Arelle E.V.

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My name is Arelle, but my friends call me Ar. Where I live, everything is so calm, but inside me, it's as roller coasters always going up, never down. By that, I mean, deep inside of me, the darkest secrets if all time are. I might tell you a few of them, if you promise me you won't judge me or get traumatised. People think I'm the niciest, but my thoughts are the most evil ones. I am not mean, I am trying to find a way to get rid of it, in our world. I'm different, I'm unique, I'm gifted. I have powers, these aren't meant to hurt, but to heal. Altough, all I can do with them is destroy, kill, hirt or hit others. Therefor, I hate myself and have so much guilt. I know you won't believe me, but an apocalypse is coming, your world is about to fall. Do you want to find out why? I promise I can save it before I destruct it. Will you follow me, listen to me, believe me and trust me?

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