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When they got back to Lindsey's, Stevie was curled on the couch with Kate and Sulamith. She had opted not to press charges against Bob and Lindsey's wishes. 

"Alright Kate, it's time for you to go to bed." Lindsey states. He had let her stay up later than normal given the day's events. 

"Do I have to," Kate asks.

"I'm afraid so kid." Stevie nods rubbing her back. 

"Will you be here when I wake up?" Kate wraps her arms tighter around Stevie.

"Of course I will Sweetheart." Stevie smiles kissing her head.

When Lindsey joined Stevie upstairs, she was wearing a light pink nightgown with her knees pulled up to her chest. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lindsey asks.

"How did you know?" Stevie asks.

"John did some more digging, The guy that threatened you, owned a bar. We found matches from the bar in the apartment across the street to yours He went to the bar brought the guy that threated you into your office and we asked questions. He saw a picture of you and Don and said he had been to the bar every day for three consecutive months. Every time, he ordered Bombay sapphire." Lindsey explains wrapping her in his arms. 

"Lindsey, would it be so bad for me to move in here?" Stevie questions. 

"Well honey...I don't care. I enjoy having you here, but it's going to be so different. We've got three kids here. They require constant care and affection." Lindsey chuckles.

"LIndsey I can't...I don't feel comfortable in that apartment." Stevie cries. 

"Stephanie Angel...my kids love you. I love you And I know this might be fast but will you move in with me?" Lindsey asks.

"Yes. I will move in with you, and it's not too soon. We've got four months on my mom and dad. They got married after one month of dating." Stevie explains.


The next morning, Stevie got up early. She wasn't going to work as she had taken Friday and Monday thinking she'd be relaxing in Don's cabin. She made breakfast for the kids, chocolate chip waffles, and freshly squeezed orange juice. 

Lindsey came down at his normal time and sat at the island. "So what are you guys going to do?" 

"I'm going to take your SUV, and take the kids to my apartment, pay off my lease and start packing. I still have boxes from the Arizona move in storage. Then at some point, I'm going to buy them lunch and a car seat for Kate. She only has a few more years, but I think id' be better to have one in two cars instead of one." Stevie explains. 

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Lindsey questions.

"No, but I have to." Stevie shrugs.

Cole was down first and upon seeing Stevie, he promptly runs to her and wraps his arms around her waist. 

"Morning bud. Waffles?" Stevie asks returning the hug and straightening out his hair with her fingers. 

"Yes please." Cole climbs up next to his father. 

She serves them and the other two saunter down. 

"See Kate, I told you they were down here. She woke up went into your room and panicked because you weren't in bed." William groans.

"Will...Mama Stevie made waffles. Don't you like when she's here." Kate questions.

"Yeah, she's great." William smiles. 

"Do you guys really think that?" Stevie bites her lip.

"Yeah, you rock." Cole agrees.

"That's good kids. Stevie's moving in with us." Lindsey announces. 

Kate cheers and attacks Stevie in a hug. 


They were eating McDonald's lunch, something Stevie absolutely despised but it's what the kids wanted. She had already packed everything she was leaving the furniture with the landlord except her chaise lounger and dish set. She had found that many hands made light work.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" Stevie questions sipping on her coke. 

"Pizza." The three kids cheer. She cringes but sighs. 

"We have to go shopping, so what do you guys think about homemade pizza?" Stevie asks knowing she can make it far healthier. 

"Wait like...we could make our own and I could put onion and green peppers on it," Will asks.

"Absolutely." She confirms.

"Yes!" Will cheers. 


Walmart was a lot more challenging with three kids, and she had to sit Kate in the cart to keep her from wandering off. Cole had to keep a hand on the cart and she let Will have some slight freedom as he was controlling himself.

A whole bunch of veggies was thrown in the cart and some blueberry yogurt, and animal crackers. If she was going to be living with Lindsey she needed her snacks in the house.

When they got home, Stevie let Kate arrange Sulamith's stuff and help her put her clothing intermingled with Lindsey's and when he got home, Kate was "helping" Stevie chop vegetables.

"Wait, you're getting the kids to eat vegetables?" Lindsey asks.

"They picked them and we're having homemade pizza for dinner. I've got dough chilling in the fridge." Stevie explains as he kisses her. 

It seemed in that moment about an hour later as Lindsey watched his kids and Stevie with flour on her cheek, he saw a memory he'd never forget. And seeing the camera in the box on the kitchen table, he fed the urge to snap a candid picture. He saw his whole world right infront of him and he wasn't ready to let any of that go. 

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