Chapter 33

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"Not so fast Karan. If I go to jail, so does your ass since I actually do have proof that you were the one stealing oxycontin from the hospital and supplying me with it"

Shyam's words echoed through the hallway, along with his footsteps as he walked directly towards Karan, his eyes trained hard on Khushi.

"Wow Karan. I am amazed! A few minutes with your lady love and you lost your sanity. I must say this woman has something to her" Shyam ground out, turning around to look over at Khushi who wasn't standing where she was before. Wondering if she had made a run towards a phone, Shyam moved a step forward but stopped in his steps when he looked over at Arnav, who was now standing infront of Khushi, as her shield, blocking Shyam's gaze.

"Tch Tch Tch... I don't even know what to say right now... Seeing you grown up men trying to protect this girl is making me slightly teary I must say" Shyam mocked both the men standing infront of him. "But anyways that's not my problem. You can fight over your ladylove all you want but I am in a bit of a hurry. Karan... should we leave?" Shyam moved forward and grabbed Karan's arm to take him out of there but was halted in his steps when Karan removed Shyam's hand from his arm and moved over to stand beside Arnav.

"I am done with all this Shyam... I am tired of you blackmailing me... I am tired of you trying to threaten me with Khushi's life... I am tired of you lying to me about Arnav and Khushi's relationship" Karan ground out, as he took a step forward and towered over Shyam.

"I am sick and tired of all this now. Yes I made a mistake. Yes I supplied you with drugs from the hospital because I was stupid and didn't realize the consequences of it. I thought it was just for your use! Who would have thought this well known lawyer had a side business going but you can't blame me for all this. The amount I supplied you with is in no way enough to run a drug business. So where did you get the rest from? Blackmailed another intern doctor? Used the amount that I gave you for yourself and had someone else create the rest for you? Or did you use my supply to find out how to make the rest? That must be it right? Because I haven't supplied you with anything in years so how is this whole chain of yours still going?" Karan spat out and stared at Shyam, hoping to get a reaction out of him to make him confess something but Shyam stood still as a stone, slightly amused at the amateur infront of him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Yes I got some oxycontin from you and you supplied it to me for my personal use but what is the rest of this rubbish? You're now blaming me for something that you did illegally? What do I have to do with the rest of this? I just..." Shyam stopped midway when he heard a noise from upstairs... actually more like a strong banging and when he looked up, he saw the shadow of his wife against their bedroom door, trying to break it open.

"Anjali" Shyam cried out, and made a move to go up the stairs to open the door but was halted midway, when Karan and Arnav both moved forward to block his way.

"Not so fast jeejaji. Di is fine. She just needs to stay upstairs for now. So what were you saying?" Arnav asked much too innocently, hoping they could get Shyam back on track, to say something, anything that would help end all this.

Shyam looked up towards the stairs to see Anjali still banging on the door, calling out everyone's names. As much as Shyam tried to ignore it all, the banging on the door made his head ache... maybe he should have just had that drink before coming there to calm his nerves down but what was done was done. There was no way he was going to be caught by these ametuers and if they thought he was dumb, then they were highly mistaken. But if Anjali didn't stop pounding on that door, he was going to lose his shit and he knew that very well.

"This is ridiculous Arnav. Go and open the door for your sister. What if she needs something..." and before Shyam could complete his sentence, the door broke open and Anjali ran out of the room to be stopped in her tracks seeing Karan, Arnav, Shyam and Khushi in the living room as if they were discussing something extremely important. One look at her husband's face and she knew what was happening. Hadn't she seen that look cross his face too many times before?

"Arnav! Khushi! What's going on?" Anjali asked as she almost ran down the stairs.

"Karan what are you doing here?" Anjali asked Karan as she came and stood by all of them.

"Don't ask Anjali. Karan seems to have a misunderstanding and we were just clearing it up" Shyam replied ever so politely and Anjali knew that tone too well. She looked over at Arnav and Karan and realized something was seriously wrong. Had everyone found out? That sounded almost impossible.

"Di your friend Ritu had called for you and said that you were suppose to meet her for lunch. Sorry I must have locked your door by mistake because I thought you weren't home. You probably should leave soon" Khushi replied smilingly, walking towards Anjali, hoping to get Anjali out of the house before the police stormed in.

"Actually why don't I accompany you Anjali? I was about to leave as well. Karan, you said you needed a ride correct? Let's go... we can drop you off" Shyam turned around, after giving Karan a hard stare, telling him that his time was up.

Khushi quietly watched the scene unfold infront of her as Anjali slowly walked up the stairs to grab her purse. The phone in her hoody was still open and connected and she knew that if Shyam walked out today, that was it. Shyam was on high alert and there was no way they would get this opportunity again. Plus Shyam knew that she and Arnav knew about his doings and she didn't even want to imagine what he could do to them if he walked out of this house today. She looked towards Karan who had a scared and dejected look on his face and he looked like he had lost hope. Based on everything that was said, Karan would be hauled to jail for his crimes but Shyam would get away again since Karan had no proof that Shyam had done anything.

