Chapter 30. A Second Chance.

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Two chapters in one day.. I should be learning for my test now, but I couldn't resist! This chapter is dedicated to fj_uchiha. Thank you for your votes and comments!

Kaira's POV.

I stared at the door as I was lying on my side. It was already morning. It seemed I had fallen asleep yesterday..

In Sasuke's room.

He was currently lying behind me, his arm around my waist. For some reason, I felt so safe, even though we were being targeted. I fet so calm, even though the situation couldn't get worse now. I wonder how Izuna is..

It felt weird to be here, next to Sasuke. We only kissed twice, and I don't even know why he kissed me. I didn't even know why I kissed him that day. I just felt the urge to do so. He was so nice to me, he comforted me, he cared for me..

I wonder what I am to him. I liked Sasuke, I had to admit that. He understood me, and I could tell him everything and he would keep it a secret, yet I couldn't be honest to myself and to him when it came to what I felt for him. I was hesitant at first, unfamiliar with this feeling, but now things were clear.

I think that I.. love Sasuke.

But there's no way I could possibly tell him that. I would be too embarrassed. To think I would be embarrassed about something like that. I normally don't care about what people think of me, but I do care about what Sasuke thinks of me.

I carefully turned around to face him, making sure to not to wake him. His eyes were still closed, so I assumed that he was still asleep. I took a good look at his flawless face now I had the chance.

I suddenly had the tendency to touch his face, to run my hand through his soft black locks, but just when I was about to extend my hand, Sasuke stirred. I quickly pulled my hand back.

Would he wake up now? I hope not. I sighed softly in relief when Sasuke's eyes remained closed.

Maybe I should go. I guess it would be awkward for Sasuke as well if he would wake up and see my face. I carefully removed his arm from my waist, and lay it down next to him. When I sat up, I took one last glance at the raven. I averted my gaze from him, and looked down at the sheets. I wonder what this meant to him. Me being here.

''I..'' the words came hardly past my lips. ''I love you.. Sasuke..'' I whispered. Biting my lip, I pulled the sheets aside, and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Why was I so upset about this? Not knowing how he felt? I probably couldn't tell him those words again without knowing how he felt about me. Sasuke was asleep now anyway, so he probably hadn't heard me.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I should really go now, before he'll wake up. I was about to stand up, when I heard Sasuke move behind me, and I stiffened. I slowly looked over my shoulder, and saw two onyx eyes stare at me.


I quickly stood up, and turned around to face him. Was he awake the whole time, or id he just wake up? Sasuke sat up and ran a hand through his hair, removing the bangs that were hanging in his face. I was unsure about what I should do. Acting like nothing happened? I noticed that my breathing had quickened a bit, and I began to feel uneasy. Was I nervous? I swallowed thickly and managed a small smile. ''I.. I should go now..'' I murmured as I turned around and began to walk away.

I grabbed the doorknob, but just when I was about to open the door, a hand went past my head, pushing the door shut. ''Why are you acting so weird?''

Hearing Sasuke's morning voice made me shudder. It was deeper and raspier than his usual voice. I didn't really know what to say. He didn't hear what I said, was he really still asleep then?

''Is it because of your confession?''

Those words made me freeze. So he did hear. He didn't sound like he cared, but he didn't sound disgusted either. I slowly turned around, but took a step back when I noticed how close he was standing to me, my back touching the door. His hand was still pressed against the door as he was leaning over me. Sasuke smiled softly as he raised his other hand, bringing it to my face. The touch of his warm fingers on my cheek made goosebumps arise on my skin. What was he doing to me? Why could he make me feel this way? So intimidated, weak, powerless before him.

''Kaira..'' he whispered, looking me straight into the eyes. His charcoal eyes gazing into my onyx ones. It almost made me dizzy, and I shut my eyes closed.

''I love you.''

Huh? I opened my eyes, and once again, and they met Sasuke's. The look in his eyes was sincere, telling me he wasn't joking around. He was being honest. His cupped my cheek with his hand, and I couldn't help but lean into his touch.

Sasuke's face came closer, his eyes never leaving mine. I felt his lips brushing against mine leisurely, and my eyes fluttered closed. When he pressed his lips fully against mine, I gripped the fabric of his shirt. His lips moved softly against mine, making my lips tingle. Sasuke tilted my head a bit as the kiss became deeper. My mind went blank. This kiss was so different from the other two we've shared before. This one was more passionate, more intense.. more lovingly. It made my knees go weak. I couldn't believe Sasuke made me feel like this, by just kissing me.

Sasuke pulled away, leaving my breathless.

I didn't look at him. I couldn't. I was too embarrassed. My face felt hot, and I didn't really know what to do now. I put my head against Sasuke's chest, and gripped his shirt tighter. I closed my eyes once I felt his hands on my waist, embracing me. Being held my him, it felt so right, but at the same time, I knew that dad and Sasuke weren't exactly best friends. What would he say if he knew about this? I don't think he'll understand. I won't be choosing sides or something like that, but I am standing between them. Sasuke is obviously against the idea of me doing whatever dad says, and dad doesn't really trust Sasuke, so he rather doesn't have me around him.

