Chapter 26: Jealous Type

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That Morning

I slowly got up from the bed getting up. My lower back was killing me. I walked to the bathroom turning on the lights. I rubbed my hair grabbing my toothbrush, I heard a knock on my door. I grabbed my robe throwing it on. I opened the door "What? I said with my eyes half closed. "Hi Mr. Ricky"

I looked down to see Morgan with her hands behind her back. "Hey Morg, how are you? I yawned. "Good, I made you something" she handed it to me. I squinted my eyes taking it. It was a painting and nice painting to be exact. My heart felt a little warm inside something I haven't felt in a while. I smiled "This is really nice, thank you," I said checking it out.

"Morgan get over here" Josie stormed over there with Jace on her hip. I glanced at her booty shorts she had on and her nipple rings exposed through her shirt. I didn't even know she had those pierced. I lightly bit my lip before snapping out of it. "I wanted to give him a gift" she explained to her.

"You could've waited until later..sorry" she looked at me. 'It's all good, Morgan your super duper talented. I'm going to hang this up" I said. "It was a floral abstract painting. "Can I see? Josie asked. I turned it over "Oh wow, this is pretty Morgie"

"I've been working on it in class... I got an A" she said slowly. "This is cool... imma hang it up and I will see you in an hour," I said to her. I watched them walk back to their room while I got dressed. I opened the balcony door stepping out to look at the sunrise. I grabbed my cigarette lighting it. My phone began to vibrate and I looked at the screen to see that it was Arielle. I answered "Hey baby"

"Wassup Ari" I sat down staring at the view. "I haven't seen you in a minute, just checking in" she said. I haven't seen Ari in like two weeks. I liked her but now I had to tell her that my assistant and I would be playing fiancée. I knew she wouldn't trip her and I had a funny relationship we were friends with benefits with a little more I guess. She still does her own thing and I do my own thing but we like each others company. "My bad love, what you doing later? I asked biting my lip. "I was going to go out to dinner with my girls but after that, I'm available for some good lovin" she chuckled. "You want some good loving? I chuckled. "Mmmhmm" she mumbled. "I can make that happen"

"Yeah because she misses you... Mhmm, I just want you to blow my back out like last time" she playfully moaned. I laughed immediately getting turned on.

"So when I come tonight, I assume you'll be able to take it this time," I said rubbing my chin. "I can always take it," she said.

"Yeah okay, we'll see later," I said

She snickered "Okay babe"

"Okay bye," I said hanging up. My phone vibrated again and I rolled my eyes at the caller ID. "Yeah" I answered. "Damn Ricky, you don't gotta answer the phone like that" she complained. "What you want Michelle? I asked. Michelle was my sidepiece that I smash here and there. If I wasn't smashing Payton it was her and if it wasn't either of them, it was Arielle. "I just want some but if you gon act like that then fuck it" she said. "I'm good right now... thanks," I said. "Look, Ricky, I always played my role so don't be acting like I'm bothering you. I just want some dick nothing more nothing less"

"I don't need you right now. I'll hit you up when I want to fuck" I hung up getting up to go in the shower.


I bent down talking to Morgan to let her know what was about to go on. "You know I work for Mr. Ricky right? I asked. She nodded her head while eating her sausage. "Well, he and I are going to play fake fiancé-

"What's that? She asked. "Basically were pretending to be married and when you're married your kids become the other person's kids" I explained looking at her. "So you and Mr. Ricky are having kids? She asked. "Oh" I chuckled. "Mr. Ricky is going to play your fake dad okay," I said wishing I hadn't said it. She smiled

"Really? She asked pumped

"Yes, Morgan but this is only fake. I don't want you to get too attached its only temporary" I explained. Her smile quickly turned upside down. "Okay" she finished eating. "But he loves you like his own," I told her, at least I think he cares for her like she's his own but I wanted to lighten up what I just told her. "He does? She asked. "Yeah... he does" I smiled. She smiled again drinking her juice. Ricky came downstairs "Mr. Ricky are we playing a fake family," She asked excitedly. Caught off guard he looked at me. "I told her" I mentioned

"Yeah, we are... so when your teachers and classmates ask who I am-

"I can tell them that you're my dad," she said happily. My heart was crushed, she desperately wanted him to be her actual father and I could tell from the moment she met him. It really was breaking my heart that she's fatherless and my heart was still broken that my dad abandoned the both of us. I was starting to get highly emotional

I hesitated "Y-yeah, of course," I said leaning over the counter grabbing a strip of bacon. "Good cuz I want a dad" she admitted. I leaned against the counter realizing what I was doing. I started feeling guilty about it. I'm about to have this little girl play my child for my own selfish reasons. "Can you come to my recital? She asked. I stood their kind of stuck for a second. Josie looked over at me waiting for me to answer her. My phone began ringing and I picked it up walking off.