As Shyam turned to move towards the door, Khushi did the only thing that came to her mind and moved towards Shyam to block his way.

"Not so fast jee-ja-ji. We have some unfinished business still." Khushi spat out and noticed the annoyed look on Shyam's face but she stood her ground, staring right at him. "I saw you giving drugs to the guy that stabbed me. Care to explain that one? Don't deny that one because I actually have proof that you did that" Khushi lied through her teeth and kept the smug look on her face intact, just to get a reaction out of Shyam and the next second everything happened in slow motion around her.

"Khushi No!" Arnav yelled and before Arnav could take a step towards her, Shyam had grabbed Khushi by the neck and had spun her around.

"You little piece of shit!" Shyam yelled, tightening his arm around her neck, causing Khushi to choke. "I always knew you were trouble. No wonder I needed to get rid of you! I love your spunk but if you hadn't f***ed two men in our family already, I would have loved to see your spunk in a very different form!" Shyam whispered in Khushi's ear which did not go unheard by the rest.

Arnav felt like someone had knocked the wind out of him and Karan stood frozen in his spot. Before Arnav could move forward, he heard Anjali scream Shyam's name from the top of the stairs and using that as a distraction, Arnav tried to move forward but only to be stopped in his tracks when Shyam put a gun against the side of Khushi's head.

"Anyone moves and I blow this girl's brains out. Understood?" Shyam asked, his voice now in much more control, causing Khushi to shake in fear.

"So what were you saying sweetheart?" Shyam asked Khushi, as he tightened his hold around her neck, making her now stand on her tiptoes. "Something about me meeting someone that stabbed you hmm? Weird because I don't remember seeing you with a phone that day" Shyam ground out, pulling her neck closer towards him, while he kept the revolver aimed at her forehead. If Khushi would have been loose, she would have done a happy dance but her eyes lit up, knowing that she had hit the right spot and as scary as the scenario was, she winked at Arnav, hoping he would get the fact that Shyam had admitted to being there.

If Arnav hadn't caught onto what Shyam had just said, he would have thought that Khushi had lost her mind but that didn't stop the rage that was starting to spread in his body. He had let her get hurt once before due to this man, not again.

"Let her go Shyam. She has nothing to do with this. We'll all do as you say. Just let her go. She can leave with Karan right now. We don't need to talk about this. We can all go about our business as if nothing happened" Arnav almost pleaded, carefully walked towards Shyam.

"You know what Arnav. Now I know why I always liked you the most. You are the most sensible of all these people. Not sure what attracted you to this firecracker - I knew she was trouble from the day she stepped into Karan's life but anyways, I like what you're saying. I give Karan and Khushi 2 minutes to walk out of here right now and I will personally drop them off at the airport" Shyam replied, loosening his hold on Khushi's neck. When everyone seemed to be ok with his decision, Shyam pushed Khushi forward who fell to the floor, gasping for breath and as Arnav stepped forward to grab her, Shyam stepped in between shaking his head in a no.

"Karan you only have a minute and a half left. Arnav you should be thankful that I'm letting her live but she needs to go from our lives now. It's the best for us" Shyam replied almost maniacally.

Arnav stood as still as a stone as he watched Karan move towards Khushi to help her get up but before Karan could kneel down, Khushi stood up and stepped away from Karan and the look on her face told him that she was not going to walk out. His eyes almost pleaded with hers, to just do what he was saying for now till this all got over, but she stood up straight, refusing to move.

"What the f***!!" Shyam swore but before anybody could follow Shyam's gaze as to what was happening, Anjali came and stood infront of Arnav, her hands as steady as steel as she aimed her gun at Shyam.

"Game over husband" Anjali drawled slowly, her eyes fixed on Shyam who now had a look of pure shock and disgust on his face.

Shyam looked over at the woman standing infront of him, so confidently that she almost didn't look like the Anjali he knew. If there was anyone in this world that could take him down, it was his wife and he never in a million years thought that his proper and suave wife would even think of doing something as stupid as shooting him but the steely gaze and her hold on the gun said otherwise. She looked ready to kill him and that look of pure disgust in her eyes told him that she wouldn't think twice before shooting him and his thoughts were halted when she confirmed it all.

"What did you think Shyam? That you would get away with it all? You have been blackmailing me for almost three years and the sad part is that I was the stupid one who actually believed you and kept quiet instead of seeking help. You know why? Just because I didn't want my Chotte to know. Just because I had this tiny little hope in me that you would give it all up. That maybe, just maybe, you would come back and we could sort it all out, but no. I was highly mistaken. People like you don't change. It's idiots like me that pray and hope for the better but I am done with this. I have proof of what you do. I have your foreign bank statements. I have copies of receipts of the chemicals that you bought to create all this and above all, I have recordings of your business dealings. Might have taken me three years to get here but I've got it all now and there is no way in hell you could get away with anything at this moment unless you decide to shoot me right now"

"You shoot me, I shoot you. It's as simple as that". Anjali's words echoed in the hallway and before Shyam could react to what Anjali said, the doors to the mansion flew open and the place was swarmed with police officers and drug enforcement agents, putting an end to the whole ordeal.


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