After getting a grand tour of the whole place, Khushi was shown her new office which was opposite of Arnav's and was only separated by a glass wall. Well atleast there are curtains, she thought dully. Those will need to be put in use soon, as she didn't think she would be able to look him in the eye for a few days.
What the hell had she been thinking? How in hell could she even think that way, she chided herself. At what point during their discussion did her mind enter the gutter? She wasn't sure herself. When he said it wouldn't hurt? Or that allot of people do it?
Forget it Khushi, she told herself again... and again. Get back into work mode. Everything will be fine. Keep your distance with him for a few days and let your nerve endings calm down.
Breathe in, breathe out and she kept repeating the mantra until she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned around so fast that she almost lost her balance. And there stood the last person on earth she wanted to see at this moment plus that cheeky grin on his face didn't seem to help the situation.
"What!" she yelled a little too loud for her own liking but cocking his head to the side, he looked her fully in the eyes and grinned a little more.
"Look if you don't wipe that smirk off your face..." she muttered through her gritted teeth.
He only raised his eyebrows at her statement and crossed his arms across his chest waiting for her to continue.
Before she could say anything further, she saw Nancy walking into the office, who decided to give her an overview of things around. Without a word, Arnav left and walked into his office but she could feel his gaze on her. She wondered if Nancy always kept the curtains aside. Would it be weird if she decided to go ahead and pull them across? Actually that would show that she was awkward and there was no way she was going to let him think that he won. First, he threw her off the bed, and then he made her think all weird. There was no way he was going to get off the hook, she decided.
When Nancy moved towards the computer to get started on showing her things, she made up her mind that she was not going to think about him anymore and deal with what she had got herself into. She realized she needed to discuss this whole working arrangement with him too. Working for your husband's company.. Was that awkward? She wasn't sure.
After spending two hours with Nancy, she realized she had quite a bit to do. As Nancy worked for Arnav's dad before Arnav took over, everything in the office was done manually despite how technologically advanced the world had got. This place is going to need some changes, she thought. As Nancy left and told her that she will come in whenever she was needed, Khushi looked around the office wondering what she should do now. Did he expect her to start working on things right away? She wasn't too ready for that. Her brain felt a little fried still. She was tired and her thoughts wandered off as she realized if things would have gone as she had planned, she would have been in Bora Bora on her honeymoon right now relaxing. Rubbing her temples to get rid of the headache that was starting to come, she sat down on the office chair and turned around so that her back was facing Arnav's office. She wondered what Arnav's di and Nani were doing and if they were still at Karan's. Maybe she should call them. But as she picked up her phone to call, she thought against it, in case they were still there.
She looked back at Arnav who was now pacing his office. His tie hung loosely around his collar and he was running his hands through his hair so hard, she thought he might rip them out. Looking like he was going to be one the phone for awhile, she turned back around and leaning her head against the back of the chair, she closed her eyes.
So lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize when she dozed off and Arnav walked in. He came and stood behind her and noticed her tired face. Slowly turning the chair around, he made her face him but realized she was sleeping as she didn't even flinch. As he looked over her face carefully, he realized the dark circles under her eyes that she seemed to have covered up with some makeup.
As tempted as he was to pick her up and carry her back to the car, he realized that wouldn't appropriate with his whole office around. He slowly lifted her up, took her into his office and gently laid her down on the leather sofa in the corner of his office. Even though she was too tall for it, he fixed her legs and went back to doing his work till she woke up.
Three hours later, Khushi woke up with a stiff neck and took in her surroundings. She was laying on a large leather couch, his suit jacket draped over her and the lights dimmed out. Still wrapped in his jacket, she got up to look for him but realized that he wasn't in the office. Knowing that he will make his way back there eventually, she snuggled more into his jacket and took in the scent. Before her thoughts could go wayward, she saw him across the hall making his way towards her and her heart jumped at the site. He looked unruly handsome in the charcoal dress pants and white shirt that he was wearing. The tie was missing and he had unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt.
Her heart started pounding in her ribcage as he got closer and closer. She wasn't sure what she was nervous about- embarrassment from this morning or this strong physical attraction to her husband. It had only been two days since they were married and she couldn't seem to get him out of her thoughts.
"About time you wakeup! Man I've been waiting for like forever..." he told her as he walked around the office gathering his laptop and other stuff to go home, she guessed.
"Sorry... I didn't realize... I've just been really tired for some unknown reason and I just..." and she was interrupted with his finger on her lips again. Shifting a little awkwardly, she looked at him as he was now sitting on his knees in front of the couch with an apologetic look his face.
"I am sorry about today... I should have sat and explained everything to you before I dragged you in here. As you can tell, we seem to be quite behind in our accounts and stuff and I had planned on talking to you before the wedding about offering you the position but never really got the chance. When you said ok this morning, I just got a little too excited I think and I didn't want you to back out as you know the company really needs someone like you to sort things out".
When she didn't speak and kept looking at him a little unsurely, he knew how to get a reaction out of her.
"See, I told you it wouldn't hurt to work together and a lot of couples do it, I mean work in the same place...."
"Yes I understood what you meant. It's fine. Can we go home now?" she interrupted him as she knew where he was going with this discussion and she was in no mood to get embarrassed again.
An hour later, she was helping his Nani pack her bags as she was going to go with Anjali di for a month. His Di and Jeejaji were going to move back in with them once they packed everything as they were the only family Arnav had and his jeejaji agreed to move back with them so they could all live together. Not like their place didn't have enough privacy, she thought since the Raizada house was no less than a mansion. Secretly, Anjali had wanted to take Nani away so Arnav and Khushi could spend some alone time together without having to worry that Nani was at home.