"Hello" I answered

"Good afternoon this is Nancy Simmons am I speaking to Mr. Ricky Santana?

"Yes, this is he" I spoke. "Hi Ricky, this is Nancy Simmons from FOX 45 news.. were very interested in The Santana Foundation and we were wondering if we could interview you as well as your family"

"Yes, I'm very interested," I said. "Great, when is the best day to schedule an interview? She asked.

"My day doesn't get started until 9 am"

"Okay great, well I'm going to talk to my team about this and I will be talking to you soon," she said. I smiled "Okay sounds like a plan," I said. "Okay nice talking to you

, " she said

"Nice talking to you as well, I'll see you soon" I said.

"Okay Bye"

"By,e" I hung up. "Ye,s" I said to myself. My plan was working now all I needed know was us to plan another charity event for our foundation. I was interrupted out of my train of thought when Josie angrily approached me. "What? I asked

"Hey, Don't blow her off like that... you can't just storm off and not answer her question. Don't do that to her" she got teary-eyed. She turned around wiping her eyes.

"I'm going" I said looking at her funny

"Then tell her that... but please don't ignore her like that. She's a precious little girl and I don't-

"That wasn't my intentions, just... calm down," I said. She's very protective of her little sister which is normal but I noticed she gets super scared if someone hurts Morgan's feelings. "Morgan, you got everything? I asked.

"Yeah," she said. I walked towards her "I'm sorry I didn't mean to ignore you. I had an important call" I explained. "It's okay.... Jo told me that you're a busy man" she said hopping off the counter. I chuckled a bit "

I'll be at that recital okay" I said.

"Yayy" she ran over hugging me. "Josie" I called. She walked back in sniffling "You ready? I asked. "Yeah" she answered.

I grabbed my phone looking at my text messages. I got a text from Rudy and three missed calls. I quickly called him back "Wassup," I said grabbing the car keys. "Can you take your nieces to school. I gotta handle some business like now and Kamaya isn't answering like usual" he said

I rolled my eyes looking over. "Yeah, hurry up an-

"I'm 3 minutes away," he said.

"Okay," I said hanging up. "I gotta drop my nieces off at school," I told her. "Okay," she said feeding Jace. Shortly, we were all outside in the garage. "What type of shit you in? I asked.

"I'm not in any shit, but I got shit to handle," he said. My nieces came out flying to me. "Uncle Ricky"

"Wassup badasses" I joked. "Don't call me kids that mothafucka" Rudy said. I ignored them gravitating my attention to them.

"We're not bad," they said hugging me. "I know; I'm just playing... y'all my little princesses," I said. "Wassup Unc" Jr came out the car. I dapped him up shaking his head. "Wassup," I said. "See you in a bit," he said. "I catch up with you"

"What we riding in today? He said adjusting his backpack. "The truck, we got a full house this morning," I said.


Kamaya sat on the edge of the couch staring at the now empty walls. She spent hours packing to move out of her mansion. She hasn't even begun to look for a new place to stay but the thought of living in a home where it didn't feel like home anymore was too much for her. She was heavily drugged up. She slowly got up removing the pillows from off the couch placing them in the empty boxes.

"Yeah its time to go, I don't need a moving truck. I got this" she said only packing a small section of her living room. Not thinking that her children still needed the comfort of the living room. The door opened and she didn't even flinch this time. She knew who it was walking in. "The fuck" Kasey mouthed walking in

"What you moving or something? He asked her. She didn't say anything she just stared at the wall. "Maya" he called.

"Yeah" she answered. "What you doing baby girl? He asked walking towards her. "Moving," she said. He began to chuckle

"When you moving? He asked sitting on the arm of her couch. "Tomorrow morning" she answered. He looked into her eyes and it evident that she was high on something. Kasey knew their was no way in hell she could pack this whole mansion by himself. He really was concerned for her and it was too early for him to like her but he did want them to get over this hump so he could see what she's about.

