Chapter Fourteen: Goodnight Kisses

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Hello, fellow earthlings! It is I, The Killjoy Bride, bringing you all another chapter! This one has to be a favourite of mine. It's the longest chapter yet, it kind of ran away from me, but I defiantly urge and recommend reading until the end ;) If you enjoy it, please leave this chapter a big ol' vote,  those honestly are the best motivation, alongside all your wonderful comments of course. There is nothing that fuels my writing fire more than comments. Also, would you guys be interested if I did a Q&A, get to know the author type thing? If so, comment your questions, and maybe I'll answer them in my True Life book! Anyways, I'm done rambling, sorry for the long wait, I hope this chapter makes up for the wait. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the chapter my Killjoys.


"You don't love me anymore."

"What?!" You laugh, phone wedged between your face and shoulder as you jump around, trying to get into your jeans. "Jackson, of course I love you, sweetheart!" You mentally punch the air as your jeans finally give in, sliding up your legs allowing you to button and zipper them up.

"You never say it to me anymore! I'm needy and affection starved [F/N]!" Jackson whimpers through the phone and you roll your eyes at your best friends antics.

"I'm guessing this means you haven't gotten the new merch I've mailed to you yet?" You say, putting on your best overly concerned mom voice. As expected, Jackson promptly freaks out over the prospect of a new band shirt. The two of you talk while you continue to get dressed for your outing with Gerard. You're a bundle of nerves right now, and Jacksons aimless chatter is like aloe-vera  on a sunburn; soothing and grounding. You haven't told him about Gerard inviting you out, you don't want to make a big deal out of it. Its just two friends hanging out. At least, you think you and Gerard are friends, you'll have to ask him later. You slip on a Foster The People shirt and after a moments deliberation you add a red flannel over top of it.

"So, what are your plans for today? Busy tour girl?" Jackson sing songs. You huff and flop on to your bunk. "I'm going out today, its a rest day."

"Hmm, going out you say? With whom?" You can tell Jackson is  just playing it cool, he's probably on the edge of his seat, itching for gossip. "A friend," you reply, "I met him on the tour." It wasn't exactly a lie, you were just leaving out certain plot points.

"Ooooooh! A boy!" Jackson gushes. "Is he cute?" You feel a flaming blush creep up your neck, and you're very glad Jackson can't seen you right now. "If you must know," you hiss, whispering despite being alone, "He is very cute, very hot, and very much not single." Jackson laughs and you cant help but laugh too. "So," Jackson hums, "Is he even hotter than Gerard Way?" You panic momentarily, but settle for making a noncommittal noise, hoping it will be enough to appease Jackson. It dose, and you quickly divert the conversation off of you. "What about you, any hunky guys in your life I should know about?" You ask, looking up  at the clock on the wall, 12:00, you decide it's good as a time as ever to put your shoes on so you busy yourself with getting your tattered red converse on.

"Uhh, well..." You can practically feel Jackson blushing through the phone. "Oh my god, there is someone, isn't there? JACKSON OH MY GOD YOU LITTLE SHIT YOU DIDNT TELL ME!" You screech at him, you cant believe that Jackson didn't tell you he had someone in his life! Jacksons half guilty and half embarrassed laugh fills your ears. "I wasn't sure if it was serious or not, I wanted to wait before I told you!" he reasons.

Okay, you'll give him that, considering you're still hiding the Gerard-thing from him.

"So, who is it?" Who is this mystery man who's stolen your best friends heart? Is he tall? Short? Nice? An asshole? Dose he like My Chemical Romance? What is his social security number? Does he like dogs or cats? That is all the obviously pertinent information that runs through your brain as you wait for an answer. You need to know those things, its your duty as Jacksons best friend.

"Well," he starts, "You know that guy we met at the concert? Codie? Tall, blue hair, tonnes of tattoos?"

"HOLY SHIT!!!" You screech. "You're dating hot concert guy Codie??!"

Jackson laughs. "We started going out about a week after the concert!" His voice is wistful and dreamy, you know you're best friend has really fallen for that guy. Looking up at the wall you cruse when you see its already 12:27.

"Look, Jackie, my love, my husband, as much as I am dying to hear about your new beau, I need to go meet up with my side hoe." You coo down the line and hung up, but not before hearing Jacksons surprised squawk.

As if on cue, there is a knock on the buses door. Taking a deep breath, you slide your phone into your pocket and flounce over to the door. You swing it open, knowing you probably look overly eager, but you cant bring yourself to care. On the other side of the door is a smiling Gerard, dressed casually in some comfy looking jeans and a cute black shirt.

"Hey!" He smiles, and your heart skips a beat. "Ready to go?"

