Card game

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Part 2
Remember to picture Elena with the burgundy hair.

Elena's pov
Saturday was a real struggle for most of the girls.Mainly Keev,El and Winnie.They weren't drunk when they came in but Tavi decided to play bartender.Drinks flowing left and right.It really is a good thing that Mai and I brought back all of the good because it didn't go to waste.

I wish I was able to sleep in with the rest of the girls but my sweet Anaíya wouldn't allow that.We cuddle while I confirmed a few emails for clients.
Three week countdown until I'm back at work.Weddings and some photo shoots.

Closing my lap top,I hold Anaíya in front of me."Want to take a bath."I kiss her neck."You smell like me and milk."I kiss her before laying her down between the boppy pillow.

I prepare her bath,all of her smell good and cloth that actually had her initials on it.Gift from Perla.She says it's a tradition in her family for new borns.

"Come on chubs."I undress her,
throwing her clothes in the room.She isn't cranky during bath time which I love."You like your tummy to be rubbed."her little grin makes me happy.It's been warm and she sweats heavily under her neck and when I feed her milk does come down to her neck.Though I wipe it,it still leaves a little scent.Milk and sweat don't mix.

El walks in after I get Anaíya dressed,
"Well don't you look pretty."I put her in a little floral play suit.

"What are you up to?"I ask,she takes Anaíya from me."Missing my baby."

I feel for her.Its always hard leaving your baby for longer then a day.
Mainly for first time mums.It gets easier as time goes on.Me time is needed.

"Which on Louis or Grayson?"I playfully ask,knowing she means Grayson.

"I miss Lou but I really Grayson."El kisses Anaíya's cheek."You're making me miss my baby even more gorgeous."

"You need girl time babe."I say,"It's nice to wake up and not feel like you're already drained within ten minutes."

"That's true but I miss the cuddles. Plus my body is pretty much on a set schedule."El says,standing up with Anaíya.You can't really knock that.

"The struggle."I follow her down stairs,to the kitchen.All of the girls in the kitchen ,sitting around the bar while Tavi cooks brunch.She must've been up for quite sometime.Corn beef hash,eggs,soda bread,
sausages,bacon and freshly
squeezed orange juice and seems like she's almost done make potato pancakes.Winnie and myself set the table.Its a perfect day.Great breeze coming through.Niall and Keeva have the best view from the kitchen.

I think we all feel the tension between Keeva and I.Everyone was smart enough to make sure we don't sit next to each other.I get why,but we are grown ass fucking women.But I'll remain quite when it comes to this whole situation.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?"El asks Keev.

She nods,"Yeah.I hope I don't eat shit walking down the isle."

I laugh at Tavi's hilarious cackle."How many inches is your heels?"I ask, trying to engage in this conversation.
My attempt to follow Esme's orders.I hope I'm doing well.

"Six in a half."she answers my question as if ,I had no business talking to her.. I'm done.I've tried.
Now I can't wait to leave Ireland.
All through brunch the girls managed to keep a topic going.Here and there I would jump in and give my opinion or laugh at something crazy Winnie says.It was enjoyable while it last.I was glad when we were all finished.

It was pretty much a free for all after.Beautiful weather means sit out by the pool.

Anaíya needed a nap,so the two of us will join them later.I've been texting Zayn for the last hour.God knows how high our bill will be.He just got of an iChat call with the girls,now it's my turn to talk to him.I plug my headphones in and except his call.

"Miami has given you a tan within twenty four hours."I say,he does look sexy though.Tank top on ,showing off his tattoos.Looks like he's recovering from a hangover might just be sleepy.

"Morning to you too."He leans back to close his blinds."Too bright for you babe?"

He nods,"Yeah.And I have a massive headache."

"Wild night?"I ask,while taking Anaíya's socks off then putting her blanket over her.

"No not really.Just got in really late and jet lag.I had a headache before I got on the plane."He smiles,seeing Anaíya's chubby face."How long has she been sleeping?"

