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On one breezy California afternoon, Sidney comes knocking at the Hoss door. She grins at Jennifer's carefully picked decorations they'd been putting out since 2009.

Ross opens it with a smile, seeming to have just come back from a run. "Hey, Sid, come on in. What's going on? I thought brunch was tomorrow night?"

"It is, don't worry," she chuckles. "Mark and I were cleaning up some old things from the attic, and we found this key."

He inspects it, confusion in his tone as he says, "I hate to break it to you, but I'm not a locksmith."

"It was Jen's," she explains, and immediately he grows serious.

"Oh. Do you remember what it was to?"

"Yeah, it was an old storage space. I've been paying for it for the past decade, but I never found the courage to go. I figured I could bring the kids with me. I know you said they were feeling a little disconnected from their mom."

"Yeah, they were," he takes a sigh, leaning against the counter.

"I'm sorry, I know with her birthday and everything that happened last month it might be terrible timing. But I think it might help," she suggests.

"No, I agree. I think the kids could really use it. I just... I don't know if I can handle it. I couldn't even go to the memorial in Woodsboro."

"I know how you feel, but maybe it's time," she smiles softly.

"Yeah," he takes in a breath. "Alex is at volleyball practice and Jamie has cheer but they'll all be back in like ten minutes. Want something to eat? Alex made banana bread."



Surely enough, the kids agree to go to the storage space the next day, each taking a deep breath as they open the gate.

It was practically a time capsule of her different eras, some things Ross could recognize as being her latest obsession, like her collection of records, or an unnecessary amount of midi skirts.

"I need to keep these," Jamie rushes to the skirts, while Alex lingers on the jackets in the corner.

Eli picks at the records, commending her taste before placing a few in his bag.

"She was obsessed with the Smiths," Ross chuckles. "Would play one of these every morning."

"She always gave more of a Britney Spears vibe in her pictures," he jokes, and Sidney clears her throat, revealing the In the Zone vinyl.

"She had a duality to her," Ross smiles, spotting her many pictures laid out.

He almost laughs at the sight of the scrapbook dedicated to their relationship, filled with so many memories.

First date, first anniversary, his proposal.

For the first time, it felt like he could think about her without it feeling so damn painful.

Sidney does the same with their old photos growing up, chuckling at the fact that they were basically raised like sisters.

"Hey, what are these?" Alex picks up a few VHS tapes.

"Oh, they're home videos," Ross gets up to see. "Eli First Steps. Jamie Dance Recital. Alex Science Fair."

"What about this one?"

"Contingency Plan," he reads, not recognizing this one. "I don't know. I still have the VCR in the basement, we can watch some when we get home."


After a few minutes spent reminiscing, the group heads back to the Hoss home, plugging the VCR up and turning on the tape.

It clicks on to show Jen in their Woodsboro living room, fiddling with the camera.

"I feel like I'm being transported back to the 90s," she chuckles, struggling to set it up.

Finally, she gets it right, sitting in front of the camera with a sad smile. "So, I'm really sorry to those of you watching this, but I guess it means I'm gone. Sorry, Randy, I stole your idea."

Sidney chuckles at that, still saddened by the sight of her on what appeared to be the last day she was alive, judging from her outfit.

"I didn't want to do this for a while, just because it meant I was giving into the whole Ghostface thing, but since we're at time number four, I think it's better to be safe than sorry. Sid, Ross, Gale, Dewey, you better be alive and watching this. Especially since I'm gone."

They sigh at the mention of Dewey, still completely focused on her words.

"Ross, I hope you know how much I loved you. Thank you for teaching me that I'm worth loving, and making me feel something I've never felt before. Marrying you was the best decision of my life. I really hope I got to say goodbye, but if I didn't, here it is," she tears up.

"Sid, you know you're my sister. I wouldn't be alive without you here, and I'm sorry that I'm leaving you to do this all alone. I love you."

