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"I'M TELLING you I don't get it. Last night, he was this close to kissing me- Thank you for the interruption, Quinn," Tara rants to the group as everyone settles into the apartment.

It was close to 10:30, and luckily, they'd managed to survive the entire day without any calls from Ghostface.

But good things don't last very long around here.

"I said I was sorry!" she grimaces, easing back into her room with her latest hookup.

"Anyway, he's getting ready to kiss me last night and today he completely ices me out. What's his problem?"

"That actually means he likes you," Chad assures. "Lex, back me up."

"It's true, he gets clammy when he starts to catch feelings," Alex agrees, helping Anika with the heap of blankets.

"Plus, Tara, now is not the time to let anyone fog your thoughts," Sam adds.

"Not helping," she narrows her eyes, making Anika giggle.

"Give him some grace," Anika shrugs. "I assume this has to be hard for him."

"Yeah, he's got this whole deluded idea that if you don't put a label on something, Ghostface can't use it as leverage."

"But anyone with eyes could see you two have something."

"I miss hating him. It was fun," Tara grumbles.

"No, you don't," Mindy snorts.


Meanwhile, Kirby and the detectives at the NYPD were still trying to compile a solid suspect pool when her phone begins to ring.

ROSS HOSS is calling...

"I'll be right back, I have to take this," she steps away.

Detective Bailey looks at her suspiciously as she picks it up, but his own phone distracts him.


He smiles to himself as he picks it up, Kirby furrowing her eyebrows until he says, "Hey, Quinn."

Shaking her head, she returns to her phone call, greeting the man. "Hi, Ross, how are you?"

"I'm fine, Kirby. A little shocked to hear that you're in the FBI now, but congratulations," he chuckles.

"Thanks. I guess I needed a way to cope with what happened. Sorry about Jen, she..." she shrugs, memories of when they all lived in Woodsboro still lingering in her mind.

"I know."

"I assuming the kids told you I was working this?"

"Yes, actually. How bad is it?" his voice gets serious. "Because the kids don't want me to fly out there but I have a really bad feeling, especially without Sid-"

"I'll look out for them, don't worry. I was told you have a lung issue, no need to risk that."

"Everyone keeps telling me that. Are the murderers following the pattern of what happened at Windsor?"

"It's too early to tell. Sam said they wanted to punish her for the murders. Even if that is the case, I don't see how your kids factor in."

"You need to look into the families of everyone who died during the murders last year," he looks down at his notepad, filled with theories. "Whatever this is, it sounds like revenge. Just like Windsor."

"And the killers were Billy Loomis's mom and brother."

"So investigate Amber and Richie. See family, past relationships."

"Alright. I can split it between me and the lead detective on this case."

"Good. And remember, every second counts with this," he reminds. "I... I can't plan another funeral."

"I'm making it my job to ensure that you don't have to," she assures. "But I need one thing from you."

"Yeah, anything."

"I need you to tell me everything you remember from the Windsor murders. From the first victim to the bullet in Chase Loomis's head."


"Hurry up, J, I wanna get out of here," Eli rolls his eyes as he catches her scrolling on her phone when they still had an entire cafe to clean.

"I'm literally cleaning right now," she retorts.

"No, you're sitting on your ass per usual," he mutters.

"No I'm just moving so fast you can't see me," she jokes.

"Yeah, yeah, come on. We need to go," he hands her a bucket.

"Why are you so eager to go home? Wanting to get back to Tara?" she teases, wiggling her fingers in his face.

"Stop," he swats her hand. "What are you talking about?"

"Do you really think we haven't noticed you two?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Come on, humor me. I'm in a total love drought, I'm forced to live vicariously through you and Alex," she pleads.

"Fine, but please start wiping the tables," he gives in.

She squeals, grabbing the cloth and getting to work, an excited grin on her face. "So does she make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Has she melted your icy heart?"

"Stop talking," he holds his hand up. "I don't know what I feel but I've never felt it before. It used to be really easy to just hook up with someone and toss them aside, you know? No feelings attached."

"And now..."

"All I do is think about her. I was walking home from class yesterday and I almost stopped at that store on 34th just because she likes the lemonade there."

"Oh God."

