Chp 14: Vengeance or Forgiveness

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3rd POV

YN: Keyleth, wake up.

Vox machina and Cassandra were still in the room while YN is holding Keyleth who's dying. Just then, the black vein started to appear on her cheeks as if her face is cracking.

YN: Keyleth! No. Do we have something to help her?

Vex: An elixer.

Vex grabs a elixer in the bag and hands it to YN.

Vex: Try this. Quickly.

YN grabs it and opens it before he gently pours it on Keyleth mouth. But the elixer had no affect which made them more worried.

YN: Its not working. We're losing her!

Vax: I don't get it, it was supposed to work. why isn't it working?

Delilah: The Whispered One did not return. We failed. It was too soon.

Percy: There's nothing to be done. Keyleth is gone.

YN: What?

Percy: But at least we have what we came for.

Vex: The fuck are you talking about!? Keyleth is still breathing.

Vax: Why didn't you even use you magic shield, YN?

YN: I tried, but it didn't work for some reason.

Scanlan: Something's not right. Let me try, uh... 🎶 Scanlan's hand. 🎶

Scanlan tries to use his magic but fails. Nothing worked and Scanlan realize that the mysterious orb is blocking all of their magic. They wasted no time but to go away from the orb as the de rolos take Delilah too.

    Just as they got out of the ziggurat, Grog heard something and saw Silas sword. Without anyone looking, he picks it up.

Grog: Finders keepers.

He looks at his reflection until Scanlan called him before they join with the rest. YN got tired from carrying Keyleth this far and Grog carries her for him. Soon they made it to the acid room as Scanlan checks his magic again.

Scanlan: Okay, wait-wait-wait, hold up, hold up. 🎶 Scanlan's hand! 🎶

He created a thumbs up.

Scanlan: Yes! We got magic.

Vax: Lay her down here. Vex, another elixer!

Grog gently lay her down while Vax looks for another in the bag as the infection spreads more in Keyleth.

YN: Vex, do we have another!?

Vex: There's just, there's no more.

Vax: What!?

YN: No...Keyleth...

YN hold Keyleth hand as his tears were out.

YN: This is all my fault...I'm so sorry...

Vex comforts him while he's blaming himself.

Vex: Its not your fault. It was her choice. She has done a lot to save all of us, including Cassandra.

YN: I know...

He place her hand on her stomach but falls next to her bag. Vax then remembers something she did.

Vax: Wait, she used something to save Cassandra from the brink of death!

He grabs the bag and empty it to find the ingredients.

Vax: YN, what ingredients did she used!?

YN realize what he mean and he wasted to time to grab wanderer's moss, flicksilver, and a bag that says "dirt.". Once he got it, he spits it and mix it all together.

YN: Shorty! We need your magic!

Scanlan: Uh. (Grab his lute.) 🎶 Disgusting mud and spit 🎶
🎶 Turn into some healing shit 🎶

Scanlan cast a magic in the ingredients before YN place it on Keyleth's wound and keeps the pressure as it does its work.

YN: Come on, come on.

Vax: Wait, why couldn't you use your magic?

YN: I can't take any chances.

YN continues to focus on healing her while everyone is hoping it'll save her. Meanwhile the de rolo siblings let go of Delilah before they interrogate.

Cassandra: You controlled me for years. Now its your turn to suffer. (Grabs her collar shirt.) What was the ritual mean to do? Answer me!

Delilah: (Spits blood at her.) I only answer to the Whispered One. (Sigh.) But he denied me. Abandoned me.

Percy: I'll gladly send you to him.

Delilah: Go ahead. You've taken my husband and any hope of getting him back. What more could I loose? (Tears.) End me...

Percy puts on his plague mask to hide his satisfaction as the black smoke appear.

Percy: No. Your pain will linger.

Percy approached her as he continues to speak.

Percy: I'll shatter your ankles for my sister Vesper. Your hands belong to Julius. Each de Rolo will have their point of flesh, (Grabs her hair and point his pepperbox to her mouth.) until I flay the skin from what's left of you.

Scanlan: Whoa. Okay, Percy, taking this a little far. Hey, why don't you just lower the-

Before he could finish as he approaches to Percy. The black smoke pushes him away and everyone saw it.

Grog: The fuck?

Percy: Your suffering will be merely a taste of the pain you inflicted upon my family.

Percy laughs and everyone saw what has he become by the smoke.

Cassandra: The smoke. It's even worse.

Vex: Its some sort of curse.

Scanlan: Pike felt something clouding his soul. I thought she meant he was just depressed.

Vex: (To Percy.) Something has possession of you!

Percy: And we are better for it.

Vax: We? What the hell is he talking about?

Vex: Percy!

Keyleth: (Weak voice.) That's not Percy...

YN: Keyleth?

The infection disappears as Keyleth points at Percy.

Keyleth: Its a demon...Look.