"Jill, I'm sorry for leaving you again. But know, I'm always looking out for you up here. I love you more than life."

"To my friends, Zoe, Gale, Dewey. I'll miss you guys, thank you for being by my side all these years. Please look out for my kids for me. Keep them safe."

"To my babies, Jamie, Alex, and Eli. I'm sorry that you had to grow up without a mother, but I hope with all my heart that you know how much I love you. And that I am always with you, even if I'm not there. And if you ever begin doubting yourself, remember that I believe you all can do anything you put your mind to. Also, if Ghostface comes for you, remind them not to mess with a Roberts, okay?"

The kids begin to cry at the video, wanting nothing more than to be able to hug her one last time, or vent to her about everything. To say I love you again.

"I think that's everything. I really hope you never have to see this, I do. But I love you all. Goodbye," she waves sadly.

The family sits in silence as the screen goes black, everyone's eyes darting over to the urn in the den.

"Goodbye, Mom."

"Goodbye, Jen. We miss you."


APRIL 2022

"Spring break in the OC, baby," Chad cheers as the group unloads their bags from the SUV.

"Exactly how loaded is your family?" Mindy questions, staring at the beach house belonging to the Hosses.

"Our dad used real estate as a coping mechanism after our mom died," Alex explains, pushing her sunglasses up on the crown of her head.

"We have 2 vacation houses," Jamie shrugs.

"You live 30 minutes away, I'd hardly call it a vacation," Mindy snorts.

"Do you wanna stay here or not?" Alex raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, duh. You have a heated pool," she retorts, pushing past.

"I apologize for her," Chad chuckles, meeting Alex's eyes with mock sympathy.

"I'm sure you do," she rolls her eyes, before nudging his hip with her own. "Come on."

"Everyone change, we're going to the beach," Eli claps, guiding Tara and Mindy to their rooms.

"Who said you were in charge?" Tara raises an eyebrow.

"I am simply at the mercy of Alex's itinerary," he jokes. "Would you like to be in charge instead?"

"You couldn't handle that for a second," she rolls her eyes, Mindy eyeing the two with inquisitive eyes.

"Get a room," the girl gags, making them roll their eyes.

"Comments like that are the reason Chad's the favorite," Eli retorts, earning a pillow to the face.


"You got five minutes!" he yells as he runs out of the room, dodging another pillow.


Thirty minutes later, the group is dancing to music around the bonfire, while Mindy and Jamie swim in the ocean.

It seemed the beach was swarming with fellow teenagers, turning the night into one big party.

"I gotta feeling," Chad and Alex sing terribly, each holding a half-full White Claw. "Ooh, oh."

"They're terrible singers," Tara laughs into her solo cup as she watches them fall into each other, bursting into laughter.

"They're even worse dancers," Eli chuckles.

"Cut them some slack, they're wasted," she scolds playfully.

"Like you?"

She dramatically gasps, before leaning closer. "You know, I was gonna argue with you and then I realized you may be right."

"Oh, really? You're admitting I'm right, you really are drunk," he takes another sip of his beer with a smirk.

"Yeah, that and the fact that you aren't so horrible to look at," she locks eyes with him.

"I hope you know you will never be able to live down the fact that you think I'm cute," he winks.

"I did not say cute."

"Would you prefer hot? Handsome? Sexy? All of the above?"

"Shut up," she pushes his arm, gazing back at Alex and Chad, who were now in the water with Jamie and Mindy. "Is it bad that I'm jealous?"

"Explain," he loses his cheeky grin, face hardening a little at his initial assumption. "But I cannot help you if you like him. He's whipped for my sister."

"Ew, are we in middle school? I don't like Chad. I mean, the way they can just be free, you know? Not think about what happened. I don't wanna think about it."

"Then don't," he shrugs, finishing his bottle. "They're pretending, Tara."

"No way they're that good."

"You know how Alex cleans when she's stressed? I can't remember the last time our house didn't smell like Pine-Sol," he chuckles. "And Chad? He stays busy."


