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After school

I saw Y/N running to me while I was talking to the boys.

Y/N: "Kaita you need to come with me! Rn!"
I give a questionable face and said "why kaita have to go with you?"
"My one Friend called him"
"O-oh okay then-" I said as I felt relieved
"Okay hyung imma talk to you later"

In class Y/N PoV:-

"Heyyyy Y/Nieeee!" Yoona said as she jumped around my desk to get my attention...
"Heyyyy yoonaaaayaaaa!" I said and smiled...
"Hit kaita!!! Todayyy!" She said pouting and being stubborn. I liked these kind of attitude.
" I will after school!! I promise!"

"Okayyyyy! Thank you bestieeee!"

Present Y/N PoV:-

I planned a beautiful date between them and give them some space to talk. I went back to hyunbin...

"HYUNBINNNNN!!!" I shouted. I was taking deep breaths because I was already being late and I need to make dinner...
"Let's goo its going to be late!"
"Okayyy"! Hyunbin said and started to walk with me.

" where did you take Kaita???"
"To set a date with yoona... she said she likes Kaita so I helped her."
"Wait...... yoonaaaa...... isn't she a girl with long brown hair?
"Yeahh..... why you know her?"
"No tbh. Isn't she new?"
"Nooo! I'm new!"

I hit him with my school bag.

"Ohhhhh sorry sorry" "yeah you're new and that's why she made you talk to Kaita. No one in the school makes the first move to Kaita. Kaita likes doing the first moves" Hyunbin said.

"Oooohhhhh" I said in response.

He also added :-
"Kaita likes when people don't force him to do something and Won, he doesn't even likes being around people. He likes to stay alone, kinda artistic, right?"

"Yeah hahahaha" I said.

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