Let's Kill Tonight ~ The Sequel 'Honour Over Glory'

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Honour Over Glory

Extract from Honour Over Glory...

Sleep never came easy to the wicked.

Rebecca lay, head on the cold hard ground, whilst her hazel eyes picked out the faint outline of spider webs which criss-crossed the ceiling, glistening with dew in what little light shone through the small hatch window. Her skin felt numb, her mouth dry, her whole body tired. With a muted groan, the young witch sat upright. Small purple bruises patterned her arms and legs, like a strange form of decoration.  They hurt whenever she pressed them, but the pain made her remember that she was still alive. Still breathing.

The sound of footsteps echoed through her prison, alerting her that someone was ascending the narrow staircase that led to the top of this tower. She held her breath, a tiny spark of hope flickering away inside her. Perhaps someone had finally noted her absence. Surely Draco had realised by now? The Death Eaters wouldn’t assume that she was a coward, would they? They knew her. She didn’t run from anything. A bit of blood and a fight in Hogwarts wouldn’t make her flee.

And yet she was still worried. Worried that the Dark Lord would think her a deserter. Worried that Draco would think her pathetic. If only they knew that she had been kidnapped, and hadn’t just had a change of heart when it came to fighting for the Death Eaters.

As the door creaked open, a harsh sound that tore at her ears which had become so accustomed to the silence, Rebecca’s hope was diminished.

Read the whole story here:


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