Vex: Holy shit. How?

Keyleth: If it gets what it wants, I don't think much of Percy will be left.

Vax: Vex'ahlia, what are you doing!?

Vex calmly approaches and stand in between Percy and Delilah.

Percy: Step aside.

Percy point his pepperbox to Vex to force her to move.

Vex: You're going to shoot me, too?

Percy: If we must.

Vex: I know you're in there.

Percy hand begins to shake.

Vex: Darling, take off the mask.

Without Percy moving, she gently takes off his mask and drops it. Revealing that Percy is crying, not wanting to shoot her.

Vex: Its all right. You can put it down.

Percy: won't let me.

The smoke was wrapped around Percy arm to prevent him to put it down. Soon Percy resist and aim it under his chin while holding it.

Vex: Don't do it!

Cassandra: Percy, you can't!

Percy: I don't know what else to do!

Othrax: No!

Othrax stops him from pulling the trigger.

Percy&Othrax: No!

Percy fell and the demon tries to possess him while Percy struggles. Soon the smoke reveals the demon's form.

Grog: Nope. Do not like!

YN: Oh fuck!

Vax: Everyone get back!

Once Othrax successfully possess Percy, he moves fast with the smoke and hold Vex neck to pin her.

Vax: (Grabs his knives.) Sister!

Keyleth: Don't hurt him, he's not in control!

Vax: Fuck that, he's got Vex!

Keyleth: That think can't bleed, but Percy can. If its inside his mind, his soul, only he can stop it.

YN: Then we'll have to buy time for him.

Vax: All right. Oi, keep him from killing Delilah!

Scanlan: Piece of cake. (Grabs his lute.) 🎶 Scanlan's hand! 🎶

He summon a magical hand to grab Delilah and pulls her away from Percy before he could shoot her.

Percy: She belongs to me!

Percy swiftly move towards Scanlan and shoots him, but Grog blocks the shot with his axe and everyone was prepared to stop him.

Othrax: Shall I take over?

Percy: (Grunting.) No. No!

Othrax: I'm afraid I must.

Vex: Percy!

Percy screams as the demon takes over, soon his vision darkens.

Percy POV

When I woke up again, everything was darkened and smoke. But then I see a open door ahead and heard familiar voices. I walk towards it and see Professor Anders teaching a lesson.

Anders: Pay attention, children. Today's lesson is on the subject of vengeance.

Before I notice it, I was sitting next to my sister Cassandra who looks younger and was just sitting.

Anders: Which is more powerful? The desire for revenge or the ability to forgive? Care to demonstrate?

I saw his eyes begin to smoke and Cassandra stand up as the ink splatted on my clothes. Suddenly I hear her whimpers and saw that Silas is holding her neck while looking at me.

Percy: Bastards!

I wasted no time but to shoot directly to them but it just went through them as Anders is clapping his hand.

Anders: (Smirks.) Top mark, Percival.

Percy: I'll kill you...I'll kill you all!

I continue to shoot them but no matter how much I shot, all my bullets went through to them. Just then they started to move away from me while they chuckles.

Percy: Let her go! (Shoots.) Cassandra! Cassandra!

Suddenly I fell in darkness and end up landing on the chair. I see that I'm in the dining room and see my family are alive and enjoying their time.

Percy mother: What's the matter, son? Not hungry?

Percy father: You look pale, boy. Like you've seen a ghost.

The wine from my fathers cup grows and fell on the table. Just then the door opens, revealing the murderers of my family.

Stonefell: (Laugh.) Death to de Rolos.

I quickly get up and shoots them.

Percy: Stop. Not again. Not again! I won't let you take them!

I kept shooting at them to protect my family.

Othrax: The hate...embrace it....or else...

Once I kill them, I look and see my family are all dead as my heart begins to race. I fail to protect them again. Just then, my mother grabbed my arm and cries while the arrows are still in her neck.

Percy mother: (Crying desperately.) You have failed us, son!

Percy father: (Crying desperately.) A family slaughtered, a legacy lost. You must avenge us!

Percy mother: (Crying desperately.) Please, son, you must!

Percy: (Whimpers.) I'm sorry, mother!

3rd POV

Meanwhile in reality, everyone are in covered from Percy bullets and Grog tries to hold him. The demon knocks him back and turns around to shoot him. Grog manage to dodge but got shot right to his left shoulder before YN pulls him to cover.

Grog: Fuck that burns.

YN rips off a bandage and cover his wound while Vex tries to reach to Percy.

Vex: Listen to us! You must fight this!

Scanlan punched the demon with his magical fist, but it made it angry.

Percy: Fight. Yes.

Scanlan runs away but Percy catches up to him and aims at his face. In Percy eyes, he's aiming at stonefell.

Stonefell: Yesss. One well-placed shot and the pain disappears.

Vex: Fight it!

