Chapter #18 ~Percy~

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I was heading into this plane thing.
Katniss and I walked in.
All the tributes were there.
Annabeth looked at me. She looked upset or nervous. Probably both.
Max is sitting next to her.
He better not be flirting with Annabeth when I'm not around or...

I sit down. Someone walks up to me.
"Arm." The woman says.
I hold out my arm and she stabs with a needle. My arm glows and then goes back to normal.
"It's your tracker." The woman says quietly. I look at my arm.
SPQR is written on it with a line underneath. A trident above SPQR.
I remember getting that.

It was about 20 minutes later when we landed. We were officially entering the games.

I waited in my room pacing.
"Tributes. Enter your tubes." A speaker said.
I did as I was told. I entered it.
It counted down to 10 and at zero the tube started to rise.
I reach the top and am blinded by the bright light.
My vision starts to clear. I'm surrounded by forest.
The cornucopia as Katniss was telling me say in he middle I saw the swords and the daggers.
I look over to see Annabeth glaring at me. She's shaking her head.
Why is she shaking her head?
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1." A loud siren goes off. Annabeth is running into the woods.
I run to the cornucopia.
Someone throws a knife at me and I dodge it. I find the sword. And a dagger.
I grab a backpack and run off.
A sharp pain goes through my leg. I pull out the tiny knife that's impaled in my leg.
Another one is thrown at me and I deflect it off my sword.
Someone lifts me off my feet and steals my dagger.
It was Annabeth.
We're running. We're running and crashing through branches over branches. I can't even feel my leg. The pain made it numb. Somehow I'm running on it.
I sense water.
"Annabeth there's water. Follow me."

After a couple minutes I trip and fall into a river.
I feel my cuts starting to heal. Slowly.
Annabeth punches me in the arm.
"You idiot!"
"Talk louder maybe the tributes can follow your voice." I say sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, but seriously you could've gotten yourself killed. That boy from district 3 was aiming directly for you with those knives. We're targets I hope you know for our high scores. Everyone is going after us!" She takes a breath.
"Are you injured?" I ask.
"Nah, just a few scratches but I'll be fine."
I nod and open our backpack. A sleeping bag. A canteen, a rope and...
I pull out a second canteen. This one is more full. I look inside and smell the liquid.
"Annabeth. This is nectar."
"Are you serious!" Annabeth says bending down. I take out a bag filled with ambrosia.
"Did the gods set this up?" Annabeth says stealing the bag from me.
I shrug. "We better keep moving though."
I put everything in the bag.
I help Annabeth up and we fill up our canteen up with water.

"Do you want to set up camp...?" I ask.
"That would be very unwise. Fire. Smoke. People hunting us? No. Not a good mix."
I nod.
"Look!" Annabeth says tapping me in the shoulder and then running off. "Annabeth!" I call after her. I end up just running after her.
She has a little parachute.
"It's from Athena...? Are the gods watching us?" She opens it. Inside was a note.
"Do not eat. Trick other tributes."
The note said.
Annabeth shrugs and puts in in the backpack on my back.
"Do you want to sleep in a tree? We can find a trees close to each other."
I nod.

We end up finding a large enough tree to fit us both on two branches that were conveniently close to each other so we could use the same sleeping bag so we won't freeze.
"How are we going to win? Like together?" She asks.
"Honestly wise girl. I have no idea."
"What's new."
I kiss her.
"Why can't we have a normal life?" I say breaking away.
She shrugs and leans back against to the tree. She closes her eyes.

A little bit after the anthem comes on.
Annabeth is still asleep.
District 6, 5, the boy from 7, the girl from 3 and the girl from 11.
Surprisingly only 7 people died.
I laid back and closed my eyes.
Annabeth reached for my hand and held it.

I fell asleep after a bit. I doubt I would get nay good sleep. But I did fall asleep.

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