Minnie & Cinderella

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Elena's pov

Successful Christmas,everyone enjoyed themselves and got everything they wanted.Our living room looked like a gift wrapping store throw up all over the place.Left and right that's all you saw.I'm happy that's over!

Zayn and I also enjoyed bringing in the new year with all of our friends.It was El's first night out since Grayson was born much needed but we could all tell she wanted to get home to her baby boy.Any first time mum feels that way.

I've never been so happy to get out of London.This is a well needed holiday for all of us.With all that we put the girls through they especially deserve this.Zayn is sure that this is better then Christmas morning.I beg to differ.Its only for a week and I think I over packed.For one it's winter so I needed to double up on the coats,beanies exc,Amina and Navi think they have to bring every Disney shirt they own for what reason I don't know.

I'm positively sure we have our must haves.Slowly walking down the stairs to see my little girls all ready to go with big smiles on their face."Ready?"Zayn asked,"Yup."

I have a strong feeling it might snow,I just hope it doesn't snow while we are in the sky.Any time after that,I don't care."Who are you guys excited to meet?"Zayn asked,pulling out to the main road to Heathrow airport.

"Cinderella!"Amina said,

"Can I meet Minnie and Goofy?"Nav asked."Yes you can,you will be able to meet everyone."Zayn answered.

I played with his hands,tracing his hand tattoo.Over the years he completed his other sleeve,fully dedicated to Amina and Naveen.I honestly think if his tattoos didn't have meanings behind them,Trisha would've killed him a long time ago.

*skipping the plane ride*

I can't get over how beautiful it is here.Before we leave it a must we take a walk through the city.

We are staying at the Disney hotel that is everything Mickey.Walls,lamp structure,duvets,t.v stand,everything.

We just finished up having dinner.There is a strong possibility I might gain 15 pounds during this holiday.Ive been eating since we got off the plane.

I love seeing Zayn playing with the girls.With him being in the road a lot,all of us treasure moments like this.He will play anything with them,including dolls.If it keeps a smile on their faces,he will do it with a prideful smile on his face.

They both hate him being gone,at least an hour spent crying he leaves.Which this will be happening in the beginning of March.He promised Amina that he will be here for her birthday.

"Daddy can we get this Mickey chocolate ears?"Amina pointed to something in a menu.

"Um ask mummy."Zayn instructed Amina stood up,climbing over her dad coming right to me."Can we get this mummy?"

"I want one!"Nav said very loudly,"You two can share one,they're huge."

Guaranteed they will be on a sugar high tonight.Chocolate and ice cream,best of both worlds.

Not even a full ten minutes later,there was a knock at the door.Amina and Nav smiled knowing it was their dessert.I thanked the young lady before closing the door.

Zayn had the girls to the table."One for you."I handed Amina her plate."And one for you."

"Thank you."They said,with chocolate all over their faces."You're welcome."

I joined Zayn in the room still having a clear view of the girls."You still tired?"I asked,last night he didn't get any sleep.Tossing and turning,usually he's the first to sleep and the last to wake up.

"Yeah."I kissed his stubbly cheek."Go to sleep."I suggested.Feeling him disagree with what I said."I'll wait until they're in bed."

I giggled."Okay."

I wonder these two manage to get chocolate all over their faces.Never cease to amaze me and not in a good way this time."Alright,go kiss daddy good night."Just finished brushing their teeth and washing their sticky faces,they ran to the the room I followed begin seeing them climb on the bed and taking a seat close to Zayn.

"Tomorrow is your birthday."Nav said."How old will you be?"Amina asked.


"That's old."Amina said with a not-so pleased face,I giggled."I'm not old little girl."

"Yes you are."Hands down Amina is a little sarcastic smart ass.I can say this because I carried her for nine months and went through a painful labor.Im sure she will give us hell in her teenage years.

"How old is mummy?"Nav asked."24."Zayn answered,finding this conversation amusing."Mummy is almost old."Amina is on a roll tonight."Okay,okay.Kiss your dad good night."I said,almost old.

They hovered over their dad,planting kisses all over him."I love you both,

good night."

"We love you too daddy."They said,literally jumping off the bed."You two are crazy."

Our normal routine even on a holiday,tucking them along with short cuddle."I love you two."

"We love you mummy."Amina said."Yeah we love you and the baby in there."

"She loves her big sisters too.Try to get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow."

"Minnie and Cinderella!"I smiled seeing my girls excitement."Good night my loves."

"Night!"They said,I left the t.v on for light.Of course they will watch it for a bit before going to sleep.We had a long day,I give it 10 minutes until they go to sleep.

When I came back to our room,Zayn was sleeping holding on to my pillow.I plied back the blankets,getting his arm

to let go so I could lay down.It was all easy since he's a hard sleeper.

"Alright?"He mumbled."Yeah,sorry I woke you."I didn't even have to scoot myself closer.Zayn immediately did it himself.Feeling him leave lazy kisses on my neck."I doubt I'll make it to 12,so happy birthday my love."

"Thank you baby."

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