Chp 10: Silver Tongue

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3rd POV

Vox Machina and the resistance ran through the towns from any guards pursuing them.

Archie: (To resistance.) Spread word of our escape. Rendezvous in the morning.

She nods before they split up. Once they pass through the sun tree, Keyleth stop for the moment and see that the fake Vox Machina were still hanged. Making her worried that they may share the same fate until YN comforts her.

YN: It won't happen to us.

Keyleth: (Looks down.) How can you be sure...?

YN: Because we have each other, and we won't go down without a fight. Let's go before they spotted us.

She smiles for a bit before they continue until they made it to the hideout. But as soon as they got inside, Vax starts talking to Percy with a glare.

Vax: Time to start talking, Percival. The fuck happened back there?

Percy: I assure you, I'm in control.

Vax: Oh, were you in control when you point that at me? I saw you're eyes!

Percy: The pepperbox is a potent tool. I...I may have gotten carried away.

YN: Carried away? Carried away!? You know damn well that we barely escape with our own lives no thanks to you.

Percy: And it would've been worse if I didn't do something about it.

Vax: Oh, I swear, if you turn that thing on any of us again, (Grabs Percy collar shirt.) I will not hesitate. I will kill you!

YN: I have a better idea, chop his hand off so he doesn't use that thing again.

Vax: Not a bad idea, but either way, I won't hesitate.

Vax walk away to cool himself while Vex speaks up to Percy.

Vex: Percy, holding that weapon, its like you're a different person. What is it?

Percy didn't say any while the room was quiet for a minute.

Vex: When we came here, darling, you promise no more lies. You owe us the truth.

Percy: You're right....the creation of the pepperbox beginning five years ago.

Percy explain that after he escape from the Briarwood, he had no way to strike back. His only option was too fled and end up being washed away from the Whitestone. Fearing that his family name was a death sentence.

    So he hid and struggle to survive ever since. Nights filled with fear, blood and cruel nightmares. Fearing that he'll go mad from grief as the hatred inside him grew like fire confining his soul.

    Until one moment, a new vision came. A weapon that will aid his vengeance. A machine of darkness that only have one purpose, death.

Scanlan: Yikes. No wonder he's single.

Vex: (Scoff.) Not the time, Scanlan.

YN: I don't know, I'm with Scanlan on this one.

Vex: YN!

YN: Just saying.

Vax: Do you normally build instruments of death you find in your dream?

Percy: Not the first time I've been inspired. Does it matter where it came from?

Vax: At the moment? Yes, I'd say it does.

While they're having a conversation, Keyleth, hears the sun tree as she look at the roots.

Keyleth: (Curious.) Sun Tree?

She then approaches the roots before asking it.

Keyleth: What happened to you?

Keyleth touches the roots and sees a vision of the Sun Tree, how it was peaceful too how it became close to death. Soon she sees that dark magic are attached to the Sun Tree roots which made her softly gasp as she fell on her knees while in tears.

Keyleth: (Worried.) You're so weak...

She tries to use her light magic and sees a small root growing, but shortly afterwards, the small root died. As she continues to try, the rest of the group were still having conversation about Percy pepperbox.

Grog: Yeah, look, don't get me wrong, that things badass. But what are those scribbles for?

Percy: The monster I hunt.

He begins to list the names he's hunting, Professor Anders, Anna Ripley, The Briarwoods, and Kerrion Stonefell who recently died. One that he swore to hunt down of those who wronged him.

Vax: Swore to who?

Scanlan: Hold up, that's five names. Who's the sixth barrel for?

YN: Whoever it is, its either someone who's unknown or its for-

Suddenly they smell fire smoke and see that Keyleth accidentally set a fire on the Sun Tree roots. Keyleth tries to stop it but nothing happened until YN looks around and sees a box with a small barrel. He quickly breaks it before getting the barrel.

YN: Vax, catch!

He tosses it to Vax who's closer and he opens it before extinguished the fire with it. Once it was gone, he drops it as it rolls towards Grog who gasp and picks it up.

Grog: Is that ale? You told me they was all empty!

Vax: (Fold his arms.) Guess there was one left.

Grog drops the barrel and tries to hold back from killing Vax as Vex approaches Keyleth with a glare without saying anything.

Keyleth: I-I'm so sorry. The Sun Tree was...

Vex didn't say anything else as she still approaches Keyleth face to face.

Keyleth: I-I thought maybe that sunlight could-

Vex: Inside? Why not just announce where our hideout is while you're at it?

Vax: (Grab his sister wrist.) All right, you made your point. It was an accident.

YN: Enough. (The twins look at him.) You can fight each other later, but right now, we still got a bigger problem in front of us.

Archie: Hate to interrupt, but he's right, this is bigger than all your personal shite.

The twins glare at each other until they let go and leave.