"I'm good if you are!" You reply as you step off the bus, making sure to close the door behind you.

Gerard steps back and hold out his arm for you, "Let us go then, m'lady."

You laugh and link your arm through his. You and Gerard walk arm in arm, you letting him lead you to the rental car he got so you two could go out today. In the back of your mind you wonder what it would be like doing this with Gerard under different circumstances. The two of you walking together, renting a car so you could go out on a date instead of just running errands. You push those treacherous and invading thoughts to the back of your mind. Gerard is your friend. You are so so very lucky to even get to have this with him.

When you reach the car that Gerard had acquired, he quickly goes and opens your door for you. You giggle as you get in, "Such a gentleman, Gee!"

He blushes, closing your door for you and scurrying around to his side and hopping in. "Well, ya know, I am the most superb gentleman."

"I know you are, Gerard. I never doubted you for a moment. Now! Where to first?!"

"Well, we gotta go to a Wal-Mart or a Target or something cause I wanna pick up some stuff to put in the bus for me and the guys. Its so... dull in there. Its driving me insane and I cant even think when I'm in there. Then I wanna find a record store and shop around there for a while. Then I was thinking we could do lunch?" Gerard explains his day plan as he starts up the car, shooting you a quick, cute smile. The music in the car immediately starts up as he pulls out of the parking lot. You flip through the channels quickly before settling on a station playing a tune familiar to you.

Gerard laughs, "The Real Slim Shady? Really?"

You giggle and slap his arm. "Shut up! Its a good song!"

Gerard shakes his head but you can see that he's smiling. A smile of your own settles contently on your face. Errands are gonna be fun today.


Walking aimlessly around a Target with Gerard is surprisingly fun. He cracks jokes as the two of you walk up and down the aisles. However, as you walk you cant help but look over your shoulder every now and then to see if someone is looking at the two of you, to see if someone has recognized Gerard. You know MCR isn't really mainstream music, but they do have devoted fans all over the world. You don't know what would happened if someone recognizes Gerard while you're out with him. Will they come up and say hi? Or stealthily take a picture and post it on Tumblr?

"Hey," Gerard's voice cuts through your thoughts. You look over at him to see he's already looking at you. "What are you thinking about, Slim Shady? I can practically see the smoke pouring out of your ears."

You debate for a second whether or not to tell him the truth or fake some bullshit about thinking about the fake plants the two of you are currently looking at.

"Well," you start, "I was just wondering how you do it. How you walk around without worrying about people taking pictures of you and posting them?" Instead of looking at him you focus on one of the fake plants, gently rubbing the synthetic petal between your fingers.

Gerard is quiet for a beat or two. "I do." He starts, " I do worry. I always will, I think. My job... I have to worry so much about my image. I don't want too, but I do. I always fear what people will think of me, what they'll say. Pretty much all pictures of me are taken and posted without my consent, but... I deal with that. I keep myself surrounded by good people I care about and trust, people I know who care about and trust me in return."

The two of you fall into a silence, as you absorb what Gerard had told you. You don't say anything, how could you when yo have no idea how to respond? You fiddle with the fake plant some more until its suddenly being pulled away from you and into Gerard's hands.

"I like this one. Its an orchid, yeah? Orchids are pretty." He inspects is a little and places it in the cart he's been pushing around, occasionally dropping random items in. "It'll liven up the tour bus." He finishes, and just like that you're back to joking around and walking though the store, but what Gerard said earlier hangs in the back of your mind. You push it away. That's something to think about later, for now you're going to enjoy your day out with Gerard Way.


Stepping into the dimness of the record store washes a familiar feeling over you. It smells of cigarettes and dust, records line the walls and shelves of CD's are stacked throughout the store. You feel some tension drop from your shoulders that you didn't realize was there. You used to go to places like this with Jackson all the time, spending all the money you had on the new tracks from your favourite artists.

Gerard nudges you with his shoulder and nods to the back of the store. "I'm gonna go check out some of the old vinyl records they have, wanna come with or do you wanna browse around here?"

"I'll come with."

The two of you walk to he back in a companionable silence, like it would be wrong to disturb the quiet of the store. You reach the back and start to flip through the old records. You spot a few you wouldn't mind having, an old Pink Floyd album and one from the Beatles.

"Back when we were young," Gerard's soft voice cuts through the air, "Mikey and I would come to record and comic shops just like this all the time. Buying the newest Iron Maiden album or Dark Horse comic. I cant help but be filled with a soft kind of nostalgia whenever I come to places like this."

You nod, "I get that. I have the same feeling. My best friend, Jackson and I would spend all our free time in music stores, just itching to buy all the albums we loved."

