Bitter Ex

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Travis's pov
I wake up to nice sunny day.Elena is sleeping peacefully.I don't have the heart to wake her.God she's gorgeous.I'm on lucky guy.

It's 9:57am,I have get to my place then the airport at 2:00 pm.I get up to go pee. When I hear a knock on the door.I wasn't too sure if I wanted to open the door since this isn't my house but I also don't want to wake Elena up.

I open the door to see Zayn with Amina and Naveen. Amina says."Hi Travis."

"Hey Amina,what's up mate." Zayn nods,I can tell he doesn't like me.Not sure what I did to deserve the cold shoulder from him.I have a respect for him since he's the girls father but it's getting annoying.
"Is Elena around"Zayn asked

Me,this is becoming more awkward "She's sleeping,come in and excuse me while I get dressed."

I go upstairs and Elena siting on the bed yawing."Good morning babe,Zayn is downstairs with the girls."

Elena's pov
I can her my girls laughing with their dad.I have the worst feeling Zayn and I will argue.
Travis was already to go.Only four days I can deal with that.

" I'll call you tonight?"he said I nodded,Travis moving closer to me.

"Come here "I feel suddenly shy was I walk to to him.He wraps his arms around me and kisses me deeply.When up come up for air he says."I'm going to miss you."

"I'm will miss you too."

When we come down stairs I see my girl in adorable matching outfits.Of course their shirts are from their dads concert."Mummy,"Nav says,running over and giving me a big hug along with her sister."I miss you."says Amina.

"I've missed you too baby girl."she hugs and kisses them both.

" Can we go to the garden?Daddy bought us these new water toys. " Amina asked."Okay,try not to track water in the kitchen."

"Okay."They gave their dad a hug and kiss."I love you."Zayn said,looking them directly in the eyes."We love you more."Navi said with confidence."I doubt it but okay babe."They ran off to the back,I will be mopping up water in a few.

Travis came down."I'm going babe he said."Okay drive safely " Travis comes and kisses me loudly on the lips blush, I look at Zayn and he looks pissed.Im thinking why does he look pissed we're not even together.Once Travis left it was just Zayn and I."I had to bring the girls early because I got this even."He said bitterly.

"Oh okay that's fine."

It seem like Zayn had an attitude.Its ridiculous to know we've been speared for this long and he still acts this way.This was one of the biggest issues in our relationship.Jealously.This is what I really like about Travis.He isn't the jealous type.He's like any of my past relationship.

*later that day*
The girls and I ended coming to the salon,I had no intention on coming in to today since I had no clients.Since Dash wasn't here to sign off on a few things Erin call me."Would you two like to push these to the back for me?I asked Amina and Naveen.Something to occupy their bored minds."Okay."
Being kids they made it into a race.

"How are things with Travis?"Erin asked."Good.He's a sweetheart and good with the girls.

"I'm happy for you!Not dealing with any drama or bs."

"Rare in my life.He's not gone for weeks at a time not being mobbed by paps or anyone else for that matter."

"Something new.Has Travis met Esme?"Erin asked."She has,likes him a lot.Esme is happy is happy if I'm happy."

"What about the Malik's?"

"They haven't met him and I highly doubt they will.Of course-"I was stopped by my daughter."Mummy can we have some candy?"Amina asked.

"Yes,two pieces each and that's it."She smile running back to her sister."They know Zayn and I not being together is what's right for now."

"Even if this relationship you have with Travis is only for the moment enjoy it.I haven't seen you smile this much in months."I gave her a hug."All thanks to you babe."

"Did you have fun with dad?"I asked,getting them ready for bed.
"Yup.,daddy took us on stage for rehearsals."Amina said.

"He did?Did you out sing him?"I made them laugh.Zayn has gotten Amina into singing.Naveen is more into make up and dolls."He did but Mina didn't do it."Nav said.

"Why?"I asked her."There were people every where."The stage grew...

"You've should've kept your eyes nk your dad like you usually do and sang your heart out."

"I'll do it next time."Amina said,laying down with Nav.I don't why they have two bed when they refuse to sleep in separate beds."Good girl.I love you both."

"I love too mummy!"Naveen said first."I love you mum."Followed Amina.

It's been awhile since I've update and I'm sorry.Not the longest chapter.The next chapter will be this week for sure Dramaaaa!Whooo

MASSIVE thank you to Cupcakes_90 for writing this chapter,I appreciate it very much 8)

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