Archie: We have a real chance at reclaiming Whitestone here.

Grog: (Scoff.) Are you sure you you want to? I mean, this town ain't even got any ale.

Archie: Aye, we've seen our share of dark days. (Smirk.) But Percival de Rolo is back from the dead. If that won't inspire the people, nothing will.

Percy: (Looks down.) Sorry, Archibald. Right now I'm only thinking about my sister.

Scanlan: (Smirk.) Ugh. Guess they're close-knit family? Eh? Know what I'm saying?

Vex & Vax: Shut it.

Percy: I know you're eager to rally the troops, but Cassandra's my only family. I have to find her.

Archie: Percy, old friend, I reckon we can do both.

Percy smiles, gladding that Archie understands.

Time skip

Vox Machina and Archie make their way near to one of the noble de Rolo residences. Where they hide in a safe distance view to see the resident, one where Professor Anders is.

Archie: My scouts got word he's holding the Kestrel here.

Percy: Cassandra. Then what are we waiting for?

Vex: Hate to burst your bubble, but we can't just stomp through the front door. There's a million guards and we'll die a thousands deaths.

Grog: (Confused.) Um, is that a lot?

Archie: She's right. We've tried and failed before. Cassandra is the Briarwoods' prize hostage.

Freeing her would be a massive blow. The whole city would wake up arms.

Scanlan: oh, oh! What if I lure the guards away from the house?

Grog: (Laughs.) Yeah, good one.

Vex: Come on. Real ideas only.

YN: I can use Axii spell to convince one of the guards to move them all away.

Keyleth: Or maybe I could shape that tree in the back I to a sort of ladder?

Just then, Vax comes back from scouting.

Vax: Nope. Just scouted it. Even more guards are posted in the back.

Scanlan: Yeah, but there wouldn't be if I made them leave.

Grog: Pffft, serious. How do you come up with these ideas so fast?

Vex refuses, saying that its far to dangerous and he's far to...him. Vax tries to convince Scanlan that he and Grog will go, since they have a better chance and once again, Scanlan says that he can do it alone and he'll do it by burning Vedmire house. He has the potions which they still don't know what it does but doesn't matter for Scanlan.

    Saying that he's a master of distraction, songs, joke, and him. Not to mentioned that he's annoying, he ask Vex to let him go and be annoying.

Vex: (Sigh.) ...If there's trouble, we can't help.

Scanlan: (Scoffs.) Don't worry about me. (Smirk.) I know exactly what I'm doing.

Once Scanlan leaves the group and make a distraction, YN whispers at them.

YN: 30 gold says that he has no idea what to do yet manage to distract and survive.

Vax: (Smirk.) I'll take that bet.

Time skip

It began to rain while everyone except for Scanlan were waiting until the guards are gone. Grog is sleeping, Archie is on a look out, and the rest are just sitting or leaning against the wall. All getting bored while waiting as nightfall came. Percy kept clicking with his weapon until Vex stops him.

Vex: Darling. Scanlan's probably three-deep at a brothel right now. (Scoff.) Who let that sex-crazed gnome do this solo?

Vax: Um, you?

Vex: (Scoff.) Never listen to me again.

YN: By now he's probably getting his cock stuck in a mans butt until he accidentally rips it off or something.

Vax: (Laugh.) Good one.

Meanwhile with Scanlan.

Back with the others, Percy ran out of patience and calls it.

Vex: You're just going in?

Percy: The longer we wait, the more we risk being discovered. On my shot, we move.

Vex: (Holds his arm.) Let's not be rash, Percy.

YN: At least let's make a plan before we go in-

Vax: Holy shit. He did it.

Vax sees smoke from a distance.

Vax: (Smirk.) And it looks like he went all-out.

Grog: Oh yeah, he's into dat freaky stuff.

Just then the guards notice the fire and they all move towards the fire to extinguished it.

YN: About godam time.

Archie: (Smirk.) Excellent plan, Vox Machina.

(Yn between Vax and keyleth.)

Vax: I mean...that is what we're known for.

Archie: I'll rally the rebels. When you have her, send a sign. And Percy, try not to get yourself killed.

He held up his hand as he smirk and Percy accepted it with a smirk too.

Percy: I was dead yesterday, remember? Can only improve from here.

Archie nods before they all split up. Vox Machina made it to the door before Keyleth looks through the window to see anyone.

Keyleth: Looks clear inside.

Keyleth was about to open the door but Vax stopped her from opening it.

Vax: Hold on. There could be a trap.

YN: I'll head to the rooftop. Keyleth, can you give me a lift?-

Grog: (Grunts.) Not everything's a trap, you twits. Let's do this!

Grog moves Vax away from the door.

YN: Wait Grog, stop!-

Before he could stop him, Grog kicks the door open, but ends up with bunch of archers at the second floor aiming at him.

