Chapter 20: Don't Hurt Yourself

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*You gotta play Beyonce 6inch heels or Don't Hurt Yourself to get the vibe lol*


I slowly opened my eyes quickly covering my eyes from the sun raze. I rolled over and Morgan wasn't there. I quickly got up patting around the bed for my phone. I had a terrible headache and I just felt sick overall. It was 1 pm in the afternoon and I completely overslept. I had 4 missed calls from Erica. I texted her about what happened but rarely went into detail with her. I know she wants the details but I'll tell her later. I got out from the bed walking to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were puffy from crying all day. I heard Jace crying so I knew he was downstairs with Nesta.

Once I finished showering and brushing my teeth. I lotioned my body throwing on some fresh pajamas. I kept having flashbacks of that argument between Ricky and I and I even surprised myself. So many moments had me confused but I wasn't going think too much about it because I was still emotional. I yawned walking downstairs to see all of them eating, to my surprise the kitchen table was filled with catered fruit and sandwiches. "Goodmorning" I said.

"Good morning" Nesta smiled. "Hi Baby" I smiled kissing Jace's cheek. Morgan sais hi lowly but I knew she was upset about last night. "Ricky ordered us food" Nesta said. I smirked he only did that because he felt bad as if that was going to help. I grabbed a paper plate placing pineapples and strawberries on my plate as well as two ham sandwiches. I was starving. I sat next to Morgan "Hey, I'm sorry about last night" I said hoping she's forgive me. "It's okay" she half smiled eating her food. "That was so nice of him to do this" she said.

"Mmmm..very" I said popping a grape in my mouth. I heard footsteps coming downstairs indicating that he was here. I went to the fridge grabbing me a bottle water. I closed the water and sure enough he was there. "Good afternoon" he said to all of us. I felt him stare me down from periphial vision. I didn't say anything or even looked his way. I just made my plate. I was debating weather or not I was actually leaving. He really pissed me off and I'm tired of his family but I need the money and my sister is comfortable. I honestly think the only thing that saved me from being fired or hurt is Morgan. She slowly has him wrapped around her finger and he wouldn't dare fire me because he knows it effects her. Maybe since I cursed him out he'll leave me alone this time; I may not be quitting but were damn sure moving into an apartment.

I walked passed him going upstairs. I know he wanted to say something especially since its going on 2 and I haven't done a thing yet but I'll get to it as I please.


I sat back at my desk doing some of the work Josie was supposed to do this morning. I didn't even know if she was quitting or not but I guess it was time to put everything in my hands. Dreux walked "Wassup" I yawned.

"Wassup" he said sitting down on the chair in front of me. The two of us still didn't talk about our huge fight... sometimes we say hurtful things to each other and we rather not deal with it at the moment but I did wonder what he wanted. I haven't seen him since I got here.

"So, you ready for Grant's mouth? I asked. He chuckled "Fuck him, I don't even care. We can always double the money back and really get that shit back" he said.

"I aint even gon lie, If I was you. I'd be stressed" I admitted. "You don't say" he said sarcastically. I laid back rubbing my hands through my hair. This shit was tedious and I desperately would love if she would come in even if she's not my cup of tea right now.

"So, what happened last night? He crossed his leg. "I knew you was gonna ask that shit bro" I chuckled

"The way you hopped out that car and flew in the house. I just knew, I was going to have to come in there and break it up but my senses told me that you knew better so...

"I don't really wanna talk about it" I said. I prejudged the hell out of her and I hate being wrong. Its bad enough I'm already aware I'm an asshole and to be reminded that shit probably will never change is crazy.

"You getting soft? He asked.

"Pshh, fuck no but it got bad bro" I chuckled. "I got called all kinds of bitches. A narcissist, and asshole, then she threw the divorce in my face. Straight up disrespectful like I'm doing you a favor don't talk to me like you crazy" I said

Dreux laughed "Oh shit, not Josie. She's a sweetie pie" he said. I lifted my brow "A demon... she got me so fucked up" I said. "Nigga it was only a matter of time and all that shit she overheard. I'd be mad too" he said.

"We was just fucking around though. Obviously, I assumed she wasn't a hoe but shit Rudy was the one that made the topic funny-

"I mean what can you really do but that shit still lame bro. That's a woman G. Shit, I fucked around and said the most horrible thing I could ever say to Mia. Its no coming back" I said

"What you say? I asked.