"Come on," he stands, grabbing himself another beer.

He then holds out his hand to her, giving an expectant look.

"I don't think the lesson to be learned from surviving a massacre is to go off alone."

"We're not alone if there's two of us. Seriously, come on," he helps her up, walking her up the beach to a high point, overlooking the party and the city all at once. 

"Are you finally plotting to kill me?" she raises an eyebrow, tripping slightly in the sand.

He rolls his eyes, holding an arm out for her to hold onto. "You are insufferable, but if I wanted to kill you, I would've done it."

"Careful, I'm starting to think you like me a little," she teases. "So what is this place?"

"I used to come out here a lot. It's nice to just watch. Kinda puts into perspective that there's life outside of what happened in Woodsboro," he explains. "That the world has just a little good in it."

"Do you believe that? There's still good in the world?"

"I think so. If not for any reason besides not giving two film dorks that kind of power over me," he shrugs.

"Can you be sincere for one second?"

"Tara, I would like you to realize this isn't exactly something I show everyone I meet. This is as sincere as I can get."

"What happened to you? When we were younger, I remember you were the most sensitive kid ever. And you were polite. Considerate."

"I was 8."

"Still. Now you're every woman's nightmare."

"I guess your mother dying could have that effect," he stares at the waves brushing over the shore, subconsciously keeping an eye out for his sisters. "One second, I had a mother who made cookies for bake sales and told off my bullies' moms. Then, I didn't."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"I'm a dick, Tara. I know that. I take comfort in it. Because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you're an angel or the spawn of Satan. We all die. Especially the good ones."

"That's bullshit," she snorts. "You're a dick but you do care. You wanna be a doctor."

"Alex says I have a God complex," he deadpans.

"You keep looking out at the beach to make sure your sisters are okay."

"If they drown, my dad will kill me," he shrugs.

"You saved me."

"I didn't do anything but get myself stabbed," he retorts. "Dewey saved you."

"You could've left. You would've made it out, but you stayed to push my wheelchair. You care. Admit it."

"You got me there," he glances down. "You know what? No more Woodsboro or dead mom talk. It was 3 days. We have the rest of our lives. Time to move on."

"Cheers to that," she clinks her can with his, taking a long sip. "Let's go party."

"Let's," he runs back down with her to the group, proposing they all play some volleyball.

"Oh, you're so on!" Alex grins.

"No, that's not fair. This is her sport!" Mindy frowns.

"You can be on my team," she winks.

"Actually, I think it's totally fair."

"We don't need Alex. We'll win, anyway," Jamie, the only sober one, shrugs, joining Eli and Tara.

"You sure about that?" Chad wraps an arm around Alex, sharing a triumphant look with her. "Cause we have a champ on our team."

"Yeah, we do," Alex cheers.

"We're so taking them down," Eli whispers to Tara and Jamie, serving the ball.

Alex's team did end up beating them, but honestly, who cares? They had the most fun they'd had in months that night.


MAY 2022

"Dad, this is too heavy," Jamie whines as she poorly attempts to carry a box of clothes up the stairs.

The kids were moving into their new apartment in Manhattan, down the hall from Tara and Sam's. It was a steal Gale found for them, not wanting them to be "in the slumps" as she said.

The summer semester at Blackmore was getting ready to begin, while Eli's classes at Columbia weren't beginning for another week.

"Should've thought about that before you and your sister decided to bring your entire closets to school," he retorts, struggling with his own box.

Eli and Alex were right behind him, carrying boxes of Alex's clothes, the latter gasping in offense. "Hey, presentation is everything!"

"You're here to study, not model," he shakes his head as he places the box down.

"Blame Mom, not us. She's the one that raised us in Juicy and Dior," Jamie puts a hand on her hip.

"I'll give you that. Moving her closet made this look like a piece of cake," he jokes.

