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AFTER several emotional hours spent going around town to a list of places they'd heard she enjoyed, the trio ends the night at the local diner.

The last time they'd been here was 5 years prior, on their annual summer trip with their dad to do exactly what they did today: stay connected to Jen.

They even had a tradition of going to this diner late at night and ordering breakfast. Apparently, it was something Ross and Jen would do a lot when at Windsor.

"Breakfast is a universal meal," she used to say.

It was a perfect trip, up until some jerk decided to prank the family, as everyone in town knew they were visiting.

He'd called the house phone using the voice modulator, going as far as to bang on the windows and doors, which nearly gave Ross a heart attack.

It's also the reason they aren't allowed to come to Woodsboro at all anymore. Thanks a lot, sicko.

"My my, you three have surely grown up," the waitress comes over, recognizing them from many years back.

Sure, they'd changed a bit, but the foundations were the same. Jamie still had the wildness that used to amuse her in her youth, Alex still had the most gorgeous head of hair she'd seen in her life, and Eli was just as proper as he was 5 years ago.

"Katy!" they cheer, shocked she still worked there.

Katy was their usual waitress, even from when Jen was still alive. She loved telling the kids outlandish stories and always gave a discount, even though they didn't need it.

"What brings you back to town?"

"It's the anniversary," Eli responds. "It's been 10 years."

"Wow," she sighs. "Feels like just yesterday your mom was running in here in her scrubs, giving me the biggest tip in my career."

"She was very kind."

"She sure was. Well, since seeing this beautiful trio is one in a million these days, the meal's on the house. Patty, I need the Roberts usual for Table 5."

"Thanks, Katy, you didn't have to do that."

"It'll be our secret," she jokes, walking back behind the counter.

"So how do we feel?" Jamie questions, as their drinks get placed on the table.

"I feel good. Like I'm closer to Mom, somehow. I don't know, it's stupid," Alex struggles to explain, shaking her head as she loses the words.

"No, I know what you mean. Feels like we've betrayed her somehow, by not coming back," Eli adds.

"Tell me about it. I just... It's nice to see her be a dumb teenager, you know? Before the murders, she was just like us," Jamie enthusiastically adds, taking a sip of her milkshake.

"You mean just like you," Alex laughs. "I swear I've heard you say some of the things she was saying in that video."

"Dude, you have all her mannerisms, you both do," she retorts, before sitting up. "I'm really glad we took this trip."

"Me too," Alex smiles.

"Yeah, it's almost as if she's sitting here with us right now," Eli looks around the restaurant, smiling at yet another reminder of their mom sitting on the VIP Customers wall.

Everywhere they looked, people were celebrating her, commemorating her, adoring her. It felt good to know that even in death, she remains immortal.

Their bubble quickly bursts when Jamie's phone lights up, before immediately going black.

"What the hell?" she picks it up, spotting the red battery symbol taunting her.

"Dude, I told you to charge your phone last night," Alex scolds.

"Dude, I did," she mocks. "This battery is shit."

"You drive a BMW but you're still flaunting an iPhone 8?" Eli jokes.

"This phone has sentimental value," she argues, as Alex's phone lights up next. "This thing got me through eighth grade. And my car attracts the ladies, thank you."

"You've been single your entire life," Eli deadpans.

"By choice," she tosses a fry at his head. "Who's calling, Alex?"

"It's Dad," Alex explains, stepping away from the table. "Hey, Dad."

"Hey, Lex. Where are your brother and sister?" the man lets out a relieved sigh, the more traumatized part of him expecting to hear Ghostface taunting him from the other end.

"We're all getting food, why? What's wrong?" she leans against the wall.

"I was getting worried. Jamie's phone went straight to voicemail."

"Sorry, it's her battery. It died."

"I gotta get her a new phone."

"Don't. She says the device holds sentimental value," she chuckles. "How was work?"

"Grueling per usual. Did you guys enjoy the beach?"

"Yeah, Eli was being a total showoff as always, surfing the biggest waves."

"Sounds like your brother. How's Jamie? She seems okay?"

"To answer your loaded question, yes, I think she's sober."

"Sorry, that's not your responsibility," he immediately feels guilty. "I just... I wish I was there with you guys. This isn't the weekend to be separate."

"We're almost adults, we can handle a weekend alone," she sighs, slightly distracted by the sight of Tara trying to call.

"She turns 17 and suddenly she's an adult," he jokes.


"I'm kidding, I know you guys can handle yourselves. Just be careful, okay? And have fun. For once," he teases her yet again.

"I'm hanging up now!"

"Love you guys."

"Love you too, Dad. See you on Sunday," she hangs up, sitting back down as Eli's phone rings.

"Why is your friend calling me?" he lifts his phone, showing them Tara's name.

"She called me too, but I was talking to Dad. Answer," she nudges his arm, eyebrows furrowed.

"To what do I owe the pleas-" he starts, startled by Tara screaming into the phone. "Tara?"

"How far are you guys?" she frantically whispers, and the faint sounds of the lock on the door opening and closing repeatedly can be heard in the background.