Gerard hums in thought and you both go back to looking over the records.

Ten minutes later, Gerard's deft fingers pull an old, but good condition Led Zeppelin record for the box he was digging through. "Hey," he says "They have a two for half off thing going on. Pick a record and I'll buy it for you."

A blush immediately takes residence on your face. "G-Gerard, you don't have to do that."

"But I want to!" He chirps happily. "Please, Y/N! Let me buy you a record. Think of it as a thank you for letting me drag you around with me today. Cause I really like talking to you and its been amazing getting to know you."

If possible, your face heats up even more. You suspect if you blush anymore you'll catch on fire. "O-okay. I.. I'll pick one out. Just gimme a second." You quickly turn and begin shuffling through the vinyl. You will the fire in your cheeks to die down. Gerard's words weren't anything more than those of friendship. Your eventually spot the record you want, and pull Nirvana's Nevermind album from the rows of vinyl and hand it to Gerard. "Here, this is the one I want."

"Nirvana," Gerard smiles, "Nice choice." He takes the record from your hands and the two of you make your way to the front counter, the young girl behind the counter looks like she could not be less interested in you or Gerard and rings up the purchases without a fuss, much to your relief.

When you leave the store you feel a warm happiness around you. You climb into the car and buckle in. Gerard hops in and sets the bag from the record store in the back seat along with all the other purchases that he made today. Once he settles into his seat, Gerard looks over at you. "Lunch?"

"Defiantly, I'm starved!" You exclaim dramatically, causing Gerard to laugh. You bite your bottom lip to stop the grim that wants to take over your face. Gerard's laugh is a wonderful sound and you wish that he'd do it more often.

"Off to lunch it is!" Gerard proclaims and starts up the car.


You and Gerard had spent close to four hours at the restaurant. Talking about everything and anything. If you had the chance to tell the you from two years ago about today, she would have never believed it. You still don't believe how far you've come. Working for your favourite band, getting to become close with all of them, especially Gerard. It all still feels too surreal. Even as Gerard drives you back to your bus.

He pulls back into the parking lot and shuts off the car. For a moment the two of you sit there in the dark of Gerard's rental car. You take a deep breath and try to calm the growing feeling of sadness that bubbles up in your chest.

"I had a great day with you. Thank you for taking me out, Gerard." You turn give him the best smile you can muster, not at all ready to step out into the cool and empty quiet of the night. Night has always been your favourite time. Cold and asleep. Just the lights of the city to fill you up and remind you that you're alive. Night has always been your favourite, but now you feel like it's betrayed you. Your lovely day with Gerard had been drawn to an end by the dark curtains of night.

Gerard's eyes meet yours and his search your over your face for a moment. "No," he says, "Thank you, Y/N. I really needed someone to keep me out of my head today, and I cant thank you more for everything you've done for me, just by being you. Fuck, you are perfect."

Then, just like that, his lips are on yours. Soft, gentle and hesitant. A tiny bit chapped, but still indescribably perfect. Brimming with so much emotion your heart feels ready to burst. Your eyes slip closed as his hands come up to cup your jaw. You press closer to him, as much as you can while leaning across the console of the car. "Gerard..." You gasp lightly against his lips. He silences you with his lips again, the pressure of the kiss a bit harder now. Your mind is a cloud of fog, all you can think of is Gerard. He's consumed you entirely and you will gladly give you heart and soul over to him.

What could have been hours or minutes later he pulls back slowly, one hand falling from your face, but leaving the other to run his thumb gently along your jaw. Neither of you say a word, just keep your foreheads pressed together, drinking in the intimacy of the moment.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Gerard."

He pulls away farther from you this time, his hand slipping away. He doesn't say anything or look at you as you unbuckle your seat. You hover for a moment, looking at him a moment longer before opening the door and stepping out into the crisp and fresh night air. It nips at your skin, and you force yourself not to look back at the car as you walk back to your bus.

Your lips tingle and sting, your brain still on a high, full fuzziness. But, you can feel the red hot burning of fear and worry in your gut, forcing its way up into your chest. You shut your eyes tight and rub at them with the heels of your palms, breathing in ragged breaths of achingly cold night air as you hurry your pace back to your bus, wanting nothing more than to get into bed. Because, you know all actions have their consequences, and your actions have all happened so fast so the consequences have to be catching up soon. Because, you just kissed Gerard Way. A married man. A married man with a daughter. You quickly unlock the door to the bus as quiet as you can as to not wake up your bunkmates, and you rush to the small bathroom the bus offers, shutting the door tightly behind you and sliding down it with a sob.

Your heart aches and all you can do is think about what tomorrow will hold for you.

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