"Alright this is the last one," Eli puts the box in Alex's room, letting out a sigh. "Wanna go meet Tara and Sam's roommate?"

"Oh, I told Chad I would meet him for coffee and check out his dorm once we finished here," Alex groans.

"It's fine. We'll probably hang out at hers after dinner," Jamie shrugs. "Thanks, Dad, love you."

"Love you, Dad," Eli gives a quick hug, running out with his sister.

Alex then turns to the man, sensing his sadness. "You okay?"

"You guys are really growing up, huh?" he chuckles.

She frowns, turning away from the box she was unloading to hug him. "We're always gonna be your kids."

"Who's gonna make sure I'm eating healthy?"

"I can nag through the phone. It's my specialty, just ask Jamie."

"Just promise you three will come back for Thanksgiving. And Christmas. And Fall Break."

"We will. Promise," she smiles. "See you at dinner tonight. Love you!"

As she runs out of the apartment, he looks around sadly, practically hearing the young versions of them running around their house back in OC.

He opens his wallet to glance at the picture of Jennifer, tears welling in his eyes. "They did it. I know you're proud up there. Still miss you."


Once Alex makes it to Chad's, she grins as he opens the door.

The two had been super close for the past couple of months, both ignoring any feelings attempting to come to the surface when around the other.

It would just make things complicated.

"Finally. Your place is a five-minute walk, what took so long?" he wraps her in a hug.

"I was enjoying the weather. I took a longer route."

"And here I was thinking you were kidnapped."

"You have a flair for the dramatics," she rolls her eyes, walking in. "Is your roommate here yet?"

"He moved his stuff in a little while ago. I think he went to get lunch though."

"Why didn't you invite him to come with us?"

"Because I don't know him yet," he furrows his eyebrows. "Just wait here, I'm gonna use the bathroom really quick."

"I will leave you if you take too long," she warns, sitting on the couch.

Shortly after he disappears into the back of the suite, the door unlocks, and just for a moment, she goes into high alert.

It opens to reveal a fumbling boy with curly hair on the other side, who violently jumps at the sight of Alex.

He was cute, which shocked Alex, who was particularly picky when it came to finding guys attractive. He had a certain charm to his awkward look though.

"Hi, sorry," Alex stands up, hands over her mouth as she apologizes. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Who are you?"

"Sorry, I'm Alex," she holds her hand out to shake his. "One of Chad's friends."

As he clasps her hand on his, he makes eye contact, a smile crossing his face at her own.

He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. Her hair fell effortlessly onto her shoulders, pushed out of her face to give way to a dazzling smile and big brown eyes.

Simply put, he'd never seen anyone like her.

She furrows her eyebrows after he waits a beat too long to respond, kicking him back into gear. "Sorry, sorry. I'm Ethan. Chad's roommate."

"Nice to meet you, Ethan," she chuckles. "So are you from here?"

"No, no, I'm from Connecticut," he smiles.

"Oh, that's not far."


"Um..." she contemplates lying, gaining solace from the question when Chad comes out, a broad smile on his face.

"Ethan, you're back!"

"Yes, I am," he awkwardly responds.

"And you met Alex. In love with her yet?"

"Chad, please," she rolls her eyes, hitting his arm.

"Sorry. We gotta go, but we should hang out tonight, man," he pats his shoulder, guiding Alex towards the door.

"It was nice meeting you, Ethan," Alex calls out. "See you around?"

"Yeah, yeah, definitely," he nods rapidly. "See you around."

As soon as the door closes, Chad turns to her with a mischievous grin. "I leave for two minutes and you're flirting with my roommate?"

"I was not flirting, that was me being nice," she defends.

"He was looking at you like the second coming of Jesus."

"It's because I'm so angelic," she teases.

"You're growing cocky."

"Means you're rubbing off on me," she chuckles.

It seemed like New York could be something good for the Roberts kids. A fresh start. No more paranoia, no more Woodsboro, and

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