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AS SHE follows Amber and Tara up the stairs, Alex tries to call Sidney to let her know Sam was there.

"Hey, are you guys safe?" Sidney shouts on the other side of the phone.

"Kind of. The killer's here, and I can't find Jamie, and Sam and Tara just got here," Alex rambles, opening every door upstairs and still not finding her sister anywhere.

"Wait, what?"

"I can't find her. She went upstairs with Amber but Amber said-"

"No, no, no. You said Sam is there? The party is at 261 Turner Lane?"

"Yeah, I really don't think that's the important part-"

"Alex, you need to find your sister and get the hell out of that house. You're in Stu Macher's house!" she exclaims as Gale presses her foot to the gas.

Alex then begins to connect all the dots, realizing exactly why her father was familiar with the address and why she'd felt like she'd seen the home before.

"Fucking Christ. I'll call you back," she reaches into her boot, turning the safety off of the gun as she frantically begins opening the doors.

Finally, she comes up to Amber's bathroom, kicking at the lock as hard as she can before it cracks open, revealing Jamie screaming behind duct tape.

"Shit, J, come on," Alex immediately kneels to help her sister, untying her wrists and ankles, before taking the tape off of her mouth. "We need to go."

"I thought he was gonna kill me," she sobs.

"I know, I know, but we're gonna go home now, okay?" she nods, wiping her tears.

"What about the plan?"

"We're aborting it. Amber's new house? Yeah, it belonged to the Machers back in 1996."

"We're in Stu Macher's house?"

"Yeah, and you got attacked in Stu Macher's bedroom, just like Mom did."

"Holy shit," she frowns, before wincing in pain. "My head."

"Where are the keys, Jamie?"

"Um, I left them in my jacket," she grimaces. "In the living room with Mindy."

"Okay, we just need to grab the keys and we can go," she helps her down the stairs, sitting her on the couch.

"Holy shit, what happened?" Mindy turns away from the movie, inspecting Jamie's head.

"The killer. Where's Jamie's jacket? It's black, says Newport Cheer on it?"

"Right there," she points to the armchair. "Where's Chad?"

Immediately, she runs over to it, searching in the pockets as she responds. "He's with Liv. She finally texted him back."

"I just saw Liv. She said she didn't know where he was. She hasn't seen him. Behind you, Randy!"

"Well, I can check outside but I saw his phone, it was Liv," she grabs the keys, turning around to see the killer standing above Mindy and her sister.

"Guys, watch out!" she screams, as he brings his knife down to Mindy.

Jamie pushes his hand away, only to get pushed back onto the ground as he continues his attack.

Alex struggles to aim with all the commotion, deciding to just startle him by hitting the wall behind him.

It's mildly successful, until he stabs Mindy's shoulder, ducking out right after.

"I'm so sorry, Min. I couldn't shoot him without hitting you too," she immediately goes to put pressure on the wound as Sam comes running in.

"What the hell happened?"

"The killer, he had Jamie locked in Amber's bathroom and he just attacked Mindy."

"It's a lot of blood, Alex," Mindy drawls, making the brunette start to panic, wishing Eli were here.

"It's okay," she shakes her head as Sam attempts to help Jamie up.

In perfect timing, Amber comes down with Tara, spotting her holding Jamie's wound and screams. "What did you do to her?"

"No, the killer attacked."

"Mindy, Jamie, oh my God," Tara hobbles over.

"Why do you have a gun?" Amber questions.

"Clearly we needed it!" she points to a passed-out Mindy and a groaning Jamie, wanting nothing more than to leave.

"The killer said you were dead," Jamie points to Amber.

"What? What did he do to you?" she touches her forehead, but Jamie just scoots away this time, coming to a stance behind her sister.

"Get away from me, Amber."

"What? Jamie, it's me-" she tries to defend herself, only to get interrupted by glass breaking, courtesy of Richie.

He had dropped his beer bottle on the ground, the liquid pooling near Alex's boots.

