our room after dinner instead of their own.

"You mean friend?"Zayn asks Navi,
She thinks about his question for a minute.The joys of having daughters is starting to daunt Zayn.

"Yes."She says."Yes he's my friend."

"Nice."Looking at her and Amina.

"Daddy said boys are nasty."Amina says,as she lays her head on my legs.
He will try to convince them that until they are teens

"He did?"I ask,she nods."Yup."

"Did you two feed your turtles?"They have there days when they forget.

"Yeah."they said at the same time.

Watching Naveen stand up on the bed,Zayn helps her walk over to him.
Laying on her dads chest."Don't get comfy.You're sleeping in your room."I said,while playing with Amina's bun.


"Because you have your own room."I said."Matter of fact,go brush your teeth and get ready for bed."

The groans and eye rolls,I love it!
Unhappy,they carefully got off the bed and went to their bathroom.

"Our four year old has a boy friend."I laugh,seeing his displeasing face expression."Shut up."

"Daddy where's my tooth brush?!"
Mina yelled,"Your kid is calling you."
He's been super daddy lately.Making sure the girls and I have everything we need.This is different for the both of us.I'm looking forward to actually being able being a proper Mum again.Minus these sleepless nights that are coming up.

Just as I was moving around,I feel like I'm peed on myself.Throwing the duvets off of me.Yup my water just broke.

Getting out of bed to take Zayns now ruined sweats off.It's sad how quick I run out of breath.I slowly walked towards the bathroom.Finish undressing myself to take a quick shower.I can't walk around nor sit in a car with fluids on me.

"Mummy!"I heard Amina call for me,Anaíya thinks it's a great time to start kicking.I poked my head out of the shower."Do me a favor and go get daddy for me,please."I ask,she smiles and runs off.

The hot water felt like a miracle on my skin."Lena?"

Poking my head out again."My water broke."He pointed to the shower, I reckon trying to figure why I'm not putting my shoes on instead.

I turn the water off,stepping out of the shower.Zayn wraps the towel around me."I needed a quick shower.I'll get dressed and you can call Malena."

"Alright. Let me help you then I'll call."I shook my head,"I'm fine.I promise.If I need anything I'll call you."


He walked away and I went into the closet.My boobs couldn't handle a bra.So sports bra would have to do,I can't wait to wear undies I actually like.The boy cut are growing on me.
I put on long maxi dress and thick fluffy socks.

When I came out of the closet.I went to get my brush and hair tie.I look like a mad women.But that's fine.I get a little pass.

Coming out of the bathroom,Zayn putting his shoes on."Mal is on her way and the girls are their shoes on."

"Okay."I sat down beside him,rubbing my stomach."No false alarm.She will be here soon."I said.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The girls are filled with excitement!I love that they are happy about their little sister.Naveen can stop walking in our room after school saying "she's still not here."

"Are the doctors going to hurt mummy?"Naveen asks Zayn worriedly.I shook my head,pulling her to me."No they will help me.When I start feeling contractions,they will make it all better."

"Okay."Her little mind is working overtime."Can I sleep with Mina tonight?"

"Yeah."Amina answered,she looks up from playing on Zayn's phone.So calm through this all.Just like her dad.
The door bell rang and Zayn stood up to go let Mal in.

Naveen snuggled closer into my neck."You're going to have fun with Yas."I said."We can go to school at the same time."She whispered.

Zayn and Mal walked into the living room.She smiled,"Hey girlies."

"Hey,thanks for coming."

Waving me off."I would be pissed if you didn't.You are two ready?"Amina stood up,handing Zayn his phone.

"Yeah I'm reedy."Looking at her little sister."Navi?"Amina reaches for her hand,and she broke down."Aw boo. What's wrong?" I ask.

forever?"She asked between catching her breath.Feeling a small contraction,just the beginning of these painful things."No baby.I'll be home in a few days."

"I promise I'll take you two to visit your Mum,Navi."Mal said,"Stop worrying boo."Zayn wiped her tears.

I got a hold of his hand when I felt another contraction.By my grip,he felt my pain.Mal caught my eye signal.
"Alright girls,let's go to my house and watch some films and eat cookies."
Kissing my girls before Mal took them."I love you."

"Love you mummy."

By the time we arrived to the hospital that we were just at a few weeks ago.
Everything ached.Muscles I didn't even know that I had, ached, throbbing tenderly. It was an indescribable feeling, almost like things were passing in a hazy blur that I couldn't keep up with.

Being here for nearly an hour,I wanted to wait before I got a epidural.I can say by far these were the worst contraction I've ever had.

Zayn and I did the ball exercise,little and big.Walking around the room and the nurses station.I threw in the towel after my last contraction.I wanted the epidural and some sleep.One out of two isn't bad.

Trisha, Yaser and Safaa a quick flight out .Waliyah lives an hour way so she should be here before everyone and Esme should be here within the next forty minutes or so.
Doniya will be here in morning.She and Raj were visiting his family.Who live four hours away.That says enough.

"How are you feeling?"Zayn asks,as he brushes the damp rag across my forehead."Tired."

"Any pain?"Zayn asks,"No.But I can feel the pressure."

My doctor told me,there might be a chance I would be able to push Anaíya out.She's turned her body around a little.Giving it time to see if she fully turns around.

When the door open,nurse Kathleen walks in.So full of joy.Had Zayn and I both laughing at some birthing stories of her husband.

"Keeping the missus calm?"She asks Zayn,she pats my leg."Trying my best."

"Good."She smiles,"Dr. Samuels looked over your scans and se hasn't turned around."We all sighed.
"They are prepping the OR now for your cesarean my love.The nurses that were in here a while ago will come get you both ready to take you both up."

My little butter bean will be here..

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