Always There (2007) - No Requests

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Request : None

Plot: You and your leader in blue are relaxing in the lair along with the brothers. You all just came back from saving the world from the threat of the stone generals and monsters. However, your mind refuse to rest about the matter of Leo's safety....

Your POV
You sighed as your head rested on your blue masked boyfriend's shoulder. You felt Leo's grip on your waist tighten and you could not hide the small smile that appeared on your lips.

You and everyone else just got back from a long night of defeating the stone generals and monsters at Winter's tower. You fought hard along with the turtles, Master Splinter, April, and Casey. The result of the fight however made you extremely tired. April and Casey went back to their apartment and Master Splinter went to his room.

Which leads to your current situation right now. You and Leo rested on the couch, Donnie laid on his chair, Raph was on his own lounge chair and Mikey was laying on the carpet floor. The three brothers were asleep. On the other hand, you and Leo were the only ones awake. You closed your eyes for a few seconds, hoping that sleep with take over, but your eyes opened. For some odd reason, you could not sleep.

Why you may ask?

Well, the thought of Leo getting captured by the foot and stone soldiers haunted your thoughts. When you found out that your leader in blue was captured by your enemies, many emotions cluttered your mind.



And determination.

You were just happy that you got him back, but you were afraid if you close your eyes Leo might vanish from your arms.

With another wave of  emotions hit you, you shifted in your boyfriend's arm for the tenth time. Yeah, tenth.

Leo, being a skilled ninja, caught on that something was wrong.


YOU: Yeah?

LEONARDO: Is something wrong ? You have been really fidgety lately.

You didn't answer. Instead you hung your head and fought back the tears that was threatening to come out your eyes. Leo noticed the sudden change of emotion, got up from the couch and pulled you up with him. The both of you quietly made your way to Leo's room without disturbing the others.
As soon as Leo closed the door behind him,  you plopped yourself onto his bed and laid down. You felt the bed dip and Leo's arms wrapped around you, spooning you.

LEONARDO: What's wrong, (Y/N)?

You turned around in the bed and looked in his eyes.
YOU: To tell you the truth, something has been on my mind lately.

Leo did not say a word, allowing you to continue.

YOU: Ever since you've been captured , I was so scared that I would never see you again. I did not know if you were alive or dead or even killed by those stone soldiers and the Foot. If something would happened you , I...

You trailed off and felt a new wave of tears pouring from your eyes. You shut your eyes when the tears became a full force. You hated when you cry, especially in front of Leo. But, you could help yourself. You nearly lost your boyfriend. You had every right to cry.

Suddenly, you felt Leo's hand cup your cheek. You opened your eyes to meet Leo's brown eyes.
LEONARDO: (Y/N), please don't cry.

You felt his thumb wipe away the tears and kissed your forehead.

LEONARDO: (Y/N), you know for sure that nothing will stop me from being away from you. The stone generals, the foot, and even the monsters will never beat me away. When I was locked up in the cage, I felt myself fading. I couldn't even focus to stay awake for a few minutes. But, you what kept me from fading?

You shook you head.

LEONARDO: You. You kept me from fading.

You felt a slight blush form on your tear stained cheeks.

LEONARDO: I kept myself conscious by remembering what I love about you. Your (h/c) hair, your smile , your eyes, and this!

Suddenly, you felt Leo's hands tickle your stomach. You squeaked and started laughing, forgetting all the negative emotions.

YOU: Leo! Stop! H-HAHA!

Leo ignored your protests and continued tickling you. You laughed and tried to swat Leo's hands away from your stomach, but to no anvil. The tickle fight lasted for a solid twenty minutes and soon Leo pulled his hands away. You, catching you breath, playfully slapped Leo's arm.

YOU: I hate you, you know that?

Leo, giving you his signature smirk, pulled you closer.

LEONARDO: No, you love me. You can't deny it!

You gave a small smile and he pulled you into a passionate kiss. Your smile grew when you felt his tongue teasingly lick your lips . Soon, air was needed and both pulled away.

LEONARDO: I love you, (Y/N).

YOU: I love you too, Leo.

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