Percy: (Realizes.) Vex? Wait. No.

He turns around to see the demon.

Percy: What are you doing to me?

Othrax: (Laughs.) Giving you what you wanted, Percival.

Percy: Who are you!?

Othrax: Know exactly who I am.

Othrax: You summoned me. Your torment and thirst for revenge called me to your side.

    An unspoken partnership. Deep down, you remember. Welcoming my help. Welcoming the rage that fueled you to create it. The weapon.

Percy: (Confused.) What are you talking about?

Othrax: Forged in iron and smoke. We struck a bargain. I gave you the means for revenge. And you...gave me souls to feast upon.

Percy: Liar!

Percy continues to shoot endlessly while everyone hides in cover.

Vex: (To Cassandra.) You're not under a charm anymore, dam it. Do something!

Cassandra: Against a demon? What?

Vex: You're his sister. Reach him!

YN: Its either that or we knock him out with a rock! And I don't want to get shot when I'm close to him.

Cassandra: (Stand up.) Percival! I know you. This isn't who you are!

Percy: Its who I want to be.

Cassandra: Yes, hate feels good. It drowns the pain. I've seen how easily it consumes you.

Percy: Its all I have left...

Percy aim at his sister.

Cassandra: If you reclaim yourself, you won't hurt the ones you love. Find the real Percy within. Find my brother.

Percy: Cassandra?

Cassandra: I'm here for you.

Vex: We all are.

Everyone stand with Cassandra except for Keyleth who was still recovering from the dark magic. Percy's pepperbox then reveals new names on it. Naming all his friends in the list as he hear young Cassandra voice again.

Young Cassandra: Percy, come on. We can make it.

He sees his younger self and his sister running away, but suddenly arrows were shot and hit Cassandra from behind and she fell. He turn around and see the Briarwoods and their followers which gets him mad.

Percy: You. You did this to me! ANY YOU'LL PAY!!

Othrax knocks everyone away to clear a path to Delilah.

Othrax: The time has come.

Percy aim at Delilah who was trying crawl away.

Othrax: Fire the weapon. Be at peace.

Vex: Wait! Please, Percy. Don't forfeit your own soul.

Percy sees his friends and Othrax tries to manipulate him.

Othrax: You know who to trust, Percival...

Percy: (Grin.) Yes. I do.

Percy hand begins to shake.

Percy: I won't let you!

Othrax: No!

Percy shoots his hand, leaving a hole for Scanlan- I mean a hole on his hand as he yells from pain and drop the weapon. The demon screeches and was sucked into the void. After that, Percy collapse before Cassandra runs to see if he's okay.

    YN and Vax are holding Keyleth arm over their shoulder to support her until she's fully regains her strength.

Cassandra: Percy? Say something. Is it you?

Percy: (Groans from pain.) I'm afraid so. Well, most of me anyway.

Grog: You shot me!

Percy: Yes, well, thank you for not dying.

Grog: (Smiles.) Yeah, you're welcome.

YN: Eh, I've had worse.

Vex: So that was the most fucked-up thing I've ever seen...and I hang out with Scanlan.

Suddenly they hear Delilah laughing and saw her up the stairs.

Delilah: How fitting. Even in your moment of triumph, you still manage to fall short.

Cassandra: What?

Delilah: (Evil smirk.) You had the chance to kill me and you failed miserably. It shouldn't surprise me, though. You're spineless as your parents.

Percy stops Cassandra before he spoke.

Percy: Silas is gone. I know that suffering. Losing one's family is a wound that cannot be mended.

Cassandra: (Grin.) At least he saw the sunlight one last time.

Delilah: I knew we saved the wrong de Rolo. But it matters not. You may have stopped me today.

    The Whispered One will finish what we began. And when he returns, cities will fall, titans will rise, rivers will flow with the blood of-

Just when she was about to use her magic to kill them all, she was interrupted by a sword to her throat and see it was Cassandra, shutting her up.

Delilah tries to resist but Cassandra pulls her sword before Delilah's lifeless body fell. She then return to her brother before speaking without eye contact.

Cassandra: I'm glad you forgave her, brother....but I cannot.

She then sheath her sword while everyone just witness everything that happened.

YN: Fucken hell, Percy. Doesn't your family learn being civilized?

Vax: Let's just get rid of her corpses. Grog?

Grog nods and grabs her corspe before tossing it in the pool of acid. Letting the acid to the rest.

YN: Good fucken riddance.

Vex: Everyone ready?

Vax: What? You mean we have to leave this delightful place?

Percy sees his pepperbox in the ground and before he was gonna pick it up, Scanlan grabs it before he does.

Scanlan: Ah da-da-da-da. I don't think so, buddy.

Percy: (Chuckles.) Regardless of its origin, it can still prove to be an effective weapon.

Scanlan: What? Are you forgetting the smoke and the

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