Chapter #15 ~Annabeth~

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"Max Black. District 4."
We all wait into the edges of our chairs.
These were the scores.
People pat Max in the shoulder. Congratulate him.
8 is very good.
"Annabeth Chase. Also District 4."
I wanna puke.
"With the score of...
Wow! 12!"
Everyone falls silent.
"Wow. Annabeth. You must be really good with a dagger." Finnick says.
Words fail me.
I'm too stunned.
Ceased Flickermans words keep going through my head.
"With the score of...
Wow! 12!"

Way to shocked.
"Wow..... Annabeth." Max says.
"I can't even remember the last person who got a 12. I mean the last person got an 11 and that was Katniss Everdeen but a 12. Wow." Finnick says obviously also shocked.
Katniss seemed like the competition.
I guess she's played in the hunger games before. And won.
I don't really trust her. Percy might but I don't.
We waited.
"Percy Jackson. District 12." Ceaser says.
"With the score of.....
Also a 12."
Was it just a coincidence that we both got 12's. Maybe it was for the fact that we've been fighting since we were 12. Well he was. I've been fighting since I was 7.
Once again no one said a thing.
Well except Max.
"Wow!" He exclaims.
Later that night i couldn't sleep. So I snuck out of my room. Where could I go? If I went to the roof I would have to use the elevator. Would the elevator make noise. Would I have to go through district 12's little room. I heard they had the penthouse.
Percy is up there. I wonder if he would be on the roof. I better not take the chance in getting in trouble.
I walk quietly into the living space. There was a large window. It's not like we were very high off the ground  but it was an okay view.
I sat in the window sill.
People were partying and having fun.
Who can celebrate?
The interviews were tomorrow.
The hunger games.
My stomach turned. Then again. Then again. And one more time.
I decided to try to sleep again.
I heard they woke you up early because it take forever to get ready.

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