x. training

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JU WALKED WITH YING NAN through Ta Lo, staying respectfully silent as they stopped at the lake. The old woman faced the water, a distant look in her wise eyes. She finally spoke.

"Some thought that you wouldn't come back, that you only left to escape the grief of your loss in the war," Ying turned her head to look at Ju, "But I knew that you would return home, that you would find out who you are."

Ju shook her head, staring at the ripples of the water in the lake.

"After all these years I still don't think I answered that question"

"Do you know why we call you Sheji?" Ju shook her head. "We call you this because you are like the grains of soil that we are standing on at this moment. You help the world grow, and are stronger than the whole plant combined. You were chosen by the ancestors to lead us, child."

"But how can I lead all of you?"

"My dear, you think the same as your father once did." Ying chuckled and gestured to the lake.

"Finding who you are is like the ripples in the water. Once you get one push, one splash, there will be no other doubt." The old woman looked back at Ju.

"The only question, is that are you ready to find out who you are?"


Shang walked through a small gate leading to the sister of his mother, Ying Nan, who greeted Ju earlier. The woman, sensing his presence, looked up toward him.

"Come" she beckoned with her hand.

Ying got into a fighting stance, signaling she wanted to spar. Shang copied her movement, agreeing to the proposal. The man through the first hit, resulting in it getting blocked. Punch after punch, Shang attempted to get one hit at the woman, but failed.

His aunt stood back and made a circular motion with her feet and hands, similar to the way Ju did on the bus fight. Leaves scattered around Ying, surrounding her as they flew at Shang. The boy attempted to block them, resulting in only punching thin air.

After the sudden blow of harsh air, Shang slowly got up and looked at his aunt with pleading eyes.

"My mother was able to defeat my father somehow. Please, teach me how she did it."

The old woman looked at her nephew, conflicted. If he went the wrong path, as his father did, he would be dangerous, but she had faith in Shang.

Ying walked toward the boy, touching his shoulders.

"I will."


Ju was sitting on a large boulder that was looking over the entire village. She knew that this would be the only amount of peace that she would get before the Ten Rings came, but she was soaking up every moment of it.

No one knew what would become of Ta Lo after this.

The woman took a deep breath in, attempting to become relaxed. As she breathed out, Ju could feel soft grass forming underneath her. She looked down as she ran her hand across the green substance, savoring it.

Ju turned around at the sound of light footsteps, relaxing as she recognized it to be Shang. He sat down next to her, looking at the different children playing around beneath them.

"Did you miss it?" Shang queried quietly, still in awe of how this was the place that she called home. Ju nodded her head.

"A lot actually." She told him, chuckling.

Her friend looked at her, a gentle smile on his face. He was glad that she was happy here, but was also terrified at what would happen when his father came.

Ju held her hand up, forming a small daisy in her palm. She picked it off and placed it behind Shang's ear, giggling as she did so. The boy scrunched up his face in amusement, laughing. Shang took it off his ear and played with it in the plan of his hand, twisting it around while smiling.

The woman found herself glancing back at Shang, seeing how his eyes were full of curiosity as he played with the small flower. It was funny, really. He was incredibly gentle and cautious with the daisy, as if it was fragile and would break at any second.

Everything was peaceful that moment, with the two friends letting go and having fun for the first time in what seemed to be forever. Nothing was wrong, they were calm and relaxed.

Shang and Ju locked eyes once again, except for this time, the boy looked away slightly quicker. Not without a bigger smile on his face though. Ju's face burned up without her even realizing it, leaving her confused as she touched her cheek.

Ju looked over at Shang, who was still playing with her flower, and a warm feeling erupted from her chest. It was overwhelming, but amazing at the same time. She wanted it to stop, but continue. It confused her immensely.

The woman looked down at her hands with a huge grin on her face, still oblivious as to what happened to her.

She fell in love.


Katy walked through a small garden to Shang, seeing him sitting alone in his thoughts. She was tired from spending the entire day shooting her arrows, and was pretty proud of herself. Katy plopped down beside her friend.


"Hey" Shang responded, still staring out in the distance. He had multiple thoughts rushing through his head. His dad, Ten Rings, his mother, Ta Lo, Ju...

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Katy questioned.

The boy sighed, extremely exhausted from the entire day. He shrugged.

"What if he can't be stopped?" He suddenly blurted out.

Katy looked at him weirdly. "What do you mean?"

"My dad," he responded. "What would happen if he's too powerful?"

"I don't think-"

Shang muttered something under his breath. He repeated it louder so Katy could hear.

"I have to kill my father."

"I'm going to kill my father." He said with determination in his dark eyes. Shang looked at Katy who had her mouth open like she was going to say something, but couldn't.

The boy stormed off into the small cabin.

author's note

hey guys!!

so as you can see this story is slowly coming to an end.

i know i know, save your tears for later.

i also know that this was a shorter chapter, but just bear with me please!

i just wanted to know how you guys have liked this book so far? any suggestions? i have a lot planned for the next couple of chapters so i'm super excited. i also want to know how you guys are doing. feel free to private message me or write on my profile board if you need anything!

thank you guys so much for the support. ilysm!!

have a great day loves!

mwahh!! <3

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