"I told her she's an emotionless bitch and Jr don't deserve her as a mother and she don't deserve me"


"I know; I was just pissed. It's like... its deeper than me wanting to be with her. Its like I always check on her when she's sick. I do everything in my power to make sure she's comfortable but she don't ever think that maybe I don't like doing this shit either. She often feels alone and no one can understand what she's going through but she don't even try to understand what I'm going through"

"I feel you Bro, I know you got it. You've always been the one that had a way with your words. She'll come around" I said pulling lighting my cigarette.

"What else happened? He asked. I laughed "Nosey mothafucka" I added

"We just kept going at it. She was trying to leave and I was trying to prevent her from leaving because she practically was going to leave them there with me and that's not my responsibility... plus it was late... anyways- we go back in the house and she's trying to get her keys from me. Long story short, I threw her phone and keys. We argued some more, I said something wild and she smacked me" I explained

"You lying"

"Hell no, she smacked the shit out of me and I lost it and just hovered over her. then she started crying. It was too fucking much

"Y'all arguing like a couple" he laughed. "Surprised y'all didn't fuck-

"I ain't arguing with no woman I ain't fucking" I said

I was turned on to say the least but I just slept it off. I had my share of crazy fights and makeup sex after but I had no desire for any of that with her.

"You make me wanna get it on and poppin with Mia," he said. I chuckled "Good luck with that" I said. It grew silent for a minute I gravitated my attention back on my computer while he texted on his phone. I rested both of my hands on the desk.

"I'm sorry about our fight.... you know you my brother at the end of the day-

He shook his head "Nah, I'm sorry. You're my little brother and sometimes I think you can handle certain shit so I back off but I know every once in a while you need a little help. I don't mean to seem nonchalant when dad is going at you. Its just. I'm so immune to it, I'm just in my own world sometimes" he explained

"I feel you but a little output would help. I am sorry for belittling your position. Even though sometimes I feel like I'm doing everything we all play a position in this" I said

We both got up hugging it out. "Love ya dude" he said patting his back. "Love you too bro" he said. The door shortly knocked "Come in" I said. Courtney came in "Wassup Courtney" I said.

"Waddup" Dreux said. "Heyyy... is Josie here"? She asked. I rubbed my chain "Nah" I said. "Okay... you know when she's coming in? She asked.

"She doesn't work here anymore" I said. Her mouth dropped "Oh no, I love her... J didn't even get her number" she said.

"She has to come here to get her things so you'll run into her" I said. "Okay cool" she said walking out. Dreux and I watched her walk out. "Damn her ass is fat" he said. "Sure is" I bit my lip. My phone started ringing seeing that it was Kamaya. I wondered where she was.


"Ricky" she said crying. I sat up "What's wrong? I asked. "Mom" her voice cracked. "Oh my gosh.. mommy calm down"

I just heard yelling and screaming in the background. "The hell is going on? Dreux asked. "Mommy found out dad is cheating, she's acting crazy. Get here please" she begged. "Okay Maya.. I'm coming" I said. Dreux got up with me "Moms found out about dad" I said

"Shit" he said rubbing the back of his head. "Aye, Court... Tell everyone I'll be back okay? She placed a lollipop in her mouth "Got you" she said.

I parked the car and Dreux and I quickly got up racing to the door. I opened the door to see it all. Moms was throwing things and Kamaya looked confused and distraught herself.

"I saw her.... I seen her. How could you do this to me huh? She screamed. "I'm so sorry baby" Grant said trying to console her. I stood there looking at him in disgust.

"33 years together and you throw it away for some 21-year-old. I had 8 miscarriages, stayed home and took care of our kids, I lost my life just to make sure you could live yours" she screamed throwing pictures of them on the floor.

"Ma" I called seeing her hurt cut me deeply.

"You all knew didn't you? She asked all three of us. Guilt was written all over our faces. We assumed but we didn't witness it or knew for sure. "Mom come on let's just get you a hotel" Dreux said walking over to her.

