here's your fucking chapter ya filthy animals
"Gerard?" You call out, juggling an armful of grocery bags as you try to wiggle your key out of the front door.
You hear muffled music from the basement, the loud strum of a guitar mingling with Gerard's familiar vocals.
Shaking your head, you can't help but smile as you get the door closed and place your groceries down on the counter. Gerard is always messing around in his studio.
Making quick work of unpacking the bags, you trek down the stairs to the basement. Knocking lightly on the door, you push it open to see Gerard fiddling with one of his amps.
"Hey, handsome." You grin, leaning against the door frame.
Gerard looks up at you, a blinding smile on his face as he turns off his amp and sets down his guitar, striding over to wrap you in his arms.
"I didn't hear you come home! How long have you been back?" He asks, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You bring one of your hands up to run your fingers through his hair, "I just got home a minute ago. Have you been down here since I left?"
Gerard nods, "Yeah, I have a song in my head that I needed to work on."
Humming, you lean in and press your lips to his lightly. "You gonna show it to me?"
Chuckling, Gerard shakes his head, "Not yet. Once it's done I will. Now, let's go upstairs, yeah? Lyn-Z called and said she'll be over to drop off Bandit soon."
Taking your hand in his, Gerard leads you up the stairs and into the living room. He tugs you down onto the couch with him, cuddling you close. The warm sunshine filtering through the window casts a glow across Gerard's face and you can't help but lean in to kiss him again. An overwhelming feeling of contentment washes over you. Laying here, in your lovers' arms, feels like a dream that you can hardly comprehend.
"Gerard," You speak softly. "Promise me that things will always be this way."
"Be what way, sweetheart?" Gerard asks.
"With us together, in love, like we are right now." You say, shutting your eyes. The sun is lulling you into sleep, your eyes heavy. A feeling in your gut urges you to stay awake, to savour this moment, but the pull to fall asleep is too strong.
Gerard gently runs his hand up and down your back in a comforting motion, "Of course, [F/N], I'll always be here for you. Close your eyes, my love. I'll wake you up in time for dinner."
A smile spreads across your lips and you let yourself drift into unconsciousness, feeling more truly happy than you ever have before.
Sitting up with a gasp, you clutch your bedsheets so tightly your knuckles hurt.
Frantically looking around, your senses slowly come back to you. In the dark, you can see the familiar shapes of your belongings set up in the tour bus.
You shiver, acutely aware of how alone you are in your bed.
Heart sinking, you shut your eyes and flop back down, covering your face with your arm.
"It was all a dream," You whisper aloud to yourself. "It was all just a dream."
Taking in a deep breath, you look over at the rose that sits on your bunk shelf. The resolve that you had yesterday to speak to Gerard withers, your dream has shaken you.
Was that what life with Gerard truly be like? So perfect. So sickeningly domestic that you can still feel the happiness deep in your bones.
It was everything you wanted.
It was now everything you knew you'd never have. Couldn't have.
Throwing your sheets off, you climb out your bed. There's no way you getting back to sleep now and despite the late hour you know you have to see Gerard, to talk to him.
Pulling on your crocs, you try your best to stay quiet as you leave the bus. You're thankful that the crew isn't getting back on the road until morning. Racing through the parking lot, you wish you had brought a flashlight as you look for the bus that Gerard is staying on.
Spotting the bus, you stop in your tracks. The night air nips at your skin, painfully filling your lungs as you take a step forward. Raising a hand, you rap your knuckles against the cool metal door and wait.
The seconds tick by and you fear you've made a mistake. It's too late, he must be asleep. You'll just have to wait.
As you turn to leave, the door creaks open. You spin back around to see Gerard peering out at you, blinking blearily.
"[F/N], what are you doing here?" He asks.
"Can I come in?" You say in lieu of a proper answer.
Looking confused, Gerard nods and steps back, letting you in.
Climbing into the bus, you rub at your arms, suddenly feeling way out of your element.
"Are you alright?" Gerard questions. "Sit down, you must be freezing," He gestures towards the couch set up in the bus and he takes a seat next to you once you sit down.
"Gerard we need to talk." You state, not able to bring yourself to look at him.
"What's wrong? Is everything okay? Was it the rose? Was that too weird? I asked one of your bunkmates to get it to you, but I wasn't sure if it was stalker-ish or not." Gerard babbles endearingly, it makes your heart ache over what your about to do even more.
"No," You answer, "It wasn't the rose. That was sweet actually."
"Then what's wrong? [F/N] you're scaring me."
"I had a dream." You breathe, "You and I were together. Married, I think. We had a life together. A house. It was wonderful."
"That doesn't sound too bad to me," Gerard says softly.
"That's the thing," You laugh bitterly, tears forming in your eyes, "It was perfect. That's when I realized that everything I wanted? You already have. With Lindsay. You have a beautiful wife who loves you, Gerard. She loves you and your daughter loves you. Don't throw that away."
Gerard looks at you, stunned, eyes watering, "[F/N], I don't know what to say..."
"Say nothing. Thank you, Gerard, for the adventure of a lifetime. I'm leaving the tour. It's the right thing to do and you should do the right thing too and call your wife. Let her know how much you love her." You take a deep breath and raise your eyes to meet Gerard's, drinking him in. You're going to miss him, but you're not going to be a homewrecker and let him throw everything away.
Ever so slowly, you lean in, pressing your lips to Gerard's. It's nothing like your other kisses, this one is laced with sadness. It tastes like goodbye.
Breaking the kiss, you press your forehead to him, cupping his jaw, "You're an amazing man, Gerard Way."
Pulling away, you get up and move to open the bus door. Just as you push the door open, Gerard's voice stops you.
"I'm going to miss you, [F/N]."
You look at him and smile, "I'm going to miss you too, Gerard."
With that, you step off the bus back into the night. The cold feels less harsh than it did before and as you walk away from Gerard's bus you know your life has been changed forever. Although your heart hurts, you feel renewed, like a new chapter of your life is beginning. You've felt love and heartbreak in such a short amount of time, you've made friends and memories that will never leave you. You have learned that My Chemical Romance is more than a band.
You're ready to move on.
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