Chapter 26

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Kim Sunhee

Even after we left the radio station, I still felt flustered. I mean, how could people even think that? Chanyeol and I, dating? Like that would ever happen.

Not that I would complain... Wait, what?

In order to stop any gossips from forming, I came up with an idea so that I could freely accompany Chanyeol around. We had never really been caught by anyone before, I guess he knew his tricks... but that's mostly because we never roamed around so freely. We mostly hung out in either one of our houses, or in very private restaurants, where no one would notice us.

"Park Chanyeol, I have an idea."

He turned to look at me. "Hm?"

"Can we stop by yours and get a few of your things?" I batted my eyelashes and grinned sheepishly.

He raised an eyebrow and then rolled his eyes. "What exactly?"

"A cap, a hoodie, sunglasses and a face mask."

"What for?" he asked, staring at me with a dumbfounded expression. "Have you finally gone crazy?"

I smirked. "I'll be a boy for you today, that way we won't gather any unnecessary attention."

"Yeah, you've definitely gone mad." He sighed. "It's not like I care, really."

"Look, shit almost got loose back in the radio interview. I'd rather have a tranquil afternoon. I don't want anyone getting wrong ideas, or you getting in trouble for me, so it's either that, or I'll just go home."

He scowled at me, but nodded anyway. "Okay..." He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

We made a quick stop by his house, where he got me a snapback that fit my head, a pair of black shades, a black face mask and a black hoodie. All black, everything.

I put everything on, and secured my hair with a bobby pin inside the snapback. I looked like one of those flower boys, since I had a girly face, but still looked like a manly man.

"What do-" I cleared my throat. "What do you think?" I asked Chanyeol in a husky voice.

"You do look and sound quite convincing." He chuckled and shook his head. "Let's go, yes?"

I nodded and followed him outside. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Minseok was revealed. I gulped and stepped in, choosing to ignore him.

"Oh, hey, Chanyeol," he said, sending Channie a warm smile.

Chanyeol smiled and nodded in acknowledgement.

Minseok looked at me with a questioning look. "Good afternoon, I'm Minseok, and you are?"

I blinked a few times and thought of whatever bullcrap I could say. "Hello, I'm Eunhee, Chanyeol's friend. It's nice to meet you." I bowed slightly and turned to look away almost immediately.

Soon after, we finally reached our stop, which made me feel relieved.

"Hey, I think you deceived him," Chanyeol said as we walked up to his car.

"I guess I did." I chuckled.

He opened the door for me and once I was in, he ran to the the driver's side and stepped in. "So anyway, since you're already a boy, you should come shopping with me. How does that sound?"

I rolled my eyes, but he didn't see me. "Alright..."

We made our way to the COEX Mall, which is the largest underground mall in the entire Seoul area, and even in Asia as a whole. During our ride there, we listened to music on the radio and sang along to the songs we knew. Suddenly, a song that I knew all too well came on.

It basically spoke about a one sided love. I hadn't listened to it for quite a while, but now that I did, I felt slightly uncomfortable. Was it some sort of sign that I was having one sided feelings for my best friend? The song was I Need U by BTS.

I need you, girl.
Wae honja saranghago honjaseoman ibyeolhae?
I need you, girl.
Wae dachil geol almyeonseo jakku niga piryohae? (I need you, girl.
Why am I in love alone, why am I hurting alone?
I need you, girl.
Why do I keep needing you when I know I'll get hurt?)

I gulped the lump that had risen to the back of my throat and took a quick glance at Chanyeol, who had a poker face on. I wished that I could tell him how I felt, but I didn't want to be rejected. Also, I didn't even know who I liked the most, Channie or Minseok. I was torn.

I was so much better off when I had no stupid feelings for anyone! 

Anyway, the song was over, and I felt relieved, but my heart was still beating crazily against my chest. I cleared my throat and sighed. What is happening to me?

We stepped out of the car and inside the big store complex. Chanyeol and I casually strolled over to a technology store, called A* Shop, or something like that, that happened to sell the kind of laptop that he wanted.

"So," he began, standing beside the employee, who stared at him in awe, while I awkwardly stood beside him. "I should just take the 15-inch-screened MacBook Pro, right Sun- I mean, Eunhee?" He chuckled and scratched his neck.

I had to bite my tongue in order to not laugh. "Yeah. In the end, the difference in price and size isn't really much, so just get that one. But why do you need it?"

The employee stared at me as well, and I swear to God I saw her smirk. Sort of. I quickly looked away, mentally cringing, and strolled over to the headphone section, with Chanyeol tailing behind me.

"I kinda broke mine." He laughed yet again.

I couldn't hold it back anymore. I burst out laughing, gaining the attention of most of the clients and employees, with my loud, high-pitched laugh. I clasped my hands to my mouth and stared at everyone, wide-eyed. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." I bowed in every direction, feeling extremely embarrassed, but wanting to laugh some more.

Chanyeol just stood beside me, chuckling to himself. "Number two," he whispered into my ear, when everyone had already looked away from me.

In the end, Chanyeol bought the computer and I got myself some new headphones. We then decided to go shopping for some clothes.

After browsing through different stores for about two hours, we got tired. Both Chanyeol and I held about 4 bags in our hands, all his. I didn't buy anything, since it would be weird for a man to buy girl clothes.

"I'm exhausted," I said as I took a deep breath. "Let's go home already."

"Wait," Chanyeol said, dropping the bags onto the floor and grabbing a hold of my wrist. He turned me around, his pretty eyes boring into mine.

None of us was wearing masks or shades anymore.

"What?" I asked in a shaky voice. I gulped, feeling overwhelmed.

He smiled. "I want to get you something for coming along." He picked the bags back up, and after entwining our arms, dragged me to a jewelry store.

On the way there, he cracked some more jokes, which I obviously laughed at. He was so silly sometimes, but he had the best intentions. He had already made me laugh for real three times that day, and we agreed that we'd have dinner together after shopping.

I took a glance at the pieces of jewelry and couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips. There was a small necklace that caught my attention. It had a tiny sapphire embedded to the pendant. It was made out of white gold. That simple piece of jewelry was so beautiful.

"I want this one," Chanyeol told the employee, pointing at the necklace that I was almost drooling over.

My eyes widened almost immediately. "Are you crazy? It's too expensive, I can get it myself," I whisper-yelled, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nothing is too expensive for me when it comes to you."

I stared at him with parted lips as I nodded my head slowly.

The lady behind the counter unlocked the crystal display cabinet and took the delicate necklace out. She put it in a small box and handed it over to Chanyeol. The latter smiled and took out his wallet. I turned around, not wanting to witness him paying such a great amount of money, just for me.

All the way to the car, there was a smug grin plastered on Chanyeol's face, while I had my lips pressed into a thin line. That guy, seriously...

"You waste too much money!" I screamed at him once we were in the car. I smacked him several times on the chest.

He just laughed hysterically, biting onto his lip every now and then. "I'm sorry for wanting to give the best to you." He stuck his tongue out playfully and batted his eyelashes.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, but couldn't hold back the smile that made its way across my face.

"Turn around."

I did as I was told. I felt him wrap the delicate piece of jewelry around my neck. I stared at it through the rearview and smiled.

"Thank you," I said shyly, staring at my thighs. "I really like it."

"I'm glad you do." His soft lips suddenly made contact with my left cheek, leaving me speechless.


I ship them so hard

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