If Only She Knew

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F I L L E R !

*following week*
Elena's pov
I walk in Amina's room to see her focused on her drawing.She is her fathers daughter.Her posture,the tilt of her head,the way she hold her pencils.All Zayn.

"Hi baby."She looks up and smile,I wish Naveen had that expression.She started demanding shit.

"Hi mummy."Amina holds up her paper."Like it?"Little doodles of bears with name tags that says Naveen and Anaíya.

"They're adorable Mina."I say,"I can keep it?"I'm that parent who keeps every art work or things they wrote to us.I have in frame the first time they wrote their names.Though the first time Naveen wrote her name on her own was less then two years ago.

"When I'm done.Its not finished."I nods handing it back to her."Okay."
I lay behind her,she instantly made herself comfortable against my stomach."How was school?Daddy told me you got into an argument with someone."
She's not in trouble,she was actually defending herself.Ignorant adults raise ignorant kids.And those kids like to bully and demean other kids with common sense.

"A boy named Jay said I'm a stupid black girl.And I told him I'm not black,
Then he said I was ugly.That's when our teacher heard him and he got in trouble."

"You're far from ugly.You are one beautiful little girl and I'm happy you stood up for yourself."

"And I did throw a pencil at him after he said that."she says,I think she's in trouble but she's not.

I kiss her cheek."That's fine baby.Just don't throw anymore unless you're defending yourself."

"I'm not in trouble?"

"Nope.No one is mad or upset with you."

She seems happy with that answer,"You're a good kid."

"That's what nana said."She looks at me,"Daddy called we on our way home."

"Nana always tells the truth."I say,"What do you want for dinner?"

"Can we have curry chicken?"

That's the same thing Naveen asks,I was hoping for Thai."Yeah,why not."


"Danielle wants to take the girls to Lego land on Thrusday."I say to Zayn.Him and I are eating on the couch and the girls are happy I'm letting them put their Minnie Mouse table to use.Zayn had to move the rig back so no food could get mushed in.

"That will nice.Amusement park full of kids pushing you around."Sarcastic prick..

"Who says you and Liam are coming?"

He looks to me,already knowing the answer."Are we?"

"No."He chuckles,"Just us girls.But you know what you can do for me?"


"Pick up the girls dresses from the dry cleaners that morning."Everyone is making their way to Ireland sometime this week for Niall and Keeva's wedding.Not sure how things will be between us since will be my first time seeing her in months.I personally have no anger towards her.She's the one who I guess is annoyed or anger with me.

He sits up,putting his plate down.To take Anaíya out of her nuna leaf floating lounger.."I can do that."

"Can I have more rice?"Naveen asks, she always manages to get curry on her cheeks."Sure."I get up and take her plate from her."Do you two want some more?"

Zayn shakes his head,"Just water please."

"Naan."Amina says,she would eat naan with everything if I allowed her to.I prefer to not shit up a storm.

I brought back Zayn's water first, then made their plates.I got an extra piece for me too.

"I think it's time to make another one."Zayn mumbles,against Anaíya's cheek.

"What?"I'm confused.

He laughs but not to loud to get Amina and Naveens attention,"She's already a month old.One more little crazy child."He's officially lost his fucking mind.

"You've gone mad."

"It's fun making them."He says ,I lightly kick his leg."Those nine months aren't so fun."He acts like Ed the one carrying and having a line of staples put in his stomach.


"Finally a proper cuddle."Dani says, now that we are sitting down she can have her cuddle with Anaíya.We've been following the girls around for the passed two hours,from ride to ride.
They finally decided to come to Duplo Valley.I'm happy it's hot enough for them to get in the water.Nothing too deep.The water stops right at their knees.

"You're happy with Auntie Dani aren't you."I smile saying to Anaíya,placing her pacifier in her mouth.

"Are you all packed for tomorrow?"

"Yeah.I finished while she was napping.Zayn is getting their dresses and that's all.You?"

She nods,"Yeah for once I didn't wait last minute to pack."I laugh.She is the queen of last minute packing.Not that I'm any better."Have you talked to Keev?"

"No."I say,"We haven't talked in nearly two months.Niall called to see how Anaíya and I were doing.Then the both of them sent flowers.But nothing directly from her.I would love to know what the problem is."

"I wish I could tell you.But I don't either.This started recently."

"Yeah.I know we all have things going on.We have kids so social hour is to a minimum right now."

I can only think of one reason for we to be mad at me.And that for missing her hen-do.Which there was no way in hell I was going.Seven going on eight months pregnant.I felt like a fucking whale and I have two kids who I need to tend to.It's a little bit easier for Eleanor and Dani enjoy short holidays like that.Grayson is still a baby,plus I'm sure her mum stayed with him or his,and Pai is only one child.

"I don't want to say she wouldn't understand but you know..."Dani seems unsure about where Keev's anger stems from.

"She wouldn't."

"Mummy!"Paisley yells,from the small latter with Naveen.Amina standing behind them"Look!"

"Are you three having fun?"

They all shout,"Yes!"Amina looks like an overprotective mum.

"I think you,possibly her will avoid each other for the most part."Dani explains,she's telling the truth.I don't want Keeva's weekend ruined by whatever is (or isn't)going between she and I."Tavi has many things that involves alcohol planner and you and Maisie will be doing together."

We laugh when we see Amina holding both of their hands,walking around the shallow pool.

"It's going to be so awkward."

"Only if you make it."I can count on her to be wise when I don't want her to be wise."She's so quite."

If she only knew ...

"Be around at three a.m.Baby girl has a set of lungs."I say,Dani giggles.

"Have you figured out where you and Liam want to spend your anniversary?"I ask.Their two year wedding anniversary is coming up.

"We are leaning towards Antigua.I wanted Dubai again but he wasn't for it"They went to Dubai for their honeymoon.You really can't top that.

"He's hoping for another baby by then."

"I want the same thing he wants but expect for you."she rolls her eyes. Dani went back on the pill a while ago.I don't remember when but its been some time.

"Possibility."She says,fiddling with Anaíya shirt."Liam and I have siblings. I pretty much would be depriving her of siblings."

"Exactly you shouldn't deny my little Paisley."

"You're worse then Liam."

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