"Where the fuck were you?" Sam turns to him.

"I just went to the basement to get some beer!" he frantically shouts, holding his hands up.

"You went to the basement alone?"

"I asked her to come with me, she said no!" he retorts, stepping closer, which only makes Alex point the gun at him.

"Not any closer!"

"Why does this sixteen-year-old have a gun?" he asks incredulously.

"I'm 17!" she shouts, as Liv comes running in with bloody hands.

"Get the fuck back!" Amber turns to Liv.

"Where is Chad, Liv?"

"Jesus Christ."

"I was with Tara, but the rest of you were wandering around. One of you is the fucking killer!" Amber points around, as Alex mouths to Tara, "Don't trust her."

Tara nods, already thinking that after she spotted Jamie's phone under Amber's bed when they were upstairs. She could recognize that shattered screen anywhere.

"Fuck you, Amber. Fuck you," Liv sobs.

"Why is there blood on your hands?"

"I found Chad. I found Chad, he's outside."

"Found him? He was going to find you last time I saw him," Alex points the gun in her direction. "What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"You're fucking lying," Amber scoffs.

"You're the killer."

"No, no, guys-"

"Liv, just stop!"

"Fuck you, Amber, I'm not the fucking killer," Liv angrily retorts.

"I know," the girl smirks, pulling a gun out and shooting her in the head.

If it weren't for the absolute terror coursing through her veins, Alex would be feeling pretty smug right now. Jamie, on the other hand, wanted to curl up into a ball and sob, because her record of bad decisions was getting longer and longer each day.

"Welcome to Act 3," Amber points the gun at Sam, but Jamie and Tara tackle her to the ground before she can aim it correctly, making her shoot the glass case behind them.

Alex successfully gets a shot in her side, but the girl grabs at her ankle, pulling her to the ground and knocking the gun somewhere unknown.

While Tara couldn't move around much to help, Jamie pulls the brunette's hair, yanking her off of her sister.

"Bitch!" Amber groans, pushing her hard into the coffee table, the glass shattering beneath her weight.

"Jamie!" Alex runs to help her, not comforted by the blood pooling beneath her head, only for Amber to grab her, stabbing her side with a glass shard.

"I've been wanting to do that all week," she smirks, yanking it out just as hard.

The girl goes limp, only whining in pain as Amber grabs Tara, forcing her upstairs.

"Shit, we need to..." Alex tries to get up, feeling too weak to do anything.

Jamie was definitely down for the count, having hit her head one too many times to keep fighting, merely drifting to unconsciousness.

All these two could think about was how they never would come back to Woodsboro again. Hell, they might avoid Northern California if they can.

Just before Alex could join Jamie's slumber, she hears the sound of a car pulling up, realizing it was Sidney and Gale.

This gives her just enough adrenaline to stand and grab a knife, hiding herself away from Amber and any other potential killers.

She hears several gunshots after Amber screams before Sidney comes in.

She walks into the living room, eyes watering as she spots Jamie bleeding on the floor. She checks her pulse, sighing in relief as she feels the faint pumping.

"Stay with me, alright? I'm gonna end this."

Alex takes this chance to make herself known, stumbling into the room, silently cursing at the sound of her boots on the wood floors.

"Alex?" Sidney pulls her in for a hug, reaching for her wound. "What happened?"

"It's Amber. She attacked me."

"Okay, stay hidden, okay?" she nods her head, feeling some deja vu as she glances at the coat closet. "Hide in here."

"Okay," she clutches the weapon. "I'm sorry, I tried-"

"Shh, shh, look at me. You're okay. You did everything right. I am going to end this, so I can bring you and your sister home."

"Okay," she cries, closing the closet door.

Sidney then continues her search, getting a phone call from the killer.

"Hello, Sidney," he grins.

"Hi, where'd you go?" she eases up the stairs slowly.

"Oh, this isn't Amber. I'm the other one."

