Chapter 59. Hope.

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I'm speeding the war a bit up so the order isn't really correct and I'm leaving some parts out. Sorry if this causes confusion. I'm also sorry for the very late update. I'm not doing well at school and need to keep my grades up. I've also been sick a lot so I couldn't really do anything, but I'm mostly better now.

Kaira's POV.

A grunt passed my lips as I walked at my brother "Battlefield!?" I yelled, both angry and confused. "You just said it was too dangerous and know you want me to go?"

Izuna sighed and placed his hand on my head and pushed me a bit back. "We're not going there to fight." He explained. "Don't get the wrong idea."

I playfully slapped his hand away. "Don't say it that way then." I muttered. "But why are we going there then? We can't avoid combat once we're standing between the Forces."

''On the other side is Shimogakure.'' Izuna explained. ''It's located close to the battlefield, but I suppose it's safer for you there. Some of the civilians have evacuated, so you can hide in one of the empty houses, okay? We don't know how they will react if they see you.''

I nodded slowly and looked to my right, where the battle is taking place. I only saw smoke rising, but it made me already feel uneasy. I pressed my lips together and looked back at Izuna. ''And how are we going to cross?'' I asked. ''I already told you we can't avoid a fight once we encounter the people there. Since we've betrayed Madara, but have been a member of the Akatsuki, we're enemies to both parties.''

Izuna grinned and blinked once, activating his Sharingan. ''Don't worry about that. We'll use my Susanoo to avoi-'' The ground suddenly began to shake violently, and I almost stumbled if it wasn't for Izuna, who grabbed my upper arms firmly to keep me and also himself standing. I closed my eyes tightly and grabbed Izuna's shoulders.

Izuna pulled me against him and leaned down a bit.

''We have to hurry!" he yelled. It was hard to hear him with all the noise, but I still understood what he said. Nodding, I felt me being raised from the ground and I slowly opened my eyes. We were surrounded by transparent black; Izuna's Susanoo.

Even though Izuna was skilled in pretty much everything, I was worried at the moment. We've both only used our Susanoo once, and that was a long time ago, when we first got the Mangekyou Sharingan, just to test it out. Madara told us then not to use it unless it was really necessary. Apparently, you go blind when you overuse it, and he had experienced that.

With a huge jump, the Susanoo descended the mountain and landed on the ground. Izuna didn't waste time and already began to run. I looked up to his face, and I gritted my teeth when I saw his expression.

He was in pain, but he was enduring it.

I looked away, glancing at what was in front of us. The sight frightened me. The moon was red, and a huge tree was growing in the middle of the battlefield. I felt my hands go a bit sweaty and I placed one of them on my stomach. Was everything going to be alright, I wondered. This war was getting out of hand. Many people were killed, and my family and friends were in danger.

All I wanted at this moment was to see mom, Suki and Sasuke, all unharmed. I've had enough of war, of fighting! I knew a peaceful life was too much to ask for. I already committed too many sins, and did unforgivable things, but I regret it! I'd do everything to be forgiven, but at the moment, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't help putting an end to this war, I couldn't support Sasuke, or any of his allies, and that frustrated me.

I knew it was for the baby's safety, and I also wanted to keep it safe. But the thought that everybody but me had to fight, for their own, but also for my sake, really depressed me.

Izuna jumped again, but this time higher, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked down and saw people, dead and alive. We were moving at a fast pace, so I didn't have much time to watch, but I was able to see Sasuke, and also Madara. The sight of that man sickened me. I didn't care anymore that he was my father. He was a man no one could be proud of. Despicable. He wasn't the same man who raised us. Not only did his personality change, but his looks were also twisted.

His hair was white, his skin was white, and he was overflowing with chakra. Even from this distance, I could sense it, and I wasn't a sensory type.

He was way stronger than before.

When we reached the ground again, having reached the other side of the battlefield, the black of the Susanoo slowly faded. Izuna held his hand against his eyes and blood was streaming down his face. His legs were trembling and he was wobbling on his feet.

I quickly grabbed his arm and put it around my neck, keeping him standing. He put a lot of his weight on me and panted softly. ''I'm sorry.'' he whispered. ''I can't take you any further.''

I shook my head and slowly put him down on the ground. ''You did well.'' I muttered. ''But you're not able to fight anymore either.''

''I'll be fine after some rest.'' he said. ''I need to go back. Madara is our father, so we're responsible. I can't just leave it to the Allied Shinobi Forces. And Suki is also out there.''

I gritted my teeth softly and cupped Izuna's face, wiping the blood from his cheeks with my thumbs. ''I also feel that way, but I can't do anything at all. So instead, I believe in them; in Suki, in Sasuke, in that Jinchuuriki guy, and in the others, even though I don't know them.'' I whispered. ''But if you go out there now, you'll be killed.''

Izuna didn't like it, obviously,  but listened anyway.

I looked up and stared into the distance. Now, the only thing we could do was hope that the others would succeed.

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