The Leader [pt.1] (2014/ 2016) - No Requests

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Plot: (Takes place after the movie) You are the niece of Baxter Stockman. That's right. He is your uncle. You came from your hometown to pay him a quick visit. But when you get to his lab, there was no sign of him anywhere. You, being a smart and nice girl, decided to clean up the lab a bit since nobody was there.

Well, until a certain leader in blue and his little brotherĀ  shows up.

Your POV
You put the last stack of papers back in science binder and dusted your hands at your handy work. You took a good glance around your Uncle's lab. After hours of cleaning up, organizing papers, putting away tech and chemicals, you were pooped.

You sigh and sat yourself down on an office chair and looked out the window. The night sky and city lights made you smile in thought about how amazing New York City is. Yes, you never visited New York. On the other hand, you always wanted to visit! And visiting your uncle, Baxter Stockman, made your dream come true. Well, minus your uncle that is. There's nothing wrong with your uncle, it's just that he is the type of uncle who is always off doing something for his company and has no time for family. You don't even know what he looks like! However , you remembered what your parents told you.

If you see a man giggle to himself a lot with nerdy glasses, that's him.

You chuckled at the thought , but you stopped when you heard a loud crash from the lower floor of lab. You quickly grabbed a nearby weapon, a broom, and got up from the chair. You ran towards the elevator, pressed the down button, and hopped in. You did not know how you got the sudden urge to investigate the lower floors. You are surprised that courage was enough put up a fight. As the doors of elevators opened, the room was nearly pitch black. Thankfully, there were some emergency lights on. You stepped out of the elevator and took a quick glance around the lab.

YOU: Who's there?

You scolded yourself . Yeah, way to not get yourself killed. Fear gripped your entire body as you began walking towards the middle of the room. You noticed that a window was wide open with wind tussling a few papers off a nearby desk. You walked over to the window and closed it. Then, you picked up the papers and placed them on the desk. Suddenly, glass shattering on the floor echoed throughout the lab. You squeaked and surprised and held the broom in the air like a bat. You made your way to the source of the noise , your weapon held high. When you fun alt found the broken glass, you notice that the object that knocked the glass down in the first place was a....


You picked the nunchuck up and looked closely at it. What was a nunchuck doing here? You heard a gasp from above you and you looked up in horror. Above you, hanging from the vents , was a giant mutant turtle with an orange mask.

You screamed when the turtle hooped down from the vent in front of you.

ORANGE: Woah! WOAH! Chill dudette! It's all cool here.

You, not ceasing your screaming, threw the broom at the turtle and took a step back. The broom barely did anything to the orange mask turtle. You heard a loud thud behind you and you felt your back bump into something hard. You turned around to find another turtle with a blue mask and... katana blades strapped on his shell?! You were so in shock that you did not notice the conversation going on between the two turtles.

BLUE: What did you do now, Mikey?!

ORANGE: I didn't do anything, man! I dropped my nunchuck and this girl happened to be here! You can't replace the chuck, dude!

You gulped when the blue mask turtle turned his attention back to you.

BLUE: M'am. So sorry for my brother here, he can be a bit of an idiot sometimes.


You felt your legs growing weak and you started seeing stars. Before the two turtles could do anything, you blacked out .

Time Skip

A few minutes passed since you blacked and you finally woke on a lab table on the second floor with the two turtles . After calming down a bit and realizing that this was not a dream, you learned a little bit about your new companions. Michelangelo was orange mask and blue mask was Leonardo. You gave back the nunchuck to Michelangelo and he gave you a high hug in return. You've learned about your uncle's true motives behind his experiments from them too . It turned out that your uncle was working for a man named the Shredder to harm the citizens of New York. Uncle Stockman was also the one who responsible for mutating Bebop and Rocksteady, two criminals that you heard from the news that escaped a few months ago. Leonardo and Michelangelo were only in your uncle's lab to investigate what other plans he was cooking up before disappearing.

YOU: Wait. So, you guys were responsible for stopping that weird mechanical spaceship a few months ago?
Mikey grinned,
MICHELANGELO : Yeah, dudette! That was us! Yours truly , our other brothers, and fearless leader over here saved New York and the world!

You took glance at Leo , who only shook his head with a small smile on his face. When he did that, you felt small butterflies in your stomach but you pushed it away .

YOU: So, I have to face the fact that my uncle is an ally to your worst enemy, huh?


YOU: And, I have accept the fact that I have a fifty-fifty chance of seeing him again?


YOU: Great.

Mikey put a hand on your shoulder.

MICHELANGELO : Hey, don't worry dudette ! You can always hang out with us in the lair!

You gasped.

YOU: I can come to your lair?!

Mikey nodded and looked at Leo for approval . Leo looked hesitant at first, but he nodded his head.

LEONARDO : You are welcome any time at our home, (Y/N). But, you have to promise not to tell anyone about us, ok?

You nodded your head and squealed with excitement. Without warning, you jumped from the lab table an engulfed the leader in blue into a hug.

YOU: Thank you!

You did not notice , but a light blush formed in the blue clad turtle's face and Mikey obviously noticed. He gave his older brother a teasing looking while Loe gave his younger brother a stern look. You let go and opened your mouth to say something , but a ringtone interrupted you.

Mikey pulled out what appeared to be a phone, took a quick glance at it , and put it away.

MICHELANGELO: Dude, we have to meet up with Donnie and Raph! They found something big down by the docks.

Before either could you or Leo say a word, Mikey whisked away out the building window. You laughed at the younger turtle's actions, but then you realized that you were in the room with the blue clad turtle.


LEONARDO: Um, I have to, You, know. Keep an eye on him.
YOU: (laughing ) Good luck with that.

Leo made his way to the window.

YOU: Oh, wait!

Leo stopped and gave you a questioning look. You headed towards a desk, opened a file box, and pulled out a blue folder with packets of papers on it. You walked back to Leo and handed him the file folder.

LEONARDO: What is this?

YOU: Well, since you guys were looking on the wrong floor for clues about my uncle, I thought this could be useful. While I was cleaning this place up, I found this file about classified mutations on it. So, yeah.

Leo gave you a small smile and nodded his head.

LEONARDO: Thanks, (Y/N).

You smiled back, fighting down the blush. And soon Leo left.

You didn't know why but......

You feel yourself falling for the blue clad turtle.......

Wait, what?!

To be continued...

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