"Oh, there's two of you, again. I've seen this movie before."

"Not this movie, Sidney."

"You really need some new material," she shoots at the first door up the stairs.

"I got you here, didn't I? And three Roberts down for the count, I think I'm doing just fine."

"You might actually be the most derivative one of all. I mean, Christ, the same house? Jennifer's kids? Why don't you find some originality?"

"Maybe so, but you forgot the first rule of surviving a Stab movie. Never answer the-"

"I'm bored."

"Wait-" he shouts as she hangs up, shooting another closet.

This time, a scream follows, and Richie opens the door, fear in his eyes.

"Put your hands up! What are you doing in there?"

"Hiding from murderers," he stutters.

"I told you to come out," she scolds.

"I'm not gonna come out, you're shooting everything!"

And like clockwork, Ghostface pops out of the next closet, wrestling with Sidney until they both fall over the staircase.

Alex hears the drop, as well as Sidney, yelling for him to get the gun, and debates whether this is a good time to come out.

"Yeah, kinda hard since you shot me in the leg."

Just as she begins to open the door, Sam grabs the weapon, holding it towards Amber.


"Shoot him," Sidney winces.

"Thank God you're okay," Richie grabs her, stabbing her in the abdomen quicker than she can blink. "Because I really, really wanted to be the one to kill you."

He then twists the knife, revealing the inhaler he hid to lure them here.

"Richie?" Alex mouths to herself, not all that surprised.

No one is that dorky without an ulterior motive. Nor is there anyone on this Earth who hadn't at least heard about the Woodsboro murders.

"I know, it's a bummer it's me. But it was really the best choice for the movie."

"This isn't a fucking movie!"

"No, but it will be. That's the plan, right, Amber?" he turns to Amber, who was clutching Sidney for dear life.

"Right, hon! Third act bloodbath, check! Killers revealed, check. Time for the big finale!"

Richie then yanks the knife out of Sam, eliciting a pained scream.

"Let's get 'em into the kitchen."

As soon as they do, Alex removes her boots, forming a plan in her head as she listens to their motive.

"Someone has to save the franchise. You see, no one has made a great Stab movie since the first one," he tosses Sam aside, turning to his accomplice. "Hey baby, you wanna go get the very ex-Mrs. Riley?"

Baby? Alex was practically gagging in her mouth. Not only was this guy a dork and a serial killer, but he was also a pedophile.

"Yeah, I do," she grins, going out to retrieve her from the porch.

Sidney tries to take this opportunity to get past, but Richie moves too quickly, invading her space.

"Sidney Prescott. You know... I'm a really big fan," he teases. "Wish your partner in crime could join us, may she rest in peace."

"Go fuck yourself."

"You see the last Stab movie?"

"Not really a fan of scary movies."

"That checks out. Anyway, it sucked balls. Because nobody takes the true fans seriously. Not really. They just laugh at us, and why? Because we love something? We're just a fucking joke to them?"

"Yes, Richie, you are a joke," Alex thinks, rolling her eyes as she tries to keep pressure on her wound.

"How can fandom be toxic? It's about love. They don't fucking understand that these movies are important to people."


"We're gonna help them! Hollywood's totally out of fucking ideas, so we decided we'd give them some new source material to follow. You know, bring it back to basics. Cause that's how you make a good Stab movie, Sam. Based on actual events."

Amber finally comes back with a wounded Gale, shouting at her, "Sit the fuck down!"

"You did all this just to make me the hero of your fucked up movie?"

"You? Sweetie, you're not the hero. You're the villain. The daughter of Billy Loomis who sees fucked up visions of her dead dad? Sidney Prescott and Jennifer Roberts killed your father. You did all this to finally get revenge."

"You know what the biggest problem with the Stab movies is? There's no Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees. No bad guy to keep coming back. But the illegitimate daughter of the original mastermind? Now that's a fucking villain."

a/n: amber and richie truly are as deluded as it gets

Also double update today!!

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