The New Baby

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I understand the fact that some people want me to update everyday, but I can't so whoever is angry at me I apologize. Just know that I don't have a set update time. Here is the chapter...

Jessi’s POV

I was shocked because Jacob has never talked to me about marriage before.

I was not expecting this.

“I knew this was stupid,” I heard Jacob say.


He was still on one knee so he looked up at me.



He jumped off the floor and put the ring on my finger.

“I’m so happy that you said yes.”

I heard the baby crying and went to go see what was wrong and Jacob followed me.

“What is wrong?”

“She’s hungry.”

“How do you know?”

“Well, she’s didn’t go to the bathroom and she’s probably not tired.”

“Oh okay.”

I sat down in a rocking chair and pulled out one of my breast.

“Can I watch?”

I started laughing because he seemed so interested in me breast-feeding.


He watched the entire time and smiled. After I was finished we both ate and went to bed because we both were exhausted.

“Good night future Mrs. Smith.”

“Good night future husband.”

The Next Day

Jessi’s POV

I was up all night trying to get Jessica to go back to sleep.

Everytime I would think I was going back to sleep, she would start crying sometimes.

“Jessi, I’m leaving.”

“Wait!” I yelled before he could walk out the door.


“Well, I was wondering if you could stay home or you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” I said quietly while playing with my fingers.

“I’ll stay home if you want me to.”


He smiled and said, “You are my fiancée and if you want something you don’t have to be scared to ask okay.”


All day he helped me with the baby and we spent time together as a family.

Alex and Keisha came over to see the baby even though they saw her at the hospital.

“She is so cute,” Keisha said holding her.


I and she started talking while Jacob and Alex went to the kitchen.

Jacob’s POV

“So how does it feel to be a dad,” Alex asked me.

“It’s good. I asked her to marry me after we got home with the baby.”

“Really? What did she say?”

“She said yes.”

“Why don’t you seem happy?”

“I am, but sometimes I feel like she’s not over that guy.”

“That Richard guy?”


“I think she’s over him maybe you should ask her.”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to stress her out because she has the baby.”

“Just ask her, I’m pretty sure she’s over him. She’s marrying you.”

“Yeah. I guess you’re right, but I still might ask.”

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