"Fifteen minutes.Got another twenty to go."

"How are things on your end?"My face expression of not being excited was my answer.

"Still tension?"He asks,taking a sip of his water."Yup.I asked a question and you would've thought I asked a personal question by the tone in her voice."

"Try talking to her."

Now I would gladly try talking to her if I knew I did something offend her.But I haven't.We haven't been around each other in months.For me to do anything.

"No.I have no problems with her."

He sighs,shaking his head."Doesn't matter Lena.Resolve whatever issues that are there."

"Two reasons why I won't;I don't want to ruin her weekend and two,I have no problems with her."I explain."I also know,I'm over this weekend and I want to go home."

"One more day baby."


It was nice to be around the pool with the ladies.Now that the sun has gone done.Tavi and myself lit up the fire pit.
S'mores has made this night perfect.

I lean over to peel at Anaíya,she's down for the next couple of hours.
"Question game."Dani says,pulling out a deck of cards.Standing up,"You all get three questions."She goes around hand out the three cards.

"Who's starting?"Mai asks,

Dani smile,"The lovely bride."

"Alright.First card says,'Most interesting place you've had sex?'"Keeva explains her questions.I honestly wonder where Dani found these."In Vegas.I forget the name of the hotel,where the bed spins around with the mirror on the roof."

"Butt named spinning around on the bed."Winnie says,making us all laugh.

"Eleanor ,you're up!"Tavi says.El laughs already reading her card.

"Name a place other then your home where you had sex?"El says.She covers her face with her cards,

Oh shit.

"Tour bus."

"Please tell me no where near Harry's bunk?"Mai asks,I have luck and Zayns good choice of having the front bunk in the tour bus on my side.

"No."She bursts out laughing."On the bands bus.Lounge area."

"Oh my gosh!"She's told Mai and I that they've had sex before on the bus.As the rest of us have.On the bunks that the guys have picked for themselves.But damn I didn't think she meant on a different bus where they spent most of their time playing games.I know Louis smirked like the dick head he is,knowing everyone chilling where he and El got in.

"Okay next."Dani says,taking a sip of her wine.

"Favorite sex toy.."Tavi reads,she giggles."The joy ride."Mai instantly sits up,"The ten speed one?"

Fucking hell...

"Yes!That thing works miracles when I'm not with Dom."Girls gotta do,what a girls gotta do to get the job done.

"Elena ,you're up."Dani says,I pick up my first card."Um What is your favorite position."

"Face down,ass up."Tavi says,she is the humor of this night and we all are extremely grateful for it.

I point to her,"Wrong.I'm a rider."The first time Zayn and I tried it.I didn't care for because I felt too exposed. Three kids later,that has become my favorite position as well as Zayns.He does take the top route here and there,I prefer I do.He does better with other positions.

"That's my second favorite.I love missionary."Mai says,I love her honesty.Pregnant life has helped her.

El chimes in,"I agree babe."

"Do you enjoy foreplay?"Mai says,she shakes her head."It ruins my whole mood.Don't talk dirty to me,don't ask me how I like it.Just make sure you're not too rough but rough.Bit dominate but also submissive."Damn..

"Shit having sex with you is difficult."Keeva says,what we are all thinking."Harry loves it."

El giggles,rubbing her stomach.
"That's clear babe."Mai shrugs.I hear sounds from Anaíya.I put my plate of s'mores down and go over to the dinning area where she is.She hasn't fully woken up,I place her pacifier in her mouth and turn the lights off that on over the stove.

Before I go back outside,I check my phone that I left in the counter.Text from Esme..

We have future bakers on our

I smile at the picture of Amina,Nav and Paisley proudly holding their little cakes they made.I save it and send it to Zayn,Liam and Dani.

Adorable!I love you all.xx

We love you too baby.Have fun.xx

Wedding is next!!

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