"Now," Naruto pulled out three bells attached by a red string. "These bells are your ticket to lunch, no bells, no lunch, understand?"
We nodded.
"Okay, so you have til noon, oh and whoever can't get the bells goes back to the academy!" Naruto added, making Obito and Sakura pale.
"Wh--" Obito started.
"Well I can't just have five people in my four person cell now can I?" Naruto explained, before attaching the three bells to his belt loop.
"Start" Naruto said and I dashed into the bushes. To my surprise he pulled out a cup of ramen and began to eat his ramen in the middle of the field.
I was going to take the opening but Sasuke beat me there. Naruto proceeded to block every one of Sasuke's attacks with his legs while keeping his ramen from spilling. Such a feat I could never hope to accomplish, safe to say.
After being beaten in taijutsu, my emo teammate attempted a fireball toward our sensei. I just barely noticed him funnel chakra in his leg before using said leg to completely obliterate the fireball with one kick. However this time a noodle ended up on his jonin jacket, a small one, but a noodle nonetheless.
Sasuke POV
After that dobe of a sensei got rid of my fireball I suddenly started panicking a bit. Something about his demeanor changed and he released a wave of KI that made me completely freeze. It was terrifying and I thanked kami I took a leak before this exercise started.
He was behind me in a flash of blonde and had a kunai to my throat.
"I spilled my ramen" the boy said in a deep voice that almost sounded like an inhuman growl. Yep, good thing my blatter was empty, not that I would admit to anyone that I was scared shitless.
Suddenly all the KI dropped along with the kunai to my throat. "Good job Sasuke, maybe next time I'll put my ramen down, wouldn't wanna waste it." Before he was back where he started, and just casually ate the noodle off his shirt like he hadn't just put off so much KI I nearly suffocated.
I dashed back into the woods.
Obito POV
I watched in silence as my cousin got completely creamed. I've never seen anyone so….cool! It was amazing! I've never seen Sasuke completely taken down by even adults! This kid was fourteen!
'He's probably one of those super gifted mega-geniuses though.' I thought grimly, looking to my possible new sensei.
'I wish I could be that strong' I hoped. But I was the black sheep Uchiha, surviving the massacre only because Sasuke took me for shuriken training.
Sakura POV
I was wandering the forest, looking for my teammates after I saw the battle our sensei put out when I stumbled across some coughing. I turned my head to see the most terrifying sight I've ever laid eyes on.
It was Sasuke. He was coughing up blood and his back was covered in kunai.
"Sasuke what happened?!?!?!" I yelled as I ran over to the bleeding out boy. I tried to remember the healing jutsu training I was given.
It didn't work.
My hands glowed green but Sasuke wasn't better.
"P-please….help m--" Sasuke sputtered, he cut himself off coughing like mad.
I started crying, I couldn't help, I couldn't even breathe at that point, I knew not to take the kunai out, he'd just bleed out faster. I couldn't save him, I couldn't save anyone. I couldn't breathe.
Suddenly Sasuke poofed into smoke and Naruto appeared out of nowhere.
"I'm so sorry, it was just a transformed shadow clone, Sasuke's fine. I would never hurt any of your teammates, I'm sorry." Naruto insisted, rubbing circles in my back to calm my panic attack.
Once I started to breathe normally and my head was less foggy, I looked up at my possible sensei. He had warm features that calmed my nerves as he explained that his teacher pulled that stunt on him to teach kids about seeing through delusions.
Once Naruto-sensei was sure I'd calmed down, he put me on his back and carried me to the wooden posts. He was actually a very gentle person, which was surprising considering his blunt mannerisms, but I guess I shouldn't judge how he talks. He seemed to have a lot of experience with panic attacks and was very accepting so he's good in my book.
He put me down next to the posts, gave me a bell and said that if I could keep it, I would pass. He then went to mess with the others. To his surprise, I followed him.
"No, you can rest." My sensei said.
"Nope, if I carry a bell, then that means I'm on your side. If we work as a team, we'll both succeed!" I said happily as I skipped to his side.
He gave me a soft smile, pride shone in his eyes.
"Well, I guess I can't say no, but on one condition"
I tilted my head suspiciously.
"You gotta teach me that healing stuff, I have no clue how to do that."
This excited me greatly, I mean technically I was barely out of my reviving fish stage, but I would happily teach that knowledge.
"Of course!" I said without hiding my excitement.
"Okay!" Naruto-sensei yelled, reflecting my excitement tenfold. And I was quite happy that he wasn't afraid to learn new things like most of the guys I've come to know.
Kakashi POV
I was completely dumbfounded, when I went to see why Sakura was screaming, only to find Naruto calming a panic attack. I followed them closely, hiding my chakra signature and making sure Sakura was okay. I saw him hand her a bell. 'That's so cheating!' I thought. I've had plenty of panic attacks in my time and I've never gotten anything but weird looks.
I must've got distracted for a second because before I knew it I was tied to a wooden post with Naruto giving me a lecture about following girls with Sakura snickering behind him.
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