Draw The Line

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Ahkmenrah awoke for the fourth night in a row, wondering where Firea was. The feeling of sadness had been growing with each day that she didn't show up, as well as the uneasiness that she had not wanted his affections. Larry had assured him that she was just busy, but grief had already begun to consume him.


                I had done it – survived until the first reading break. I had two weeks, and nothing to do. My thoughts went to my relatives and their promise to visit. I had spoken with them the day before, and my mother had said that they wouldn't be able to make it until Christmas. It had helped my mood a little, knowing that they would come, but I was still exhausted from the last few days of school. As I drifted in and out of consciousness, thoughts of a young man filled my mind – strong, handsome, and very much the person I wanted to be with right now. I had tried to supress my conflicting emotions for him, but it was becoming too much. The young Pharaoh had caught my heart – and I wondered what exactly he planned to do with it.

                Making my decision, I quickly showered and readied myself for a trip to the Museum – one that I would be able to repeat for quite a few nights. He must think I've abandoned him, I thought remorsefully.

                The traffic wasn't too bad, but there didn't seem to be cause to worry about it – the Museum was silent and still in the frigid night. I approached the building cautiously, as if I could be caught and dragged away for this crime.

                When I knocked on the door, Larry opened it. He seemed pleasantly surprised, but let me in anyways and told me where Ahkmenrah was. I waved to Nick as I passed the desk, heading up to Egypt.


                He was crying. The man that I thought so solid, so unwavering, was sitting on top of his sarcophagus, crying. I walked up slowly, trying not to make any noise.

                "Ahk," I called out, my voice shaking. He started, his head jerking up. I noticed that he was not wearing the headdress, or his cape. He turned.

                "Firea?" The expression portrayed on his face showed relief, and then fear. He must have thought I had abandoned him, I thought. I walked forward, wary of his reaction.

                He stood and ran to me, wrapping me up in a tight hug. Surprised, I hugged him back.

                "I knew that you would be back," he whispered, his lips brushing my ear. I shivered.

                "I'm so sorry, Ahk. I got caught up in school and didn't have time to visit. But I'm off for the next two weeks, and I'm going to visit every night," I smiled, pulling away just enough to look into his eyes. They were chocolate, melting me into him with their loving look. Wait – loving? I can't be sure that –

                "May I kiss you?"

                The question caught me off-guard, as I had been staring into his eyes a little too deeply. I blushed, bowing my head to hide the scarlet rushing across my features.

                "Well, I guess so...you don't have to ask, you know." I said into his chest. I felt his hand release my side and his fingers slide under my chin. Slowly, Ahk brought my gaze up to meet his. His eyes darted to my mouth and his lips parted as he leaned closer to me.

                His lips took my breath away with their softness. They were still and hesitant, but that didn't bother me. I tried not to move my lips the way I wanted, scared that I could end this moment. Suddenly, he seemed to gain some courage – his lips pressed harder against mine, his arms bringing my body closer to his. I took that as a cue, though it probably wasn't the best plan – I couldn't help it. My fingers tangled in his hair, making him gasp. I took advantage of his open mouth to touch his lips with the tip of my tongue. He jerked away, but soon relaxed back into the kiss.

                "Firea..." he murmured against my lips, pushing me against the nearest wall. I opened my eyes briefly in surprise and realised that anyone passing the entrance wouldn't see us. Ahkmenrah bit down carefully on my bottom lip then, bringing me back to the moment and making me moan into him. The noise wasn't loud, but it still seemed to spur him on. His tongue snaked into my mouth, wrestling with mine. His body was pressed flush against mine, his hands planted on the wall behind me. I tried to move, but his strength kept me against him and made him hiss.

                "Are you okay?" I asked, pulling back a tiny bit. His breathing had quickened, but his eyes were shut tightly. "Ahk?"

                "Give me a moment, Firea, please. I –" He hesitated, and then opened his eyes. "I didn't think that I would be this real." He looked embarrassed, but thankfully I quickly clued in.

                "Oh. OH. Take all the time you need, okay?" I smiled reassuringly, but the look in his eyes wasn't frustration – it was lust.

                "I do believe that I want you, Firea. That much seems obvious," he said to the startled expression on my face. "But I will resist, if you don't mind. Courting seems far more fitting than a – what did Larry call it – one-night stand?"

                "C-courting?" I asked, still trying to draw attention from the friction I was getting from his crotch. He began rocking into me, almost undetectably, but I still felt the repercussions of every movement throughout my body. Dammit, it's amazing how much I want him too, I thought. Every fiber of my being wanted to rip off his clothes and – no. I couldn't. Not again.

                "Ahk, please...I don't understand..." I held his hips still, bringing my thoughts back out of the gutter. He seemed to realize what he was doing and acted the same as he had the first night I met him – he pulled away instantly, leaving me to lean against the wall, breathing hard.

                "I am so sorry, Firea. I couldn't...I didn't..." He struggled for words, but I cut him off.

                "You don't need to apologize, alright? It wasn't entirely unpleasant; I just think we're going a little fast." I went to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. He went stiff, but soon rested his arms around me, placing his head on mine.

                "And what would you deem 'too fast', Princess?" I blushed at his use of the title, burying my head into his shoulder a little more.

                "Why don't we talk about it tomorrow? I think we should go and tell everyone else that I'm here – wouldn't want anyone to be jealous of you, Ahk." I smiled, disengaging myself from Ahk's arms. I took his hand, leading him down to the foyer, and to the rest of my friends.


                The rest of the night went quickly, and my attention was stolen by everyone that was able to get in front of me. Ahk stayed by my side, silent, but never wavering. I began to truly think things could work out with him – until I remembered the part about him being dead. That was an interesting problem, but it would have to come later: first, I had dating research to do.

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