"Moni.. I am sorry-

"Don't call me that, It's over... I don't want you anymore and I hope that child makes you happy, her and the baby"

My eyes widened "Baby? I asked. "Are you fucking serious right now? I looked over at Grant. "Really Dad? Maya screamed. This was the first time in life Grant didn't have something to say. You mean to tell me we have a little brother or one on the way?

"Mommy, we can get through this together because Rudy cheated too" she cried. "Oh Baby" she said as Maya walked over to her. It was like we got punched in the face with all of these hardships. I balled up my fist debating on who was going to get it first Grant or Rudy. "What the fuck man" Dreux yelled.

"The fuck type of shit is this? This family is trash- I'm tired of the drama. Why couldn't you just tell mom huh? Dreux asked him.

"Look, I said I was sorry, I'm not about to be ridiculed by my damn children"

"Kiss my ass Grant"

I shook my head "You're so sorry" I said to my dad.

"Mom let's go" I said. I was going to buy her a hotel and just get her out of here and if some time to herself. She cried on Kamaya's shoulder as they followed me. "Monica, please forgive me. Come on we all make mistakes but I'm man enough to admit them" he said. I turned around "Get help" I said. I opened the door to see Kat walking towards the steps. I knew she met with my mother on Mondays to discuss the wedding plans but that was out of door now. Dreux walked them to the car. When I saw Kat all I could think about was what Josie told me and I had some shit to get off my mind.

"What happened? She asked looking around. "They broke up" I said simply. "Are you for real? She asked concerned. She continued "Why? She asked

"He cheated" I said. She shook her head "Well... it happens" she crossed her arms looking at me. I was not here for her bullshit today, I really wasn't. "Don't start" I said

"What are you talking-

"Let's not act like you were perfect in this relationship either," I said. "Whatever Ricky, I wasn't even going that route," she said. "I know you, Kat, just keep my fucking name out your mouth," I said walking away. She crossed her arms following me. "What are you even talking about? She asked.

"Don't worry about it. I warned you" I said. She pulled my arm "I'm asking you a question? She begged.

"I just think its funny how my assistant knows a hell of a lot about my personal shit," I said

"I was just warning her, I know how you get down and I didn't want the poor girl to be a victim of it-

I slightly tilted my head taking in everything she was saying. I shook my head

"You are full of shit Kat-

"No you are... did you forget that you cheated on me multiple times? Wasn't there when I needed you but could be so damn manipulative when I was mad at you. I know your motive with her and a lot of women you're dipping in and out of" she said. I snickered a bit

"Why you so worried about who I'm fucking? I asked. "It's not you" I added. Kat wishes she was still getting her back blown out by me and it saddens her to this day.

"I'm not" she scoffed. "Let's not forget you're selfish as hell and you aborted our children twice. Her mouth dropped and I could tell she wasn't expecting that one. I cheated on Kat multiple times because I was young. We got married right after college and I still wanted to be a player. I loved her but I wanted to do my thing. Once we matured we had our good times but we just weren't in the same boat anymore. Kat didn't want kids; I did so we thought it was best to get a divorce.

"Wasn't expecting that one" I said. "It's my body-

"I had a say too, the least you could've done was tell me. I had to find out through your friend" I raised my voice as she stood there. I balled up my fist placing my hands in my pocket just thinking back to those days were heartbreaking. Your wife hides something like that from you. "Mind your business Kat," I said walking past her bumping her shoulder. I was pissed about last night, pissed about tonight I wanted to hurt everyone. I knocked on the passenger side of Maya's car. My mom rolled down her window "Sorry momma"

"Tell me which hotel you want to stay out and I'll cover it alright," I said. I looked over at Maya to see her zoned out. "Okay thank you" she said slowly.


I sat in my car drinking my Frappuccino from Starbucks. I debated if I was going in there to get my things or going in there to quit. Yes, I could just leave and find another job but it's not that easy. I have bills to pay and mouths to feed. I don't want CPS to take my son or sister so I'm stuck. Erica quickly called me and I answered.

"Hey," I said

"Hey boo, I'm so sorry. I've been so busy, but I heard what happened yesterday. What are you going to do? She asked.

"I'll keep the job but I'm getting an apartment," I said. "Yeah, makes sense bump Ricky. You do your part and keep it moving" she said. "Yeah, well I'm about to go in there. Maybe we can link up later" I said.

