Let Me (Nineteen Part 1)

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Days are just really passing by so quickly and the older guys graduation ceremony is just seriously around the corner. Today, the hyungs had their graduation pictorial and they were planning to go out after it to buy some new suit for their graduation ball, then go to the Kim's mansion to hang out and spend some time together since they thought and said that they really need to do it more now while they still have a chance, knowing all too well that once the hyungs had already graduated, they'll be truly busy in their own and they might lack some time seeing and hanging out with each other anymore.

"Are they at the mall already?"

Jackson asks beside Jaebeom at the backseat, Mark was sitting on his other side.

"Youngjae said they went at the mechanic for a while. Bam's suddenly got a flat tire."

Jaebeom reported after reading the text from his boyfriend.

"Bammie should definitely needs to replace his tires, it always bursts for like three times in a week?"

Mark commented and they started chuckling about that, remembering how that kid keeps on complaining about always having a flat tire when he's just seriously so lazy to even replace it.

"Anyway, where's your phone? Mine's dead already and I need to text mom about the graduation,"

Mark told his boyfriend, asking for his phone since he really need to inform his parents about the graduation date and his phone was long gone dead since morning because he forgot to charge it last night.

"On my bag, baby."

Jackson answered, pointing at his bag beside Mark and the other guy started rummaging inside of it looking for his phone, but instead of fishing out that device, Mark fished out something instead.

"What is this?"

He asks, examining the thing on his hand and both Jackson and Jaebeom at his side suddenly shifted their eyes at that thing in horror.

"Jackson Wang, what is this?"

Mark asks again as his face started pulling out a serious expression, lips pursed into a thin line while holding that piece of paper and waiting for his boyfriend's answer.

Jackson's breath started hitching as he stares at the paper with a horrified look, secretly giving the other guy beside him a glance as if asking him for help, but Jaebeom immediately shifted his eyes out of the window when he saw Mark throwing him a glare, deciding that he should just be quiet and not get involved with them. Totally leaving Jackson with lots to explain on his own.

"T-That's actually—"

"Jinyoung!" Mark cut him off, calling his best friend's attention at the shot gun seat, "What do you think this thing is?"

He asks with a serious tone, showing him that neatly folded paper with fucking red glitters on it. Jinyoung arches one brow as he looks at that thing on his best friend's hand.

"A glittery love letter?"

Jinyoung answered, still unbothered, immediately putting his attention back at the road ahead of them. Yugyeom was just quietly driving beside him, constantly checking and looking at them through the rearview mirror.

"Ah so you're accepting love letters now huh?"

Mark said in a sarcastic way, letting out a scoff as he examined it even more while the guy on his side was just looking at him with that nervous and scared look, already sweating even though the car is fully air conditioned.


"From, Han Girin?" Mark cuts him off again and Jackson couldn't help but took a nervous gulp as Mark started opening it, constantly looking up at him with that glare while basically tearing it open, "Dear Oppa!"

He reads, almost shouting it inside the car and if Mark wasn't fuming in anger right now they would really find that funny.

Jaebeom at the side only shakes his head slightly as he started pitying Jackson for what is about to happen. Jinyoung and Yugyeom at the front are just listening to them while Jackson was seriously dying beside his boyfriend.

"I'm very sorry for writing this letter for you when in fact, you're already in a relationship," Mark reads, his voice was loud and hard as if he's just forcing himself to read it, "But I just couldn't help myself because I just keep on wanting you more and more," He spoke, stopping for a while as he throws his boyfriend another death glare before continuing, "I like you so much since last year oppa and I wish you could give me a chance to know you more,"


"Shut up!"

Jackson immediately shuts his mouth the moment mark yelled at him, placing both of his hands in front as if he was already surrendering, not having a choice but to just let him read that.

"Also, I wanted to fucking invite you on Saturday at my birthday party! It would mean so much to me, oppa! Please do come and you can also bring your friends!—don't fucking touch me!"

Mark reads more and snaps when Jackson tries to hold him.

"I also ask my aunt—to help you about her subject! I talked to her already and she finally agreed to passed you! I hope that wasn't much oppa! Congratulations on your graduation too! Hugs and kisses! Fucking Han Girin!"

Mark reads again, his voice getting louder and louder as he keeps on reading and getting shock with what he was finding out. His mouth started hanging open as he looks at his boyfriend again with that shock at the same time disbelief look. Jaebeom only muttered, 'he's dead.' under his breath. Yugyeom only shakes his head as he figured out now too what was about to happen, while Jinyoung throws him a disbelief look when he heard that.