"I know!" he widens his eyes. "I'm not that guy. I don't want to be that guy. That guy has something to lose."

"I hate to break it to you, but you already do," Jamie smiles softly. "Obviously your amazing, beautiful, funny younger sisters, but you know everyone with eyes can see that you feel something for Tara."

"I'm that obvious?"


"No way."

"Yes way. And I know no one ever wants my advice, but not telling her isn't gonna keep her safe. It's just gonna leave you with a whole lot of regret."

He glances down at her, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to process.

"I mean, Dad has never once said he regretted being with Mom. Not even after she died. You think love is what ruins a person, but I think you're wrong. That's just my two cents."

"I'm sorry about Amber, Jamie. I know you feel like Alex and I are mad at you for what happened last year, but we're not. We all know what it's like to be tricked."

"No. No, you really don't," she shakes her head, a far away look in her eyes. "We should hurry this up, it's late."


"Can you believe we managed to get ourselves in this Ghostface mess twice?" Tara shakes her head as she continues mixing ingredients into a bowl.

"There are very few things in this world that I can't believe," Alex chuckles, stirring the spaghetti noodles on the stove.

"How do you do it?" she leans against the counter. "Stay so put together after everything. Don't you ever just want to scream?"

"All the time," she nods. "But if I fall apart then everyone else falls with me. I'm like the first domino."

"That's a lot of pressure."

"I'm used to it," she waves her off, before glancing at the sauce. "You need more garlic."

She then walks over to the fridge, not finding any in there, while Tara shakes her head at her nonchalance. "There's some in the cabinet. I can't reach it though."

"I'll try," Alex opens it, straining on her tippy toes to try and grab it. "Jesus, who put this in here-"

"I got it," Chad waltzes into the kitchen, sliding right next to Alex and grabbing the garlic with ease.

She begins to grow nervous at how close he was, despite being this close to each other a million times before. But then, it was always just Chad, her longtime friend, but now... Now all she could think was that whatever cologne he was wearing should be on him at all times.

And he should be on her at all times.

"Thanks," she clears her throat, eyes reluctant to meet his own.

"No problem," his hand grazes hers as he passes her the jar.

"Ugh, make out already!" Mindy gags, making the two jump.

"Mindy, that is so inappropriate, dude," Chad scolds.

"Yeah, grow up," Alex laughs.

"I'm just saying man. Get it over with, you're stressing us all out."

"That's enough," the curly haired girl points her spoon at her accusingly, just as the front door opens.

"Hey, sorry, we tried to get off early," Jamie apologizes as soon as she and Eli get into the apartment.

"Our boss thinks selling coffee to sleep deprived students was much more important than the imminent threat of murder," Eli sarcastically remarks.

"So he's an asshole?" Tara jokes.

"100 percent," Eli agrees, leaning on the counter next to her. "What are we making?"

"Spaghetti," Alex shrugs.

"Where's Quinn? We brought her those little cake pops she likes," Jamie looks around.

"With her latest hookup."

"You know, Tara, Sam. We really don't have to stay here," Mindy steps into the kitchen as well.

"Especially us, I mean we live across the hall," Jamie leans in the doorway.

"Well, too bad. I insist. Safety in numbers."

"This'll be so fun. A little slumber party with the Super Seven," Chad cheers, earning a judgmental silence.

"What did you just say?" Eli raises his eyebrows.

"You're so lucky you're pretty," Jamie snorts.

"Super Seven?"

"Yeah," he smugly grins.

"Did you just give us a nickname?" Tara questions.

"I sure did. I mean, we've been through a lot together and it's a pretty cool nickname," he shrugs.

"That's debatable."

"Beyond debatable," Eli nods.

"You can't just give yourself a nickname, dingus," Mindy teases.

"Of course I can, dingus, because I just did," he mocks. "Super Seven, up top!"

"No," Jamie and Mindy shake their heads.

"Down low."

"Get that away from me," Tara jokes.

"Immediately," Eli steps back, chuckling.

"Please for the love of God," Chad holds his hand up to Alex and Sam, who grimace.

"Don't do it."

"You know, I would actually like a little more respect and support from my fellow members of the Super Seven."

"I always got your back, man," Eli assures. "Except when you call us that."