"What did you take? He asked. She shook her heard "Adderall and maybe something else," she said slowly spacing out. "You can't be taking shit for the sake of it" he said trying to help her up but she roughly moved her arm away. "I got it" she said getting up. "Come on... I'm taking you with me" he said.

"I don't wanna go anywhere," she said." Come on, you need some air you been in here for 4 days" he said. "No, I wanna clean my house- I just wanna remove everything" she got up picking up things as she went. "Maya come on" he walked to her. "Kasey.. I'm fine, just let me do this I'll feel better"

"You're not making sense," he said trying to stop her but she let go of his hands. "Let's get something to eat. I know you ain't eat" I said. She didn't say anything but he grabbed her wrist locking her hands together. "Let me take care of you-

He saw fear all through her eyes. "Just bring it to me... I just wanna

"Shhh come on" He stopped her from talking. She slowly followed behind him as she grabbed his hand. She had on clothes and was actually dressed. He gave her a jacket helping her put it on. "Where are we going? I don't wanna go far? She asked.


I listened to my nieces interact with Morgan like they've been best friends for years. I looked over at Josie staring out the window. We were up to the street from their private school and then we had to take Morgan to school which was another 45 minutes from my area. I pulled up to the front to see all the kids making their way in the building. I stared at the children wishing I could go back in time man, where you could be innocent and not have to worry about a damn thing. "Alright, kids... I'll see you around" I said pulling behind a familiar. "Is that Dreux? I said to myself. I peeped the horn. "Yeah, that's him"

He slowly got out and I pulled down my window. "Wassup Bro"

"Man why you pull up on me like that. I thought you were one of these soccer dads I was about to beat your ass" he said. I laughed "Get the fuck out"

"Hey, Dreux" Josie said. "Hey babycakes," he said. She began to laugh "You're so goofy," she said. "Alright kids, I'll see you around," I said. "Bye Unc" they all said in unison. I got out dapping up Rudy Jr. "Be good man, I heard you be giving these little girls hell. You better stay focused" I said. He laughed "I'll try" he said

"No really, your mom is having a hard time right now-

He rolled his eyes "Because of dad" he said. "Yeah, but its life sometimes things happens but that's all the reasons why you need to behave and do what you're supposed to or I'll beat your ass," I said. He laughed "I don't want one of your beatings you damn near killed me last time," he said. "I don't know who's worse my dad or you," he said. I laughed "Its tough love," I said.

"You heard him get," Dreux said shaking his head before he walked with his sisters. I stood against the car taking out a cigarette. "How's nephew? I asked

"I just finished talking to his teacher. He's coming along" he said. "Good," I said

"Where y'all headed? He asked.

"I gotta take Morgan to school"

"Morgan is in there" he gasped. "I didn't even say hi" he opened the door.

"Hey kid"

"Hi Mr. Dreux"

I looked at my messages while he was talking to her. I opened my door getting back in. "Have a good day okay" he said closing her door. "We have to go," Josie said.

"Okay man were late," I said. "Well excuse me... someone's got you whipped," he said lowly. "Never that bro" I laughed closing the door.

Once we dropped Morgan off. I watched Josie get back in the car. Its crazy how only in a matter of three months I had her now playing my fiancé. If this runs smoothly it won't have to be long and we both can go about our business. "I was thinking... What if Morgan goes to Miami prep along with my nieces and nephews" I said. Her mouth dropped "W-what? She asked looking at me.

"She's a smart and gifted girl," I said.

"I'd love for her to go but I can't afford it," she said. "I got it," I said. Shocked was the look that she gave me.

"You really don't have to do that," she said. "Its no problem to me," I said. "Yeah, but who's going to pay for this after I'm done playing your fiancé. I'm trying to move to New York in a few years and-

"You're thinking way too ahead," I said. "I'm thinking realistically," she said. "It's your choice-

"I appreciate it but-

"But what? What's the issue? I asked. Morgan has been feeling more like my child these past weeks and It bothered me that she was going to this school. My nieces/nephews get five-star treatment at their school and their challenged. I had the money to do it so why not. Granted, urban schools build your character but I just wanted the little girl to be great.