For the next few hours, Khushi helped around the house, Nani and Anjali showed her where everything was in the kitchen and outdoors in case she needed something. As the clock struck midnight, and Anjali and Nani decided to go to bed, she realized she had no choice but to go back to her room and face the devil.
She tiptoed her way to the room and almost did a happy dance when she saw he was already sleeping. Quickly, she slipped into the bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.
The next morning they dropped his family at the airport and headed for his office. He couldn't help but look at her from the corner of his eye. He had asked her to stay home if she had wanted to rest but she refused. The whole drive she didn't look at him or talk to him but kept texting someone and he wondered who she was talking to. He only knew about her friend Priya and that was about it. After reaching the office and promising her that they would have lunch together, he walked into his room and she busied herself with things around. Occasionally she would look across towards his office but he seemed to be missing the whole day. He had ordered her lunch and got it delivered to her office and as she opened the box, she saw the note attached- I owe you two lunches now...
Involuntarily, she smiled at the six words that seem to be scribbled in a hurry and dug into her food. After ten long hours, she finally saw him when he walked into her office and it was well past 8 pm now and all the employees were gone home.
"Sorry got caught up in a meeting... Chalein?" he asked and as he started walking towards the door, he finally heard her voice.
"Thanks for lunch" was all she said and as he turned around, he saw her properly for the first time in the whole day. She was wearing a black pencil skirt which barely covered her knees and the stilettos made her legs look extra long. Her collared shirt had the top four buttons undone and even though there was no cleavage to see, his blood pumped faster in his veins looking at her overall picture- This was his wife he realized and the attraction he felt towards her was almost too scary for his own liking.
As she shifted uncomfortably under his securitizing gaze, he closed the distance between them in four long strands and lifted his hands to fix her collar. The temptation to move his hands and unbutton the rest of her shirt was so powerful that he almost clenched his fists but instead he lightly placed his hand on her lower back, and walked her out of the office before he did anything stupid.
Quietly, they both walked towards their car and towards the underground parking lot but just as she was about to enter, she felt herself being pulled back and before she could realize what was happening, she felt a hand reach inside her shirt and around her neck. Her body was pinned against someone's chest and Arnav was standing across from her with a horrified look on his face.
"Let her go..." Arnav told the man who in return tightened his hold around her neck and pushed the knife he had into her back. She could slowly feel the blood starting to trickle down her back and to her legs but she kept her cool when she realized that Arnav didn't see the knife and thought the guy was just holding her by the neck.
"Look... Here take my wallet... Cash... These car keys... whatever you want but just let her go" he told the guy while scheming on how to take the guy down. Before he could think any further, four more guys joined in, all with weapons in their hands. Knowing very well that he couldn't take these guys down, he quietly reached into his pocket and dialed 911 to call the police knowing they would track his location down thanks to the built in tracking devices that phones had these days.
"Are you kidding me man... no way this hotness is going anywhere with you how about you drive away loverboy and leave her with us for a few hours... you can come back to pick her up from here in I'd say about five hours... one hour for each of us" one of the guys laughed and it took everything in him to not knock the guy out but he kept his gaze steady on Khushi letting her know that he wasn't going to do anything stupid. The police station was across the street and it wouldn't be more than two minutes before help came. He wasn't going to risk trying to take one of the guys down and put her in any harm but what he saw next made him lose his control.
The guy holding her pushed the knife in her back even more and as her upper body pushed out, he slide his hand down her shirt and rubbed against her back suggestively. The next instant she fell on her knees as Arnav punched the guy straight in the face and he fell backwards. As the rest of the guys moved forward to attack Arnav who was mercilessly punching and kicking the guy on the ground, the cop cars were heard around the corner and in a matter of few seconds, the police had surrounded the whole area.
Not knowing whether the guy was still alive or dead, Arnav ran towards Khushi who was now being attended by paramedics and as he looked at her white shirt which was now stained in blood, he felt the ground shift from under his feet. Khushi was still crouched over on her knees and was being helped by two guys to stand up so they could get her on a stretcher. The next instant, Arnav was beside her and in one swift motion, he lifted her and laid her on her stomach on the stretcher while shouting at the paramedics to get her to a hospital fast.
Two hours later, she was discharged and as her knees were badly scratched from the fall and her back being bandaged, she couldn't walk. Arnav had picked her up and taken her to the taxi and had picked her up and taken her back to the house. The doctors had told her that she was lucky that the knife didn't go in too deep and while the doctor explained to her what she needed to do and instructed them on how to change her bandages, Arnav had just kept a straight face and except for nodding hadn't uttered a word.
As he now gently placed her on the bed and confirmed that she didn't need anything, he went to change and when he came back out, she noticed his red eyes and she could tell he was trying to control his anger. Too scared to approach him, she tried to get off the bed so that she could change when she almost fell and before she could land on her knees, she landed in his arms who was now looking at her with a murderous expression in his eyes.
"What the f*** do you think your trying to do?" he ground out and she flinched at his language.
"I... I just ... wanted to change... so my night clothes" and as he noticed the tears appearing in her eyes he crushed her against him and swore all he could.
"Why in hell didn't you let me know he had a knife to your back! Do you have any idea that I could have got you killed! What the hell is wrong with you! I could have f***ing lost you damnit" and as he ranted she realized why he was mad and despite his language and how hard he was crushing her, she felt a strange warmness overtake her and knowing she was ok and he wouldn't let any harm near her, she buried her nose in the crook of his neck and cried.
Phew! There was chapter 11- I hope that made up for the wait . Please let me know what you guys think!Pinki
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