His mom calls him? The ex is giving up?

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Jacob’s POV

“Listen Kayla, I don’t why you’re here, but you need to leave.”

“But I’m sorry for what I did and I love you.”

“I don’t care, I’m in a committed relationship with a very nice girl so on that note get out please.”

“Please take me back! I miss you.”

She started walking towards me and tried to kiss me, but I stuck my hands out and stopped her.

“Let me make this perfectly clear for you, I don’t want you okay. I have a pregnant girlfriend who I love very much. I understand that you still love me, but we broke up a long time ago and you need to let me go. Goodbye.”

“Fine, I guess your right. I hope that one day we can be friends. Goodbye.”

Well that was interesting. I don’t understand why she would come back now when I’m dating Jessi and she’s pregnant. When I tried to get her back, she rejected me hard so now all of a sudden she wants me back.

2 hours later

Alex walked in my office and we were just talking about our girlfriends.

“So how’s my neice or nephew?” Alex asked.

“The baby is fine and so is Jessi, but she stayed home because of morning sickness.”

“Oh okay…”


“I saw Kayla.”

“I know it looks bad, but she came and I set her straight so there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Okay, but don’t you think it’s a little weird she pops up when Jessi is pregnant and she’s your girlfriend.”

“Yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking earlier.”

“Just a thought maybe she’s going to try and sabatoge your relationship. You know like those stories people read when the ex comes mysteriously comes back and finds out that their boy/girlfriend is in a relationship and they try to ruin it.”

“Seriously. That’s so stupid, she probably realized that I was a good boyfriend and wanted me back.”

“Maybe or it’s my theory.”

“Or it’s not.”

“Fine, but if this blows up in your face don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Can you just get out of my office?”

“Okay. Hey, love you brother.”

“Get out,” I said laughing.

I swear my brother is the weirdest person I know.                                                                                       

When I got home, Jessi was cleaning.

“Jessi what are you doing?”

“Cleaning. Duh,” She said.

“Well you aren’t supposed to be doing that. I’ll finish.”

“Why? I’m almost finished.”


“Ugh! Fine,” She said.

“So on the way home I got a call.”

“Oh really? From who?”

“My mom, she wants to talk to me about what happened at the party.”

“Really? Are you going to go and talk to her?”

“Ummm no. She and my whole family disrespected you and the only person who is okay with us is my brother.”

“I think you should go and talk to her, maybe she wants to apologize for everything. Give her a chance.”

“Why are you suggesting I talk to her? Would you like it if I told you to talk to your family?”

“There’s a difference in my family and yours.”


“My family would never reach out to me, your family would. If she says negative things about us, leave but if she wants to apologize then maybe she’s willing to accept the fact that not only you like black women, but your brother also.”

“Damn, why do you have to be right all the time?”

“I don’t know, it’s a gift that I’ve always had.”

She smiled at me and went to go cook dinner.

I suggested that I should cook so she could go and rest, but she said that she wasn’t in the mood for burnt food so she was going to do it. I really can’t cook.

While I was waiting, I started thinking about the call.

What if she does apologize for everything she’s said over the years? That would me that me and Alex can bring our girlfriends to my parent’s house and actually have a good time.

But what if she is going to say the same thing she’s always been saying about me and my brother dating black women?

I have to call my brother to see if he got the same call.

Ring Ring

I picked up my phone and it was my brother calling.

“Hey Jacob, umm did mom call you?”

“Yeah about talking about the party? Yeah.”

“Mom has never done that before. Do you think she finally came around?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going.”

“Really? Jessi convinced you didn’t she?”

“Yeah. Are you going?”

“Yeah. Keisha convinced me.”

“I just hope it goes well.”

“Me too. Well I got to go, but you want to drive there together?”


“Okay, bye.”

After I hung up, I went to eat and after me and Jessi went to sleep cuddling with each other.

I hope my mom doesn’t do anything stupid.

Do you guys think Kayla is going to give up that easily? What is their mom planning?

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