Things would become a bit more complicated from now on..

Suki's POV.

I sighed as I watched Izuna sleep. I've stayed up the whole night with Asuki and mom. Asuki treated Rai's wounds, but his life isn't out of danger yet. He has lost much blood, and we we don't have someone with the same blood group as him in the Akatsuki, so we can't do a blood transfusion isn't possible. The only one who had the same blood group was Itachi, but he's no longer here. We just have to hope he will survive..


I looked up, and saw Kaira walking into the infirmary. Her eyes darted towards Izuna, and then back at me. ''How is he?'' she asked quietly.

I smiled softly and had to restrain a yawn. ''He's fine.'' I answered.

''What about the poison?''

''Don't worry.'' I muttered. ''We found an antidote. The poison wasn't exactly deadly, but it would have killed Izuna if we came a week or so later. The poison numbed him, paralyzing him. It also weakened Izuna as well. It will take a few days before he'll leave the infirmary.''

Kaira sighed in relief and sat down on the other side of our brother. ''Suki, I'l stay here, get some rest.'' Kaira muttered, and I fidgeted. I didn't want to leave yet. I wanted to stay with Izuna and Kaira now I still had the chance.. Should I tell Kaira? About what I am going to do? I haven't told anybody about this yet. I am afraid of their reaction. Would they be angry? Disappointed? I knew I had to tell them anyway sooner or later, and I think Kaira is one of he few who will really understand.. ''Kaira.?'' I mumbled softly.


''I..'' I began, playing nervously with my hair. ''I'm planning to leave the Akatsuki.''

Kaira's POV.i

I looked at Suki with widened eyes. Did she seriously just said that?

''I can't do this anymore, Kaira. I only agreed to stay here to be with all of you, but I don't want this kind of life anymore! I can't live with so many burdens. I can't live like a criminal!"'

Suki began to sob, and I clenched my jaw. It's true that Suki is unfitted for this kind of life. She can't kill, and she doesn't even want to hurt others. I noticed she took down the enemies with minor injuries yesterday. But what does she plan to do? Where will she go? She will have to do something about her appearance, because people from villages have already seen her. And even if she succeeds in deceiving a kage, and get an apartment, what if someone who knows her sees me? Izuna, Suki and I are triplets. If it weren't for my black eye color and different hair-style, people wouldn't see the difference.

''I understand..'' I began slowly. ''But you do know the risk you're getting caught is pretty high, right?''

Suki nodded and wiped some tears, taking a deep breath. ''I already thought of everything.'' she whispered. ''I've already found a place to stay as well.''

''Really?'' I asked surprised. ''Where?''

''In Konoha. An important friend of mine managed to get an apartment for me.''

I frowned. ''Important friend?'' I muttered. ''Who?''

Suki played with her fingers as she avoided looking me in the eyes. ''Well..''

I narrowed my eyes at her. I didn't have a good feeling about this.

''Remember that time I told you about that guy I saw on a mission?'' Suki asked quietly, and I stiffened. ''You don't mean the 'cute boy' you saw, right?'' I grumbled.

Suki fidgeted on her chair and put her hands on her lap. ''Maybe.''

I growled and stood up, the chair falling to the ground. ''Are you stupid?!'' I exclaimed. ''You've talked to him? He's a ninja from a village, Suki! We're criminals, can't you think?!''

Suki cringed at my loud voice, and bit her lip. ''I can trust him..'' she whispered.

I clenched my jaw and crossed my arms over my chest. ''Does he know? About you being a criminal?'' I asked, sounding already a lot calmer.

Suki shook her head. ''No.''

I sighed in relief. If he knew we would all be in trouble. I would have to eliminate him if he knew, it wouldn't be safe for us.

''But I do plan on telling him.''

My blood began to boil. Is she actually stupid? ''Suki..'' I growled lowly. ''He'll turn you in, and you'll bring us in danger!''

''He won't!'' Suki yelled back. ''He wouldn't do something like that!''

I sighed i frustration. Suki just should have left the Akatsuki when dad asked us if we wanted to stay or not. She should have gone when dad offered us a normal life, but she stayed.. Suki just can't deceive, she can't lie.. she isn't cut out to be a criminal.. ''Suki, listen carefully.'' I said, trying not to tell at her. ''That guy has two choices. He can choose to deceive his village, and help a criminal, or he can help his village and deceive the criminal who had deceived many others. What do you think that guy you're talking about will choose?''

Suki bit her lip, and shrugged, tears spilling from her eyes. ''I.. I don't know.. but I want to become a better person. I want to help the village to be forgiven for everything I've done so far in my live. I don't want him to see me as a criminal. I want him to see me as someone who is looking for a second chance, and I hope he'll grant me that chance..''

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