Everyone breaks into laughter and Alex pats his shoulder with a comforting grin. "It's a sweet idea, really."

"Hey, guys!" Anika calls them into the living room. "What the hell?"

Quickly they shuffle in, eyes on the TV as the news drops yet another bomb on them.

"We're hearing from sources inside the homicide division that the prime suspect is none other than Samantha Carpenter, one of the survivors of the Woodsboro killings in 2021, seen here attacking a woman on the street last night."

Then, the clip from last night plays, only serving to put Sam in a worse light than she'd already been in.

"This is bullshit," Eli shakes his head.

"In the wake of the Woodsboro tragedy last year, rumors sprouted online that Carpenter was actually responsible for the killings, blaming the crimes on her boyfriend, Richie Kirsch and teen Amber Free-"

Sam cuts the TV off before it can continue, the mood in the room officially going somber as she sits down at the dining table.

Tara's the first to join her, taking a breath before trying to comfort her. "I know you're not a fan of the way I've been handling things, and that I've been giving you a really hard time. But I can say that none of us can relate to what you are experiencing. And I'm really, really really sorry that you have to do that alone."

"It's not your fault," Sam shakes her head, tearing up. "And I know I shouldn't care about what people think. It just sucks being this hated."

"Hey, hey," Chad leads the rest of them into the room. "Just a reminder, not a single person in this room hates you. Okay, we have all been through some fucked up stuff and we are coping with it differently."

Jamie shares a look with Alex at that, hoping to convey with her eyes that she was sorry for last night.

Alex just nods, picking up on her intent as Chad continues. "But I mean, we moved here together for one very specific reason. We are a team."

"We are... the Super fucking Seven," Mindy cheers.

"Thank you very much," Chad nods.

"I hate myself."

"Can't believe you gave in," Eli laughs.

"That's what I'm talking about. It's the Super Seven."

"Say it."

"Super Seven," Jamie mumbles.

"What was that?" Chad leans forward. "Say it a little louder."

"Super Seven, now shut up," she snorts.

"Now, everyone. Say it with me..."

"I've been sleeping with Cute Boy from across the hall," Sam blurts.

They silently process the information, eyes wide before everyone bursts into cheers.

"I fucking knew it!"

"I told you guys I saw him sneaking out of here last week," Eli smiles.

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" Tara claps.

"It was so obvious," Alex teases.

"I knew it from the day you had that hickey," Mindy agrees.

"I feel like we should high five or something," Tara suggests.

"Oh, a Super high five?"

"Don't call it that, but we'll do it," she raises her hands.

Eli joins first, Chad, Alex, Jamie joining in quickly as they laugh at the struggle to make a solid high five with seven hands.

"This is so sweet, guys," Alex grins.

Sam's phone rings right after, and Tara snatches it up as soon as she sees who's calling.

"Is that him?"

"Oh my God, we have to interrogate him," Eli jokes. "Make sure he's good enough."

"No, Tara, no."

"What are your intentions?" she pretends to say into the phone.

"It's fine, I'll call him back," she puts her phone down.

As their laughter dies down, they become privy to the obscene noises coming from Quinn's room.

"There's no way the guy she brought in here is that good," Alex scrunches up her face.

"There's someone for everyone," Jamie teases. "Or in Quinn's case, someones."

They chuckle, before their attention quickly reaches their phones, which all light up at the same time.

Alex frowns, reaching for hers to see a bunch of airdropped photos from Danny.

However, the photos in question were of Quinn getting attacked by Ghostface in the room next door.

"Shit," Eli's eyes widen and they all rush towards the door, stopping right in front of it.

Quinn's screams suddenly stop, making the group stay still in complete fear, while Eli glances at the corner where they kept the bat, shocked to see it missing.

After a beat of complete silence, Mindy speaks up, telling everyone, "Run."

Almost immediately after, Quinn's door breaks down, her dead body flying through and landing on Anika.

Alex couldn't recount a time where she'd heard so many gutteral screams all at once, and she honestly couldn't even tell if any of them were her own.

All she knew was that if they didn't move right now, they all would be dead by morning.

a/n: sorry guys i was away for vacation but i am back to regular updates !

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