Grog: Uh...its a trap.

YN: (Pinch his nose.) Fucking hell....

The archer then shoot arrows directly to Grog. But Grog didn't even move or fall on his knees.

Keyleth: You good, buddy?

Vax: (Chuckles.) Oh, man. They are fucked now.

Grog roars enrage and charges at them before throwing his axe, killing one before he climbs up as he grabs one of their ankle and throw them off. Soon the others join in, Keyleth use earth to lift Vex and YN up to the second floor.

(Imagine YN next to her.)

YN jumps off and landed on the second floor before killing the guards wigh. Vax deals with the ones by the stair while Percy notice Professor Anders before he ran away.

Percy: (Glare.) Anders.

Percy goes after him while the rest deals with the guards.

Percy POV

I pursued going after Anders but I couldn't see him in one of the rooms before I kept moving. Soon I see him in another room.

Percy: Anders!

The door closes before I could reach it.

Percy: Open the door, coward!

I push the door couple times until I finally manage to break in. But shortly after, my eyes widen to see him hiding my sister hostage.

Percy: Cass?

Cass saw me with surprise to see that I'm alive.

Cassandra: Percy?

Just then, Anders holds her in front of him, using her as a meat shield.

Anders: Always early to class, Percival.

Percy: (Aims at Anders.) Release her, Anders. That's an order!

Anders: (Smirk.) An order? (Scoff.) You de Rolos were always so entitled. My new employer encourages me to make my own decisions.

Anders then holds a knife close to her throat.

Percy: If you harm her, I will end you. Let her go and we can discuss a future where you're still breathing.

Anders: seem to think this is a negotiation.

Percy: Don't!

Anders then sliced her throat in front of me and she begins to cough blood while holding her throat before she collapse and tries to reach for me as I witness everything that just happened.

Percy: Cass!

I drop my weapon before going to her.

Percy: Stay with me!

Anders: (Evil smirk.) I've wanted to do that for longer than you can imagine.

Soon Vax, Keyleth, and YN came and they gasp, seeing my sister down.

Percy: Keyleth, hurry!

Keyleth rush and helps her.

Keyleth: YN! I need wanderer's moss, flicksilver, and uh...the bag that says "dirt." Need pressure on the wound before the spell can hold.

YN grabs what she needs while Anders grabs a bottle of whiskey.

Anders: Tick-tock, tick-tock.

YN: Got it!

Keyleth: Okay.

YN holds the ingredients and Keyleth spits it before mixing it. She hesitate for a second until YN speaks.

YN: You can do this.

She nods and place the mud on my sister's throat before she uses her magic.

Anders: Oh, the joy in watching a de Rolo child meet a painful end. (Smiles.) Cheers.

Percy: (Glares at Anders.) YOU SON OF A BITCH!

I shoot Anders as Vax did the same with his knife, but he dodges it and throws the cup to the ground. Causing a smoke to blind my sight.

Anders: We're all sons of bitches, de Rolo.

Once the smoke disappears, he was gone but I can still hear him.

Anders: You in particular, from that bitch who bore you.

Vax: There!

I see Anders in another room and before I could shoot him, he immediately close the door. Vax and I break through the door while leaving Keyleth and YN saving Cass. Vax and I split up to find him while anders echoing.

Anders: Aw! Did I poke a sore spot? You didn't know your parents like I did. They took every opportunity to keep intellect like mine nose-down in the dirt, tutoring their...misbegotten spawn.

Just then I spotted Anders with a sword. I block his sword with my pepperbox before I shoot him, but then he swings it again. Causing me to drop my pepperbox.

    Before he could even finish me, Vax grab his wrist and throws him near a giant armor knight as I quickly pick up my pepperbox.

Anders: Unlike you de Rolos, the Briarwoods see me for a greater purpose. And for my efforts, they have given me a great many rewards.

Anders uses magic with his silver tongue as his eyes glows to white.

Anders: Rise, armor of old and greet our guest.

The four of the giant armor knight came to life as Vax and I were back to back.

Vax: Oh gods.

I shoot Anders but the knight shield him. Soon the knights attack as we avoided their swings. I try to shoot them but their armor just deflected them like it was nothing.

Percy: Damn.

Vax: Oi, Heads up!

before it could swing the poleax at me, Vax threw a knife at its head before Vax got in front of me.

Percy: This revenge is mine.

Vax: Not if you're dead. We're in this shit together.

3rd POV

Suddenly the knights were knock back, revealing it was YN with his magic as Grog and Vex arrive.

Grog: Right, um, which one can I kill?

YN: Anyone who's trying to kill us!

Grog chuckles and charges at one of the knights. Meanwhile with Keyleth, she's doing her best to save Cassandra.


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