Chapter Ten: The Itching Powder Incident

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Well, hello!
The Killjoy Bride here, reporting for fanfiction duty! This is the 10th chapter of LMHYL and I just...
I wanted to thank you all for the awesome love on the last chapter and for being so understanding of why I was lacking on my updates. I'll gonna try harder, I promise.
How about we play a game? In honour of 10 chapters, the first 10 people to vote will get entered in a draw for a shoutout in the next chapter!!! As well as another something... Okay??
That's all for now, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!!

Traveling all day by bus isn't as awesome as you thought it'd be.

After filling out all the paperwork you needed to, you had boarded the bus with a hesitant excitement. Now, you have come to realize that traveling by your bus all day wasn't as hyped up as you convinced yourself it would be, and it's only the second day you've been traveling. You send a quiet chant of thanks to the Holy Emo Gods that you'll be reaching the next concert venue soon. Then the real challenge will start.

You've always been confident in your abilities as a light technician. It came easily and naturally to you. But, you've never had to set up for a show this big before, and nerves are starting to trickle into your stomach. What if you can't do this and you let everyone down? Hell, Gerard FUCKING Way had vouched for you himself. A blind trust that you were shocked by.

Taking in some deep breaths, you roll your shoulders, trying to relax yourself. You'll be reaching the venue within the hour, then you'll get close to ten hours to set everything up and familiarize yourself with the equipment and stage. It's all going to be fine.

You decide that maybe getting some more rest would be the best idea, and you lay down on your semi-comfortable bunk. The other crew members you are sharing a bus with are nice, you haven't really talked to any of them much. You don't know how to act around them, considering that a few of them have been shooting you odd looks. They're judging you because of your age, you can tell in their gaze that they don't think that you're old enough or capable enough to do this.

You're prepared to prove them all wrong.

Letting your mind drift away, you close your eyes. You're gonna show everyone that you have got what it takes to stay on this tour.


You're awakened by the bus coming to a jolting halt.

Rubbing your blurry eyes, you stretch your arms and sit up. You shuffle off the bus, squinting at the light. The sun is already setting, and you're suddenly very glad that you took that nap. You and the other techs will have to work through the night to have everything set up.

Helping some of the other techs and roadies move equipment off the busses, your jaw drops when you walk into the concert centre.

It's sleek, modern and with more room than a football stadium. You're baffled by how you didn't realize how large it was from the outside. You wonder how the band must feel. Playing in front of packed stadiums like this almost every night. You get butterflies just thinking about it. You'd never be able to do what they do, your happy to stick to the behind the scenes work. It's not to say that you don't daydream copiously about writing your own songs and changing lives with your music, but you know those are just dreams. Hell, even being here as a tech still feels like a dream to you.

Setting down the cords that you had brought in, you get into a steady routine of hooking everything up and testing the lights. You've gotten so into your work that you didn't even realize when someone came up behind you. You only realize that someone is there when a hand is suddenly put on your shoulder and you let out a very, totally not childlike, shriek.

You spin around to find Frank Iero doubled over with laughter. You press a hand to your chest and try to regulate your breathing. "I don't care if you're a famous rockstar," you huff, "Frank Iero, you are a dick!"

That just makes him laugh more. Nose scrunched up with mirth. "I'm sorry, it's just that scream! Holy fuck!" He lets out another stream of giggles.

You cross your arms and put on your best unimpressed face. Pressing your lips together to stop yourself from laughing. You can't deny that Frank has an extremely infectious laugh. "What do you need, Frank?"

His laughter calms down considerably and now a happy smirk is plastered to his face. "I just wanted to come check up on the newest member of the MCR crew and see how you were doing."

You smile, any fake anger on your face disappearing instantly. "Awww, thanks Frank."

"No problem, [F/N]. By the looks of it you seem to be doing pretty well. Gerard made the right decision by bringing you on to the tour."

You laugh a bit awkwardly, looking down and lightly touching the control board you had been working on before Frank showed up. Right now you're blushing hard and trying to clamp down the giant surge of fangirlness that is rushing through your body. Frank Iero just gave you praise on your work. He thinks you're doing a good job and thinks that you were a good choice to have on tour. You're gonna puke. Or scream. Or cry. Or just curl up in a ball and sob happily.

"So anyways, I wanted to ask if yo-" Frank is cut off by another voice angrily shouting his name.

At this point you honestly think you're dead.

Because, walking quickly towards the two of you is Gerard. A shirtless, pant-less, Gerard.

Immediately, Franks face takes on the look of mischievous glee. He turns to you, shaking with laughter yet again. "I put itching power in his pyjamas. He's probably so pissed."

"FRANK!" Gerard sounds much closer now, Frank looks around quickly and he sends you a quick wink, then takes off, most likely looking for a place to hide from his enraged friend.

When you look back towards Gerard, he's close enough now that you can see the annoyance and anger clear on his face.

"[F/N]! Did Frank tell you where he was going! I know that little asshole was just here!" He says as he walks up to you.

You try to hold in giggles, but angry Gerard is just too adorable. Especially since he sounds more like a whiny kid than an angry man.

"Sorry, Gerard. He just took off without a word." You're suddenly very aware of how close Gerard is to you. It's taking every fibre in your body not to be shamelessly ogling him right now.

"Fucker." Gerard huffs angrily. He ruffles his hair and lets out a big sigh. "Sorry about all this, [F/N]. Now, if you excuse me, I have a band member to catch and kill. I'll leave you to your work."

With that he stomps off in the direction Frank went, and you're not going to lie and say you didn't sneak a look of that glorious ass of his. You're only human, and the superhero boxers he was wearing were just too cute.

Turning back to the control board full of wires, you let out a big sigh. You are going to have a hard time trying to stay on task now.

Damn Frank and his itching powder hijinks.

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