Imagine It Was Us

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Elena's pov
It's a good day when I didn't have morning sickness.Nothing more a pregnant woman could ask for.Wasn't going to try it by eating a heavy breakfast.Simple jam and toady with tea.I wish I could've gotten an extra hour of sleep but my sweet baby girl thought it would be fun to stretch all morning.

Something had came up so Maisie couldn't watch the girls while I came to the wedding.My plan B is Malena and she was pissed I didn't call her first but happily said she would watch them for me.

Michael picked the girls around 10 great help because I didn't have to make the trip to their house.Which will give me a straight drive to Oxford.
After going through all my dresses not liking a good majority of them.I found a perfect dress.Dark green ,long sleeve dress that goes a little between my knee.Shoe choice is a pair of beige Louis Vuitton ,Zayn brought me for Christmas and a black clutch.

I didn't know I had it in me to do a massive braid.No typical braid this is a proper neat braid.Didn't have the energy to go full out on my make so a lite smokey eye with light pink lip.
I looked at myself in the mirror and damn I look huge."You're going to be my biggest baby by far."

It's a beautiful day in Oxford.Rare since we are still in winter.Pulling up beside Dash's Mercedes Benz G55.The only reason I know the name of is because I went with Savannah to pick it out.Same time Zayn got his car.

Seeing so familiar face and unfamiliar faces.Mainly from work,Noel,Bella and Teddy.I have to say my staff look gorgeous today.Aoife will be the icing on the cake.We had at least ten minutes before the wedding started.I've been listening quietly to everyone chatting.

"Elena?"Savannah called for me.I turned to her seeing her finger pointing to the entrance of the church.There stood my handsome boy in all black.I see he trimmed his facial hair down.Quickly eyeing me,he smiled walking over to where I am.Sixth row to the left.Giving me small peck on the lips.Small wave to everyone who sat beside me.Savannah and Dash were the closet,Zayn gave her a kiss on the cheek and Dash a 'man' handshake.

"What are you doing here?"I whispered,giving him a small kiss.

"Felt guilty about you coming alone so Nick got Caroline and I private plane here.Which was at 4 a.m."He's not a morning person and to get on a flight that early makes me love him even more.

"I owe her and you big time.Thanks babe."

"It was worth it."Zayn whispered."You look stunning."

"And you don't look too bad yourself handsome."

The wedding started,her braids maids are gorgeous in their cream colored dresses,make up flawless done by Dash and Bella.We all stood up for Aoife.Her dad looks like a proud poppa.He must know he's handing his daughter off to a good man.Ive seen Aoife's dress in a photo but in person it fits her body perfect.

Seeing Rhys express his love for Aoife was the best part in my opinion.
I can't even blame my hormones,I did tear up a bit.When they said 'I do' Zayn lightly squeezed my hand.I assume he was thinking about us in that moment.

"Now Rhys you may kiss your wife."The pastor said,he laid a big one on his now wife.

After the ceremony,we came out to where the garden area.Fairy tale like.Little finger foods and drinks being served.

"The girls will be happy to see you."I said,looking up at Zayn who has a smile on his face."So am I.Also can't wait to get in the bed."

"Jet lag kicking in?"He shook his head no."I didn't sleep well last night.
I'm sure once I get in the bed it will kick in."

I officially got wedding feels.They came in proud newlyweds.Dancing just having the time of their life's.

"They are so happy."I said to Savannah."They are.Head over heels in love."

Turning my attention to Zayn,kissing his hairy face."Imagine it was us."I said.

"I do everyday."

"Mummy!"Amina shouted from the tub with her sister."Yes?"I laid in bed with Zayn still in my dress,he changed as soon as we got home.

"Can we have ice cream after we get out?"Zayn laughed,"Yes you can.Only one scoop though."

"Okay.I want a waffle cone."Needy Amina says.

"Is that how ask for something?"Zayn asked."Can we please have a waffle cone?"They said at once.I got up from the bed to walk in the bathroom.

I put their hair in a bun so they couldn't get it wet some how some way they always mange to wet it.

"Ready to get out?"I asked,rhetorical question.Its almost their bedtime and Amina has school in the morning.Ice cream then bed.

"Yes."Wrapping them in their towels,
I let out the water then followed them into our room.

"Yassy is going to the same school that I go to."Nav said."I heard.Slim chance you two will be in the same class."Zayn said,while pulling down hair shirt.I glanced over to Amina putting her clothes.I missed the days when she wanted me to help her.

"We want to be in Mina's class."Naveen said."I'm older so you can't."

"Why is Amina older?"I had a feeling this would the next question."Because I had her first."

"Why didn't you have me first?"Amina and I both smiled when she look to Zayn when she asked that question.

"I have no idea.Mummy just had Mina first."Zayn answered,clearly not sure if he answered that question right.

"You could've gave mummy special cuddles for me to be put in her stomach first daddy.I could be Amina's big sister."I knew if we all would've laughed it would piss her off.Just nodding taking in the information.

"You're going to be Anaíya big sister."Amina said,trying to help this really odd conversation.

"Ooh I forgot about her."Naveen said,
She's four.I will let her slide with that one.But how she forgot I was pregnant since she likes to wrap her arms around my stomach is weird.

"No more complaining.You're going to be a big sister too."I said.

*next morning*
After dropping the girls off to school.
Zayn and I came to my doctors appointment.He's highly against having sex while I'm pregnant and Im the complete opposite.Zayn thinks something will go wrong.I don't think anything would go wrong to be honest.

"You have to go to the shop after this?"Zayn asked,we are sitting in the room waiting for Dr.Samuel to come in.

"Yeah.Three clients today and I have to pick out a new washer machine and dryer."

"That sounds fun."Zayn said in a very sarcastic way,I flipped him off."It's ridiculous that we have to buy a new one.That damn construction next door."They broke a pipe that is connected to our water line.Now we have to come out of pocket for a new one.

"Did they feel the raft of your anger?"

"Are you being funny?"I asked."Of course."

When Dr.Samuel's came in,we went through the whole process of looking at
Anaíya.I have the strongest feeling I'll be pushing out a big baby.I wouldn't mind a c section.I hate the recovery but I rather go through that ten pushing out a big baby.

"Dr.Samuel I have a question?"I said,
seeing that Zayn embarrassed."I may have an answer.Whats your question sweetheart?"

"Is it ok to have sex while pregnant?"I asked.

"Of course.Most women who are having a normal pregnancy may continue to have sex right up until their water breaks or they go into labor. You won't hurt the baby by making love. The amniotic sac and the strong muscles of the uterus protect your baby.Who's scared to have sex?"Dr Samuel asked.I pointed to Zayn.

"It's perfectly normal to have sex while she's pregnant.It can't put the baby in harm."

"She won't go into an early labor?"Zayn asked like we have s&m sex.

"No.An position you two have sex in will not harm or cause her to go into an early labor."She explained.There it is!We've gotten the ok to have sex.

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