"What the fuck, Jackson Wang?!"

He yelled in pure disbelief.

"Baby, I can explain—"

"You're fucking using a damn girl to—don't touch me! I fucking swear! Don't touch me!"

Mark yelled again and shoves him off when Jackson reaches for his hand, making Jaebeom scooting a little bit closer at the door away from them.

"Ghad! I can't fucking believe this! I can't fucking believe you at all!"

"Baby, please, listen to me first—"

"Gyeommie stop this fucking car! I wanna go off!"

Mark demandingly said.

"No, Yugyeom! Don't!—Mark, please!"

"I said stop the car!"

"No! Don't!"

Yugyeom seriously didn't know what to do right now and he was starting to be a little anxious and unfocused with the road because of their non-stop demand.

"Kim Yugyeom, fucking stop this car, I said!"

"Don't! Just don't! Mark Tuan we freaking need to—"

"Fine, I'm gonna fucking jump out if you—"


Jackson stops when he dares to open the car's door while they're still driving, sending panic to all of the guys inside.

"Hey! What the fuck!"

Jaebeom said, getting annoyed at them because it might seriously put them all in danger.

"Just stop the car."

Jinyoung mutters beside Yugyeom, noticing that the younger looks somewhat pressured and that he was having a hard time focusing on the road with those two constantly yelling at him like that. Yugyeom immediately stops the car just like what Jinyoung instructed.


Jackson shouted as he frantically goes out of the car to run after his boyfriend, leaving the three other guys inside the vehicle, still shocked and quiet.

"Just go now,"

Jinyoung instructed again when they all snaps back at reality as the car behind them started beeping them off because they suddenly stop in the middle of the road.

"Will they be okay?"

Yugyeom asks, eyes still on the road as he speaks.

"They will for sure. Jackson just need to explain and Mark just needs to listen."

Jaebeom answered, not really finding it so complicated since he knows the whole lot story about it and he do thinks, Jackson deserves to be heard because it wasn't seriously what Mark thinks it is.

"Is he really cheating with Mark? And what the heck was that subject thing? That's just absurd!"

Jinyoung couldn't help but to react since it was his first time knowing about it too, and it's not that he's siding unconditionally with his best friend but that was just shocking and if ever that was really true, he couldn't promise that he would be looking and seeing Jackson the same way as he knew him.

"Hey, it's not like that. He's not cheating and it's not true that he's using a girl for him to passed."

Jaebeom defended.

"Tss. What does a fucking glittery love letter doing on his bag though?"

Jinyoung sarcastically said, feeling annoyed with the thought of someone cheating and hurting his best friend.

Yugyeom was just listening to them, slightly getting nervous because they almost sounded like they're already arguing too.

"That love letter? He didn't even have a plan to read that? Heck, he didn't even know that it was still inside his bag? He just accepted it because he didn't want to hurt her feelings, and what the heck, Jinyoung? Jackson maybe an idiot but he's not a complete asshole,"

Jaebeom speaks, his voice was sounding a little triggered as he slightly feels annoyed that this guy is actually thinking of his best friend like that.

"Tss. Whatever,"

Jinyoung said and scoffs.

Yugyeom only gave Jaebeom a look at the rearview mirror, secretly mouthing 'Just don't argue with him anymore, hyung please' getting worried about them. Jaebeom gets the message and just shakes his head in disbelief, crossing his arms on his chest as he stares outside the window instead.

"If you do something like that too, I'll seriously throw you out to the wolves and watched you being eaten by them."

Jinyoung mutters all of a sudden, still looking in front not even bothering to look at him. He already feels so mad and hurt by just the thought of the younger doing something like that too. Not that he was already concluding that Jackson really did that but still, it's just terrible even if you turn it upside down.

Yugyeom started chuckling nervously when he hears that. Though, he seriously wouldn't have the guts or even dares to do that to him, he still feels so scared and nervous about that warning.

"Aye hyung, of course not! I'm only yours right?"

He said trying to lift up the older's mood by gently reaching for the older's hand with his free hand but he ended up chuckling when Jinyoung shoves it off, obviously still not in the mood.

Jaebeom was just quietly chuckling at the back seat as he heard and saw that.


"Fuck, seriously? They did that? In middle of the freaking road?"

Bammie asks in disbelief as they were all walking inside the mall. Him and Youngjae arrived a little late since they stopped by at the mechanic for a while and when they finally met them, Yugyeom and Jaebeom told them what happened and even though it was sort of a serious matter, the two other guys couldn't help but laugh about it because that was such an intense confrontation. Also, they know that those two will surely gonna be okay since no one's really cheating with anyone. It was just a misunderstanding and it can be surely cured with a simple open minded talk.