"It just seems too good to be true that's all," she said. "You still think I want more from you? I asked

"I just don't want to be doing wild stuff like sticking drugs up my vagina and stuff," She said. I snickered she was actually kind of funny.

"You watch too much fucking TV," I told her continuing to drive. "Yeah, okay. I've seen some things already" she said.

Hours later

I walked beside him as we entered the kitchen to his restaurant. He introduced me to his staff and they were completely surprised that he's engaged, little did they know this was a scam. I watched him walk around making orders and demands. He was truly a boss and watching him handle his business was pure motivation to me.Even though I was feeling motivated I still couldn't get over the fact that he wanted to pay for Morgan's tuition. It would be nice but at the same time, Ricky likes to through things in your face. He's belittled me so many times and I don't think I can be reminded that I cant afford a great private school for my sister. "Tell me if you like it boss," One of the chefs said. "This is new on our menu," he said. "This is our Triple Stack Alfredo, it has steak, chicken, shrimp, and broccoli, tomatoes and three kinds of cheese" he explained. He gave Ricky a fork and I watched him try it. He nodded his head "Its good...yeah, this is good" he said. "You wanna try it, baby? Ricky asked handing me his fork. I hate eating off other people but we gotta make this love believable right? "Thanks, babe" I grabbed it digging in. I took a bite "This is delicious" I said.

"Yes, 100% authentic," the chef said. "I'm going to need a to go plate" I smiled. "Right away ma'am," he said. "Thank you" I smiled at him before walking off with Ricky. We went to the winery area where he sat down. "Hey, Ricky... can I get you anything? His steward asked.

"I'll have a glass of Pinot Nior," He said. "What's that? I asked him. "Wine" he answered. I gave him a straight face

"I know that I just don't know the kinds of wine" I explained. The steward brought him a glass. "Thank you my man," he said. "And you ma'am? He asked.

"Umm I'll have something fruity," I said. Ricky sighed giving me an embarrassed look.

"Just give her Riesling," he said. "Coming up," he said grabbing a glass. "That's the only glass you're having because you can't hold your liquor," he said. I gave him a confused look "Huh? When was I drunk? I asked him.

"Saturday night you were just talking out your ass"

"Oh sorry," I said. I don't remember being drunk but I know I get emotional when I'm drunk. I know I was probably annoying. "I know you wrecked Raymond's car," he said swirling his glass. I swallowed a lump in my throat. "What? Why would-

"You don't gotta lie, I know you did it and I saw the bat in your trunk" He cut me off. I was embarrassed and it got awkward. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said taking the glass. "Yeah, okay just don't ever get comfortable with doing that to my cars," he said. I wouldn't dare do that even though I thought about it.

"Can you give me a wine lesson? I asked him changing the subject. "Fine... Eric let her do a wine tasting" He said. He nodded his head taking out all the basic bottles of wine. "Hold it like this" he fixed my hand.

"Different glasses affect the taste. This is basic red wine. A lot of people enjoy this kind of wine with steak" Ricky explained.

"This is Pinot Grigio," Eric said. "When you taste it try to aim your nose towards the glass so you can smell and taste at the same time" he explained. I did what he told me tasting it.

"Mmm I don't like that one," I said shyly. "Try The Chardonnay," Ricky said.

"Oh, I had that before," I said. "This isn't the fake Chardonnay you get from the liquor store that makes you sick.. this is top tier" 'he said. My face instantly went flat he just had to remind me that I'm low-key a basic bitch. "Thanks for reminding me," I said taking a sip. "No problem," he said.

"Mmm this is good," I said. "Crisp isn't it? Eric said. "Yeah, I like it what do you this one with? I asked. "Chicken, turkey, pasta," Ricky told me. I nodded my head looking at him.


After walking around the park getting some fresh air. Kasey and I were in a restaurant. I didn't have much to say and he didn't force me to say much he was just there and it felt different. I crossed my arms looking around. "You cold? He asked. "A little," I said. "I told you to take your jacket with you," he said taking his off. "I was hot now I'm cold" I explained.

"That's cuz you coming down from those drugs," he said. I didn't say anything I just looked at the menu. "What you getting? He asked.

I sighed "I don't know; I think a salad," I said. "At least its something," he said looking through his menu. Moments later we were talking

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