Leaving you (Ch;13)

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Chapter 13~ We are getting somewhere ! Yes :D I hope you like it !


I froze, my body going rigid. Did she really say that ? I can feel myself turning pale. I feel a panic attack coming on.

"For me?" I stutter out, my hands shaking. My heart is beating fast, almost to fast for my liking. "Yeah for you Z".  She is so calm.

Too calm. "Why.. when you say things like that-" but I can't finish it. My throat feels closed, like someone is choking me.

"Just let me explain" it's more of a question, but I still nod. "Jay.. he always  loved you. It was so apparent it hurt".

"I loved him alot, I thought he was the one. I got so caught up in him, I forgot about myself. I got really bad and I've never.. felt so alone". She says softly.

"He was everything to me, my day and night.. my love and hate. I don't know.. I was really pathetic back then. He knew how bad I wanted him and he used it against me. He knew my weakness and also took advantage of that".

"But  then he told me he loved me. I cried for hours. I couldn't believe it., nor could I explain it. So he held me all night.  They were happy tears, really happy tears! The ones I cried when I met you". She says looking up at me.

"Anyway, It would never work out. Well more like it never did. He always had eyes for you no matter what. I guess I knew that in a way, but when your in love you will do anything to make the other person happy. I found out the hard way, when he stopped hanging around and stopped calling or texting. I realized he was with you.. and I had to face the cold truth. He would never love me..

"So I got depressed, and God I was a mess. Worse than how I was before. That's when I found you. You loved me for me.. and you were a true friend. That's when I cried and we both knew we were mean't to be good friends.

"But when we did become good friends, he came back. He was everything I ever wanted, and I tried to change.. become skinny or more pretty. It was never good enough for him or for me.. so I stopped eating.

I lost tons of weight, and stopped being fun ole Kass. He ruined my life, and I guess I was trying to protect you in a way. I felt like I had a job to do .. to keep you from hurting the way I did. Then you got hurt and lost your memories. I didn't know what to do".

"So I stuck around, and kept him away.. for as long as I could. When you have a friend like you.. I guess you do things for them you wouldn't do for yourself" A smile playing on her lips, "Then one night.. not too long ago.. he came into my room".

I swallow, hard. "And he told me he could never love me, and if we were going to be around each other.. we should act like strangers.. so I acted like I died.. and it worked. He cried.. but it was only a show Z"

"He doesn't miss me, and I don't care anymore...  I moved on.. and I didn't want to leave you behind. Trust me.. but I knew about your dream Zendaya. I know how good you are and I wanted you to live. Live life like you should! Be happy, and be great. But now I see, even with me here your still great and fantastic.. nothing has changed".

"But that is my reason, and now your living the dream Z, I'm so proud of you.. Really.. I can't believe it" I can't even be mad anymore, my heart is swelling so fast it might blow up. "What- you didn't have to leave Kass".

She nods, "I did.. he loved you and he always will". Zendaya finally understood.. she was lying to get away from the pain.. and helping people at the same time. She was brave, alot braver than Zendaya.

"Kass"  I croak out, voice laced with adoration. "Don't okay.? It's fine.. so fine. I did this for me and you . I promise my life is great now.."

Zendaya smiles, "But Kass, how did you find me?" She looks at me nervously, "Val, I um saw him." I  look at her wide eyed. "How is he?" I question my voice rising.

"He is fine, he is living with Lilly. Um they are going on vacation.." MY heart lurches..almost like it's trying to break free.

"Oh" I squeak out, "Yeah-Z-" "No, It's okay.. I'm okay". And maybe I mean it.. We chat for awhile more, and Kass promises to come to my dance competion. She waves me goodbye and leaves the Cafe.

I sink back into the booth, tears forming in my eyes. VAl already moved on.. not like I cared. 'Lie" my brain threw in.

I take out my phone, and pull up his number. Then I think for a minuet, was I really going to call him? I coudln't.. that isn't fair.. it's not. He was happy now.. I coudln't ruin that.. he would hate me more than he does now.

I let my finger skim over the contact, almost pushing it. I missed him, so bad.. it hurt. Just to hear his voice.. just this once.. only one time wouldn't kill anyone. It would be okay.. Just don't talk.

So I open my phone back up and stare at it a little longer, I'm getting nervous.. I should just do it already..

Then I realize something, something I should of thought about a long time ago.. something that makes alot of sense.

Could I call him ?


End ! Hope you liked it ! If you did {Vote}Comment}Share} Love you guys c':

☼ Song for this chapter,  Something Great; One Direction

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