"I'm sure they'll be fine later though,"

Youngjae said and the other's just nodded their heads to agree.

"Anyway, I sort of invited Jimin today so...is it okay?"

Bambam hesitantly said, looking at his friends with his hopeful eyes. He knows his friends were all nice and welcoming and that they were good with Jimin but he still needed to at least, get their permission to invite someone while he's literally hanging out with them.

"Of course! Why wouldn't it be?"

Jaebeom said, getting a little confuse on why is he even asking them about that. Bam can definitely invite Jimin anytime he wants and it's not that they're restricting him if he wanted to spend time with her too. Also, they're all in good terms with Jimin so what's the big deal?

"Nothing, nothing! Anyway, I'll go meet her at that cafe at the first floor and stroll for a while until you guys are done looking for suits, just give me a call so we can all drive at Gyeommie's place,"

Bam informed them, earning a teasing look from his friends.

"Stroll huh? You could've just said it was a date?"

Yugyeom said beside Jinyoung, now having his chance to finally get back on him for all of those teasing that he did with him before.

Bam obviously blushes with the thought of it as he just chuckles and slightly shakes his head.

"Fine, but it's a friendly date,"

He said and laughs when the guys say 'Aye~' in unison, even nudging him playfully while they're walking.

"Alright. You go ahead and meet your 'friend'"

Youngjae said obviously emphasizing the word 'friend.'

Bammie only chuckles about that as he finally waved them a temporary good bye, finally shifting on walking back down at the first floor.

"Those two will soon gonna be together, I claim it."

Yugyeom said as a matter of fact.

"I thought so too,"

Jaebeom agreed.

"They're more easy to predict than you guys, anyway?"

Youngjae said and laughs, looking at him and Jinyoung.

"I wouldn't be surprised anymore if those two finally got some clearer thing before these two?"

Jaebeom added and both him and his boyfriend started chuckling about that.

Jinyoung was just quiet as usual while listening to their conversation. Just looking ahead of them looking so unbothered and all.

Yugyeom on the other hand, suddenly feels pressured about that as he got their point. He suddenly couldn't help but thought of their current relationship right now.

'Should I really do it now?'

He thought as he suddenly turns quiet as he was walking beside his hyung, glancing at him for a moment before letting out a deep sigh.

'But...I don't want to rush him,'

He thought again and just decided to let it go for now. Even though Yugyeom was itching now too to asks him that and get a clearer label with him, he still didn't honestly want to rush him for any labeled commitment. They just got closer for a while and they're still trying to know each other more, he was just afraid that Jinyoung would find everything too fast if he started demanding for that.

"Anyway, we'll split with you guys for a while, Youngjae wants to try that new ice cream shop right there,"

Jaebeom spoke, completely waking the younger out of his own thoughts.

"Oh, uh, okay hyung! Let's just meet at the front later!"


Jaebeom answered as his boyfriend started excitedly dragging him to that ice cream shop, leaving the youngest guy and the senior walking alone.

"Shop together their ass,"

Jinyoung mutters when he finally realizes that everyone already got on their own once they reached here when in fact, they all agreed earlier that they'll shop for suits all together? Not that he was complaining anyway, it's completely fine with him too if he's alone with the younger, but it's just funny at the same time unbelievable.

"I'm totally fine being alone with you anyway?"

Yugyeom said beside him, scooting a little closer at his hyung while looking and smiling at him. Jinyoung only smirks and playfully shoves him off when the younger tried putting his arms on his shoulders.

"Is that really not allowed?"

Yugyeom asks, acting as if he was offended.

"Not in public."

Jinyoung answered, obviously wanting to tease the younger as he scooted away from him making a small distance between them as they walk.

Yugyeom chuckles on his own and immediately pulled the older closer to him again by his waist, which instantly sets the older in a slight panic as he immediately shoves him off and checks the surroundings if someone actually saw that, chuckling too as he playfully throws a punch at the younger's arm for doing that.

"I told you not in public!"

Jinyoung whispered yelled, preventing himself from smiling when the younger started chuckling even more.

"How about in private?"

Yugyeom whispered beside him, still having that playful smile on his face.

"In private."

Jinyoung answered, suddenly feeling a little shy as he started looking somewhere instead.

"Can I do whatever I want in private?"

The younger whispers again and Jinyoung couldn't help but snaps his head up to look at him when he heard that, seeing he was still looking and smirking at him like that, his cheeks and

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