"Okay, babe," she said before hanging up. I was beyond stressed. I just received the hospital bill and my insurance only covers half of it, I have to still pay for Jace and I's health insurance, my car insurance, now an apartment to pay for monthly and I'm trying to save for fashion school. The last thing I need is the extra stress. I placed on my sunglasses walking through the back of the club. I could hear Ricky and his crew talk and chuckle and it made me think about last night again. I sighed walking near the door to see all of them from last night.

"Josie," Dreux said. I simply ignored him turning back around.

"Ahh come on Josie" was all I heard before I left. I didn't want to see Ronnie or Cortez and I damn sure didn't want to see Ricky

I couldn't do this those words hurt like hell and maybe I needed a few days off. I stormed into the bathroom to seep Courtney brushing her hair.

"Hey Jo," she said. "Hi" my voice cracked. I took off my classes whipping my eyes. She frowned "Oh no... what's wrong? She asked hugging me. "I can't do it.. I can't work here anymore" she said.

"Why? She asked. "My fucking boss is an asshole at the Gala his whole family were ridiculing me the whole night when they don't know shit about me. I got called a hoe, and all kinds of names when that's not even the case. I'm just trying to take care of my family" I said. She pulled me into a hug and I continued crying. I've been holding everything in for so long it, I can't bottle up everything up forever. I shortly let go wiping my eyes.

"I don't understand why I'm being judged so much"

"Girl, only insecure niggas talk like that trust me. I got a glance at what those fools are really about and they can't judge anybody. You know who you are, you don't get to prove yourself to anyone honey but you damn sure better make sure them niggas respect you. Fuck them!

"I hear you but its easier said than done. I can't just say fuck it. Not everybody can let shit go so fast. I'm not like that-

"And that's okay. You have a big heart but at this job. You may have to develop two personalities be a bitch at work and go back to your regular self at home" she said

"I mean I'm a dancer and I get called a slut and hoe all day long but I don't care I'm a woman at the end of the day and they can suck my dick," she said

I laughed "Thanks for cheering me up" I smiled. "No problem, now take those glasses off there's no sun.. sis. You look crazy" she said. I looked in the mirror applying more of my ruby red lipstick. I fluffed my hair before walking back in the office. Courtney was so damn right, I'm over here worried about what these bimbos have to say about me. Dreux keeps getting friend zoned by his baby mother, Rudy probably isn't shit, Cortez is thirsty as fuck, Ronnie is weird, Kamaya is a hot mess, Ricky is trash and here I am worried about what they think. Im not doing anything wrong at all.

 It was awkward and quiet and I threw my bag on the couch behind the desk and sat on the opposite side of Ricky. I felt him look over at me "Quitting? He asked

"Nope" I answered. "Then you're late," he said. "But I'm here," I said back taking my laptop out. "Josie, about yesterday it was nothing. I don't want you to think it was like that" Cortez said.

"It definitely was like that," I said. "You're just a little sensitive it was all jokes," he said.

"Mmm talking shit about someone for 20 minutes isn't a joke"

"We got bigger shit going on right now. PLEASE" he said looking on his computer.

"What's wrong with clearing up something? Dreux chimed in. "I'm just saying this is how niggas talk when they get around each other," he said.

"Exactly," Ricky said. "It ain't cool though," Dreux said. "It was wack and all the information was false and honestly none of y'all have room to talk about women. Y'all don't even treat the ones you're with right. So what does that say about you? I asked

"Ouchhh," Dreux said. "Can you actually work? Please" Ricky said mugging me. I rolled my eyes focusing back on entering data.

"You know what you right. I'm sorry... it wasn't cool" Cortez said. "I ain't do nothing," Dreux said

"You already know how I feel about you. So I would never judge you" Ronnie chimed in.

The phone quickly rung and I answered it ignoring them. "Lemonade nightclub. Josie speaking how can I help you? I asked.

"How old do you have to be to enter?

"21 and over," I said. "Okay thanks"

"Mmmhm," I said hanging up. They all left leaving Ricky and I together. It was silent which was good. "I had a woman come in for an interview at 7 so you can cancel that," he said throwing her application on my lap. I grabbed it handing it back to him.

"Stop throwing things at me and hand it to me," I said rolling my eyes. "Take the damn application and stop being extra," he said. I placed it on the table. "You made your point last night so all this

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