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"What do you want to eat?" Sunwoo asked as they waited in line at the cafe they'd decided to stop by. 

"Are you actually going to buy me something? Aw, what a sweet boyfriend," she teased, bumping her shoulder against his. 

"Shut up or I'll mug you," he grumbled, glaring at her. 

Seolhee shrugs. "Joke's on you, I don't have any money on me. You dragged me out of there so fast I didn't even have time to grab my phone."

"We had to leave quickly, for dramatic effect," he said, rather dramatically. 

"Right," she said, her tone flat. Her gaze traveled to the cupcakes. "I'll take that one," she said, pointing to the one with pink frosting. "And an iced coffee." 

"Maybe I don't want to pay for you anymore," Sunwoo said. 

Seolhee fixed on moments worth of intensive glaring on him, but he just shrugged. She sighed. "I'll treat you next time," she said as they walked to the counter to order. He didn't look convinced, but he ordered her stuff anyway, and then decided that he'd get the same thing. 

"We can take pictures and post them," he sighed as they sat down. She'd been about to eat, but his words make her pause. Her fork hovered over her cupcake and she blinked at him a few times, the words settling in as he reluctantly pulled out his phone. 

"Why are we taking pictures?" she asked, putting down her fork. 

"Are you an idiot?" he grumbled. "I want to make this look as real as possible. Which means we have to keep up the front online and at school. And just... always." 

"At school?" she squeaked, her eyes widening. "Why?"

"Because what if our parents ask around? As you pointed out, our parents know that we don't like each other. They're not going to believe we're dating just because they saw us kissing. They'll know we're faking right away. But if everyone at school also confirms that we're dating, then they'll believe us. That's why we'll have to post pictures too, so people at school can see," he said, holding up his phone. "If they care about us at all, they'll call off the wedding. Especially since they don't even like each other. We just have to convince them that we're in love, and then hope that they'll care enough." 

"Hope that they'll care enough," she repeated, poking her fork against her bottom lip. "I'm beginning to sense a flaw in our plan. I honestly wonder... I don't know about your father but..." 

"You don't think they'll care," he finished for her. 

"I don't know," she mumbled, closing her eyes for a moment. "I don't know. Let's just follow the plan and hope it works. And if not... we'll figure out something else." 

"Okay," he agreed. "Now pose for a picture," he said, holding the phone out so they could take a selfie. His finger hovered over the button. 

"Take the picture already," she snapped, struggling to hold her smile. 

"We don't look like boyfriend and girlfriend," he murmured. "This looks staged." 

"Probably because it is," she muttered. 

"Why don't you wrap your arms around my neck like you're hugging me?" 

"Why don't I do what?" she asked incredulously, narrowing her eyes at him. 

He turned around, raising an eyebrow at her. "Are you having trouble hearing or something? Come over here," he said, waving her over. 

Seolhee let out a resigned sigh and walked over to him, draping her arms over his shoulders and crossing them in front of his chest, hugging him as he suggested. He turned his face, kissing her cheek, and at that moment he pressed the button, taking the picture. 

"That wasn't part of the plan," she said, standing up and hitting the back of his head. 

"But the picture came out great," he pointed out, showing it to her. She hated to admit it, but he was right. It looked real. 

"What should I caption the post with? How about 'my lovely girlfriend'," he teased, winking at her. 

"Caption it whatever you want," she said, shrugging one shoulder as she picked up her fork and started eating her cupcake. She didn't care one way or another, not when she had her cupcake in front of her. 

"It's posted," he said, holding out his phone for her to see. 

"Shortcake?!" she asked, her voice rising as she read the caption. It read: My Shortcake❤️

"You said I could caption it whatever I wanted," Sunwoo said, amusement dancing behind his eyes. 

"Anything but that!" 

"You didn't say that." 



Posting an extra chapter this week because why not😉😘

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