Chapter One: Assignment

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I had made my way to the academy, passing the test was a breeze and I was going to get placed with my sensei. 'Well, I'll be with Sakura, since she's the top kunoichi.' I thought. 'And probably Obito too since he's the year's dead last' I made a mental note.

I knew I was going to be at the top. The only person to rival my skill being Sasuke Uchiha, Obito's cousin. He wasn't worth my time though, always teasing how I was 'hiding an ugly face under that dumb mask'. I didnt think I was particularly ugly, but Sasuke always had a big head because of his dumb fanclub.

I arrived at the classroom doors right on time, seeing a bunch of other kids wearing their headbands. I wore mine also, although I wasn't a huge fan of the bright blue. I sat down in a seat next to Shino. I always had an underlying respect for him, he was efficient and strong without being as flashy as the Uchiha heir. 

I looked to Iruka who was about to introduce teams when the other of the last two Uchiha burst through the door.

"Sorry, sorry, I had to--"

"Just take a seat, Obito, were just announcing teams." Iruka said in a slightly exasperated tone.

Once Obito took his seat next to Sakura, Iruka began again. "Well, seeing as there are ten of you, we will be having two groups of three and one group of four." Iruka explained.

"Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Sasuke. You four will be on team Naruto, lead by Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto." Iruka announced.

'Well, at least I'm on a team with two useful people instead of the expected one.' I thought bitterly as I glanced over my teammates. But then I got to thinking about our sensei. 'Uzumaki and Namikaze were the last names of the late fourth hokage and his wife. I've never heard of a Namikaze other than the late hokage, so was our sensei his son?' I thought as Iruka finished assigning teams.

Twenty minutes later a blonde walked through the door, his eyes were squinted and he was humming a song as he strolled in wearing a jonin vest that was big on him.

"Hey guys, I'm Naruto, you can call me as much. Meet me on the roof if your on my team and have the guts to be a genin." The blonde said, giving a huge grin as he poofed into a cloud of smoke.

I stood up and headed for the stairs, not bothering to see if anyone else was coming.

I finally reached the roof, and was met with the blonde boy. I now saw his eyes though, they were a piercing blue that stood out with his bright blonde hair and slightly tan skin. I walked over to him and I pegged him at about thirteen, which further confused me as to how he was our sensei.

I was snapped out of my confusion when I heard my teammates climb up the stairs. We all stood in a line as our sensei sat on the ledge, writing something on his hand.

He then turned to face us before sighing.

"Just because I'm a jonin doesn't mean they had to stick me on babysitting duty first chance they got, dattebayo." He muttered just loud enough that we could all hear it before standing in front of us. We were all a bit annoyed by the babysitting comment but no one said anything.

"Well how about we do introductions!" The blonde said in the happy voice from earlier.

"Why don't you introduce yourself first, Naruto-sensei, so we can get to know you better!" Sakura pitched up.

"Okay, well I'm Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto, fourteen, lone son of the late fourth hokage. I like ramen, my hobbies are eating and cooking ramen, I dislike the three minutes it takes for instant ramen to cook and my dream will be a reality so I have no need to explain it." Naruto said in a chipper attitude, casually grazing over all the interesting parts of the introduction.

"Next is you, goggles" the boy said, gesturing to Obito.

"Well I'm Uchiha Obito, one of the last survivors of the Uchiha clan and I'm twelve, I like teamwork and my cousin, my hobbies are training to awaken my sharingan and I dislike math." Obito said, adjusting his goggles.

"Okay, now the suspicious one." Naruto said, pointing at me.

"Hatake Kakashi. I'm twelve years old. I like my dog summons, my hobbies are training and I dislike useless things." I explained.

"And I have a question for you" I added.


"How are you a jonin, you're fourteen?" I asked.

"How do you have grey hair, you're twelve?" Naruto replied in a mocking tone.

"Now you Pinkie" Naruto continued without missing a beat.

"Uhm…" Sakura hesitated, trying to hold a chuckle, Obito was laughing his ass off in the background but no one paid attention to him.

"H-Haruno Sakura, twelve. I like flowers and Sasuke" she began. I noticed that both Uchihas were affected by that, Obito scowling and Sasuke suddenly blushing a little. "My hobbies are helping with Ino at the flower shop and practicing medical jutsu." She continued, unaware of the Uchiha eyes boring into her.

"Thank you, and now the duckbutt" Naruto said so warmly you could almost miss the insult.

"Hn, Uchiha Sasuke, I have a lot of dislikes and I don't particularly like anything. I don't have a dream but my ambition is solid. I will hunt down a certain man and kill him." Sasuke said in his usual dramatic intensity.

I turned back to our young sensei to see his head was tilted forward slightly. His shaggy bangs covering his eyes. He looked sad and angry for a split second, but then he lifted his head back up with the huge grin he had on earlier.

"Well, now that I know all of you, meet on training field three at dawn. And, don't pack a lunch. You'll hurl." Naruto said that last part with a grin, his eyes suddenly making every part of me shiver.

Our sensei poofed away in another cloud of smoke, leaving us to stare at his entrails.

Hello my dudes, gals and pals! This is a new fanfic I thought up about a month ago. I kinda mashed Sakura and Rin together into a sassy and useful person that I enjoy writing.

I hope you like it and have a great day!

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