Betrayal and Pain

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Elena's pov
I've seen Zayn mad but I've never seen him this hurt,so much pain in his eyes.Tad bit of betrayal.Which hurts me because that definitely isn't my intentions.
"Travis's baby."He mumbled,"Uh congratulations,sorry I walked in."Zayn said,then walked out.I threw the tests away.Walking out of the bathroom I quickly caught his arms.But he wasn't having it snatching his arm away."Zayn,please."I said,
"No,I don't want hear anything.Congratulations.If he makes you happy then be happy.To be honest I don't think you're happy.I think it's some bullshit disguise but then again that's just my opinion."With that being said he walked away.

I peeked in on Esme and the girls before I came to my room,sound asleep.No cuddling with them to tonight,I came back to my room.Being alone in a room makes me think and right now I don't want to think.

I am happy with Travis.Him not being clear across the county,not being on different time zones,I like not feeling him creep out of bed because he doesn't have to catch a early flight out or head to a city for a performance or interview.When I need him,he's there.Im not rushed off the phone due to him having to leave.

The thing enjoy the most is that I'm not followed by paparazzi.Its so annoying especially when I'm with my daughters.Now that I'm with someone who doesn't bring that to the plat it makes me happy...I think.

*two days later*

I'm not sure who wanted to stay with Esme longer me or the girls.She will drop by to take my girls without a doubt.I know Zayn is happy to be away from him.He didn't say one word to me,played with the girls,had some deep conversation with Esme that I tried my best to ear hustle in on but failed.
Back to reality.Five clients,five bitchy clients.First three asked for a smokey eye,which I did perfectly.From the eye lids to the ear brows to the lip stick but no these woman want to bitch.Then the other two,one asks for natural look but bright lip and complained about the lip stick color which she picked out I should add and the other annoy lady wanted natural as well but light color.Her words,'Not enough color.'
well it's natural sweetheart,that's the point.

I can say this has been the longest day of my career as a make up artist.
I heard the door to the back room."You alright babe?"Dash asked,I shook my head no."I feel like shit and I'm stressed."

"And you're throwing up at every given minute."Dash smiled at me,I hope this follow up statement or question isn't what I think it is."I'm a dad of three,I can point out a pregnant woman from a mile of way."

"Please don't."Dash is another person who's pretty much Team Zayn.He won't say it but it annoyed him that Erin set me up on a blind date with Travis.Another person who thought I threw in the towel too soon.

Dash and his lovely missus are similarly to Zayn and I,he works here but he also tours with many artist which means he's on the road.He always say it's hard on Savannah but they make it work because they love each other.

"I won't press you about it.Though we will have this conversation."Talk about relieved."Are you finished up with your last client?"


"Go home for the day,I'll lock up."He came over to give me a kiss on the cheek and whispered."Everything will be okay."

My house is too quite and will be for another two hours.I called Travis on my way home asking for him to come over.He said and should be here soon.I can't describe how terrible for what I've done.Travis deserves so much better then what I gave him.He's going to hate me and Zayn can't even look me in the eye.

Travis arrived quicker then I thought he would.It's an awkward silence between us."You alright?"He spoke up."Honestly,no."

"Talk to me."He said,rubbing his hand up and down his tattooed arm."Um the weekend you went to New York and I went Maisie event.I did something stupid."

There's like no emotions shown from Travis."Elaborate."

"I slept with Zayn,I'm so sorry.I can't put into..."

"I had a feeling something like this would happen and I was stupid enough to not end it when I saw it."Travis said,I don't know what to say.

"Whenever there are kids involved,
there will always be some type if connection between the parents.Always weather it's emotionally,mentally or emotionally."Travis stood up,I followed his actions.

"I'm not concerned about what your connection is but I wish you both the best."Travis said.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize.We both deserve happiness,I deserve someone who won't cheat and you deserve Zayn."I deserve that.

"Good luck."I couldn't say anything else because he walked out after that.I feel like the worlds shittiest person but I also feel like a massive load is lifted off of me.I for sure wasn't going to tell him I'm pregnant.

Not even five minutes later I heard yells from my girls,telling me to open the door."Well hello you little Rugrats."
"Hi mummy."They wrapped their arms around my waist.

"They finished their homework,Nav is going on a field trip to a bakery I signed my half you just have to sign."Zayn said,he's not looking me in the eyes.

"We are going to bake mummy!"Nav said,she loves cake.

"I see baby."Zayn kneeled down to them."I'll see you two Wednesday after school."

"Will we talk in the morning?"Navi asked."Yes we will boo,give me a big kiss."Her little lips met his with a loud 'mwah'.

"You too Jaani."Zayn caught our giggly daughter.Little daddies girls they are."I love you both,be good."

"Love you too,"They ran in the house to destroy god knows what."I'm off,have a good night."Zayn said to me.

"Can we talk?"

"No,that's the last thing I want to do.Talk to Travis,I'm sure he's over the moon about your guys expecting."Why does he speed walk?I didn't have the energy to chase after him this time.

*after dinner and taking bath*

"Did you have fun with Daddy?"I asked,after my long shitty day this cuddle from my girls is well needed."Yup,he's repainting our rooms."Amina said."Mm,what color?"

"I'm getting a Cinderella themed room with a carriage."Navi said,Amina and Nav are both girly girls but Navi is on another level.

"How lovely babe,what about you pebbles?"

"A Bollywood theme.He said if he can't do it he will find someone who can."Amina answered.Zayn will lose sleep to get Amina this Bollywood theme room.

"I can't wait to see your rooms."I've been asking questions about having a baby.Now I figured I should tell them."How would you to feel about having a little baby sibling?"

Nav sat up,sitting on her knees with the biggest smile on her face."Yes!We can dress her up and play make with her."She said.

"Can we?"Amina asked."A baby is in my stomach,In seven months the baby will be here."

My girls gave be a warm long hug,giggling away."We can dress her up,this is so cool."Nav is keen on the baby being a girl."It can be a boy ya know?"

"No it's a girl."I smiled at my girls,I seriously don't know where I would be without them.All the stuff Zayn and I been through,I'm always thankful I help make these two beauties with him.
"I'm going to be a big sister!"Nav sang,jumping around on the bed."Hey I know you're excited but lay your little bum down curly."Nav laid back down,"Go to sleep sweethearts,I love you."

"I love you too."Amina spoke first."Love you mummy."My little Nav.
Now that they know I'm pregnant next move is to tell Zayn the truth

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