"Um, we just got our food. What's wrong?"

"There's someone here. He's trying to get in the house," she explains before screaming again.

"Did you call the cops? Tara, did you call-"

"Yes! Just please, hurry!"

"Okay, okay, we're coming," he eases out of the booth, dropping cash on the table as he ushers his sisters outside. "Just stay on the phone and please stop screaming."

"Are you fucking serious? Someone's trying to break into my house and murder me, and you're upset I'm screaming?"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he sighs. "Just grab a weapon and get away from the doors. We'll be there in five. Stay on the phone."

"Elijah, there's something else. The guy, he sounded like-" she gets cut off by the killer grabbing her, making her scream.

He'd never heard anything like it. It was visceral, so strong he could feel the terror she was feeling. He'd never be able to forget it.

"Tara?" he frowns, hearing her voice get farther from the phone, but the screams don't stop until the line gets cut off.

"Eli!" Alex grabs his arm. "What the hell is going on?"

"Yeah, we weren't done! What's wrong with Tara?" Jamie frowns, wrapping her arms around herself as the night chill begins to set in.

"Someone was breaking into her house. Come on, we need to go," he briefly explains, speeding off as soon as Jamie closes the car door behind her.


In about three minutes, they make it there, frightened by the sight of cop cars and ambulances outside of the once peaceful home.

As soon as they get out of the car, the cops try to block them off, barely listening to Eli's shouts that they were staying here.

"What happened?" Jamie steps forward, arms crossed.

Alex then glances at the door as they await an answer, face contorting in horror as she sees Tara covered in blood on the floor.

"Oh, my God," she stumbles back, alerting her siblings to Tara's body and eliciting similar reactions.

Jamie immediately starts crying, sliding to the ground next to the truck, while Eli remains extremely still, the only inkling of his feelings being the wide eyes he was sporting.

"Deputy, you can hold off, I know these kids," Judy steps forward, shocked to see Ross's kids in Woodsboro again.

"Shit," Eli looks down, knowing there was no hiding this trip from their father now.

"What exactly are you three doing here?" the blonde raises an eyebrow.

"Please don't tell me we're gonna have to have this conversation at the station," Alex glances up briefly, eyes returning to her friend being placed on a stretcher.

They weren't covering her up, so that must mean she was alive, right? If she's alive, then she's gonna be okay.


"Doesn't have to be. It's not an interrogation," she assures.

"Is she alive?" Jamie finally speaks, voice cracking.

"It won't take long, I promise. I just have a few questions."

"Is she alive?" Jamie repeats herself, this time with more urgency.

"She has a pulse. But I do not know what happened here, which is why I need to talk to you."

"Oh, thank God," Alex lets out the breath she'd been holding. "Yeah, ask us anything."

"Great, I'll start with Elijah, and you two can stay here with my deputy," Judy leads him across the street, away from the noise and chaos.

"Okay," they lean against the Jeep.

"What brings you three back to Woodsboro?"

"Today's the anniversary of our Mom's death," he shrugs. "We wanted to commemorate her the right way, I guess."

"And does your father know you're here?"

"Not really," he sighs. "I thought Dewey was Sheriff."

"It's been five years since you've been here, things have changed a bit," she chuckles. "When did you arrive?"

"11 PM last night?"

"And where were you at the time of the attack?"

"We've been gone all day. Tara called me while we were at the diner off Main."

"What'd she say?"

"She said someone was breaking in. She was screaming a lot," he adds, glancing back at the house in concern.

"So she called you to come get her?"

"She just wanted us to wait with her for the cops to get here. I think... I think I heard the killer attack her before the line went dead."

"Are you two close?"

"No, not really. She tried to call my sister, but she was on the phone with my dad. I think I was the last resort," he admits.

"Okay," she jots down the rest of her notes, lips in a firm line.

He couldn't quite tell whether she was prepared to put him in cuffs or pinch his cheeks, but it was starting to scare him.

"Are we in trouble for something?" he narrows his eyes, arms crossed.

"Did you do something wrong?"


"Then no. But I am going to have to call your father."

"What? No."

"You may be 18, but your sisters are still minors, which means they require notification of a legal guardian."

"Then make me their guardian for the weekend. Just don't call him."

"I said, legal guardian."

"It's not like you're arresting us. And once we know Tara is okay, we'll leave-"

"You can't. Everyone-"

"Is a suspect, I know. But my dad, he's already this close to the edge. You know how he is. I'm sure this was just a single offense, right?"

"We won't know until we speak to her. For now, I suggest you two find another place to stay."

"Great," he lets out a sigh of frustration. "She's gonna be alright?"

"I hope so. Try to get some sleep tonight, okay?" she pats his shoulder, walking back to the sisters.

"Who would want to kill Tara?" Alex shakes her head, not understanding it.

"You don't think..." Eli tilts his head, suggesting the figure in the white mask that seemed to haunt their family tree, slowly poisoning everyone in it.

"No, no way. Sidney's not here. Mom's dead. Who would they be after?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Jamie clears her throat. "Us."

a/n: oooooo spooky...

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